Guys, I'm thinking of converting

I'm not even a religious person but I feel it's the only way to fight degeneracy. I want a world with modest women, no gambling, no drunkenness, no proud homosexuals on TV. I want a world where women are happy to be loyal wives and mothers and not act like whores all throughout their childbearing years.

Christianity has failed us. It's weak and that;'s why nobody respects it. Only Islam can save us from degenerate selves.

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Other urls found in this thread: dancing boys sexual abuse&tbm=isch&tsrc=g&chnm=store

Remember lads subscribe to Pewdiepie.

Welcome to the club brother.

We shall paint Tel Aviv streets red with Jewish blood inshallah

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Subscribe to Islam.

They look like Sikhs.

That can all be achieved without Islam. Fuck off.

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Another thread about Ebola
She would have turned into a coal burning libshit
The only reason you care about that roastie is because you're a pedo

>She would have turned into a coal burning libshit
Not with Islam. She would have become a loyal wife and mother.

>She would have turned into a coal burning libshit
So let's kill all children then. Take your memeflag off.

Thread theme song:

>That can all be achieved without Islam
Okay, I'm waiting...... Do your thing Nazis.... Do your thing Christianity..... Nope they both failed to stop degeneracy. Time to embrace the one culture that is successfully repelling degeneracy.

28 subscribers lol

National Socialism stopped degeneracy successfully and made women be mothers again. It increased birthrates and promoted motherhood. It helped Germany out of the Weimar Republic, which one of the most degenerate times in allof history, society and culture were collapsing. It worked well, if only half the world didn't declare war on it.

Yeah and where is it now? It was crushed and is gone forever. Good luck destroying Islam.

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Its gone thanks to Jews. Focus on the enemy.

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Oh look a pile of unsubstantiated bullshit about Islam written by a bunch of Zionist whores. I'm sure its so so truthful and accurate.

That's it guys you've convinced me. I love Israel and Zionism now.

Jews are the cause of degeneracy. Prove me wrong. Protip: you can't.

Its noy you either love Islam or love Israel. I don't hate islam I just fully believe it doesn't belong anywhere in Europe. It would be nice if Iran leveled Israel with a nuke.

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I want the same too, man. Let's become muslims together.

>Christianity has failed us.
No, >cultural >christians like you have failed us. Christ is the Light and the Way and the only Saviour. Read your New Testament and repent you semite addled devil.

They are.

I think Europe should have "Dark Ages 2: It's Islam this time" too.

You're not converting to Islam because you believe in it. You're converting to it as a means to an end for your own agenda. You're just a LARPer at best. Kill yourself.

This is 100% correct.
Nigger learn who David Wood is, listen to him, and then go read the pants on head retarded mohammadan bullshit for yourself, you fucking brainlet.

Christ is Lord and you're a stupid faggot.

I could start my own version of Islam. I could become the next Muhammad.

>i love israel and zionism now

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I don't care what it says. Those "scholars of Islam" types are all Zionist-funded prostitutes.

Based shitskin

>no drunkenness
You're in the wrong country cunt.

I’d rather found a Christian country that outlaws that shit
Just takes money for land, time to build s house, and a few guns

>Guys, I'm thinking of converting...
convert on Friday and get two free afghan-dancing bois!

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Western degeneracy and decadence are major problems and it must end, but Islam is the answer? No. Educate yourself on rampant homosexuality in Islam, pedophilia, frequent abuse of women and MEN AS WELL, children, its control of every aspect of life, paralyzing people's incentive to learn, create, develop etcetera. Islam is NOT the answer. it is psychological poison. ALl you'd be doing is exchange one form of poison for another.

It won't work.

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Do people really believe that you just converted to Islam. What a joke

I converted to Islam last year and my life is infinitely better. There is no god but God, Muhammad is His Messenger.

There's that one famous picture again.. For such a common practice you would think there would be more than one documented example of it.

> I want a world with modest women, no gambling, no drunkenness, no proud homosexuals on TV. I want a world where women are happy to be loyal wives and mothers and not act like whores all throughout their childbearing years.

i know that feel, i too want to get rid of the jews, but adopting yet another semitic religion is not going to help much

pic of a "Holy Imam"

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so why could jews crush mighty natsoc in a few years, but islam is stronger than ever after 1300 years?

They also respect Jesus whereas Jews think he's burning in hell.

>what is ISIS
They literally habe the whole of Saudi Arabia in their pocket user.

Jesus is Lord and He will burn you and all your brown confederates for your false profit's codified evil and venality that he claimed to make in His name.

natsoc was a physical target whereas Islam is an idea.

yes, judaism and islam are both powerful. natsoc is not.

