Finland is having a parliamentary election in a few weeks...

Finland is having a parliamentary election in a few weeks, and the incumbent center-right government will most likely be ousted by the social democrats, greens and communists.

Fortunately, the Finns Party got rid of its cucked chairman a few years back and is now a true nationalist party. A few days ago they released their election video. Usually nobody cares about these, but lefties got butthurt and demanded that TV channels and movie theaters should immediately stop showing it because it's racist, violent, etc etc. Obviously that didn't work and now it's been watched more times than the election videos of all other parties combined.

You can watch the video here, remember to put on English subtitles:

What do you think? Many people who usually don't vote have no doubt seen this video. Do you think it's cringeworthy, or is it a good video that would encourage more people to vote for the Finns Party?

Picture somewhat related, she is one of the Finns Party candidates from Oulu electoral district.

Attached: f0594bcd.jpg (1204x1576, 131K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: e6ae9ce9.png (300x241, 47K)

>finland master race

Attached: 223cec96.jpg (720x806, 104K)

Oh no it is starting!
Save our pepes!

How many threads are you going to shill?

These guys are total joke. Controlled opposition.
Many of them have sex crimes and immoral lifestyle.
Halla-aho is pro Jew, EU and immigration.

(Keronen is unironical satanist faggot, this hate propaganda was his invention)

Attached: 1553599969230.jpg (600x800, 43K)

I think it's original enough. Pretty funny. The leaders in my country are going to throw a fit when they see this.

They have bunch of BBC loving faggots.
Sebastian Tynkkynen is another famous attention whore.

Attached: 1553600092296.jpg (640x590, 43K)

My vote goes for Liina Isto. This is a screenshot of her instagram.

>primary talking point is anti-immigration
>considers nature important (crypto ecofash)
>has answered questions of Finnish imageboard (probably a weeb)
Based? Based!

Attached: Liina Isto.jpg (1061x1023, 387K)

Why is SFP (Swedish People's Party of Finland), even allowed to exist? Fucking spoiler party.
Minorities always seem to be fucking shit up.

>>considers nature important (crypto ecofash)
I think you mean regular fash, ecofash is a huge meme.