>They also respect Jesus
Claiming Christ was not God, that He was not crucified, and that His chosen Apostles were liars is not respect. They also dent and sin against the Spirit, literally the ONLY sin that is unforgivable. All Muslims will burn, all of them.

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So why don't you convert to Judaism?

islam is as corrupt as any other religion.

kys goatfucker

>you would think there would be more than one documented example
plenty of pics on (((Google))), faggot dancing boys sexual abuse&tbm=isch&tsrc=g&chnm=store

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because they would never accept me as one of their own, just a slave. islam sees me as a brother.

Islam too has got liberals but I like how no one gives fhck about them

Yes, a brother in slavery. Islam is slavery to satan.

Islam killed her you fucking retard.

Human rights were a mistake

You're asking for systems and other do something about today's problem,but what are you doing,nigger?

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>Islam too has got liberals

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So Judaism is fine otherwise?

The westerner accuses you of bestiality as he downloads beast porn.

lol they would look less fake if they didn't try so hard. Maybe less crying from the kid would make it plausible.

Is it degenerate the pic on the right makes me hard?

no, its the synagogue of satan

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Religions outlast any government, especially when organized. Bottom line, religions are immaterial. Even extinct ones can be brought back provided the language and writings survived.

All these faggots who call the Word a semitic religion have literally never read one single word of the New Testament. The NT is so redpilled on the Jew menace it's amazing (((they))) haven't tried to ban it the world over. Nearly every other page has entire passages just excoriating the kikes.


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kike alert

Trading one degeneracy for another.
That's not how it works.

He's right though. A white female in Sweden has a 99.9% chance of growing up to be an insufferable leftist cunt.

Fight degeneracy is easy for western civilization
>Use the real Bible KJV and not the fake as fuck jew edited NIV.
>KJV Bible, do not accept degeneracy and the ways of the satanic jew, jews are of satan
>NIV POS Bible (and a couple others), turn the other cheek, be tolerant and accepting, Jew is gods chosen people
It's really that simple.
Find one degeneracy or corruption in western civilization that doesn't have a jew behind it
>you can't
Who's idea was it to let jews re-write the Christian Bible when it very clearly says never trust the jew because they are of satan and the tribe of liars and thieves.
no tolerance and acceptance of degeneracy not degeneracy. It's really that simple.

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It's a tragedy. I still can't believe British men haven't burned down their so-called parliament as well as Buckingham Palace, followed by a swift clean up of the land from the Paki/Muslim "Asian(lol)" rape gangs. Just look at what's happening to their girls... what a disgrace.

Well, my own country has similar problems, we're just behind the UK, so the problems are on a much smaller scale.

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>KJV Bible, do not accept degeneracy and the ways of the satanic jew, jews are of satan
Amen. Christ does not tolerate the eternal Jew or their wickedness.

>west is least Christian it has ever been since Rome
>west is in a state of complete degeneracy
>this is all Christianity’s fault!

When the West was Christian, it ruled the world.

The NIV Bible and a few other pieces of shit Bibles where written by jews only in the last 60 years. there are a couple of exceptions of jews edits before that but the KJV Bible can be confirmed as a jew never having a hand in it.

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All we had to do was to exterminate the Synagogue Of Satan. We failed. Islam with SOS will rule the europe, for a brief time. After that there will be no civilization. Just pure zombie apocalypse.

Imagine frauding for this

See the guy on the left? See his beard? That means testosterone. Women love high test men and that is why she invited him into her house to fuck her. Look at the cuck on the right with his smooth baby face. That is the face of a low test beta male. Women do not want that.

The Middle Eastern man with his high T and thick black beard is what makes western women wet.

WTF is on those niggers' heads?


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Become a mormon then idiot. Sounds better to me.

LDS is awesome. I found my very fertile qt wife there.

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Mormonism...maybe go fundamental, if ur a Chadamus mormon u get many wives.

>Aussie pedo catches feelings for dead terror victim
>Kills dozens of friendly Muslims who reproduced with adults

They plan ahead too.

Do it, but don’t push yourself too hard at first or you will drop it.

Go watch Islamic Pulse on youtube, there’s some good information there

Kill yourself.
Then subscribe to Pewdiepie.

yeah degenerate women are the worst. But that pic haha imagine if she did that on your face though haha

Islam is degeneracy.

kike you really have to reach deep for such dumb trolls, maybe you should just gas yourself and be done here

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Mormonism is a death cult