The reason why people are so weird

The brain of neurotypical white adults loses 40% of the synapses they had like toddlers, and the process may continue until the late 20. (it is this "pruning" whcih supposedly doesn't make you an adult until some quite late age)

The loss of information is enormous. Assuming each neural layer loses 40% information, then six neural layers lose 1-.6^6 information, which means that 95% of information is lost.

No wonder they are crazy. Their brains are desperately trying to make sense out of the fragmented information, while still losing more in the process. They can barely see and hear, because most of what they hear, seen and remembered is lost in the missing synapses, and is filled up with semi random data. The effects on higher thinking are hard to conceptualize, but it likely explains their nonsensical inferrences on things they cannot know. They cannot tell apart what they actually saw from what their brains made up.

Attached: SynapticDensity.gif (356x252, 21K)

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Autism is not a superpower, you are functionally retarded

You just pulled that outta your ass or do you have a source?

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There’s no loss of info, retard. There is a focusing on efficient, critical stuff. Sort of the neurological version of the 80/20 rule.

What are you using all those synapses for? Got some great new idea brewing? Or just browsing memes and scraping minimum wage at some code factory.

Im sure it seems that way to an NT.

Do you have a geolocation?
No there isn't it's just the random stuff that happened to came through and you have to deal with what you get. There is no magic "filter" that somehow knows what is important before you see it. You only notice what you notice, so you have no way to compare it with what is really there, as you have no capacity to see that.

Doesn't it work like that in everybody? You think you can take for granted is that normies have shit neuroplasticity.

*I think

>increased number = complexity

eight points on a grid communicating with their naighbour only contain the same informaton as each of four points on a grid can communicating with all other points. Extrapolate that and you have a more complex and efficient system with less neurons.


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Yes, the number of neurons is the same, but the number of connections to other neurons is reduced. You agree with me.

ayyy lmao

>The brain of neurotypical white adults loses 40% of the synapses they had like toddlers
no we don't. we lose neurons and gain synapses
you have all the neurons you'll ever get by the age of 2 and from then on neurons you lose aren't replaced
we gain synapses, which allow signals to travel faster through the brain, which is why adults can thinking faster than children and are thus smarter

interedasting, bump.

>the number of neurons is the same, but the number of connections to other neurons is reduced
it's literally the opposite you buffoon

No, you lose synapses. Neurons possibly as well, but you do lose synapses. It's called "synaptic pruning" FFS...
You said that more connections is better than more neurons. Neurotypical people lose the connections. Wihich means you agree with me.

is it known that the amount of points decrease while the number of connections between each point increase...

If so /thread

Synapses = connections. The number of connections decreases.

So autists dont?

Autists and psychopaths don't.

So this is a good thing right?

What about autistic psychopaths?

Don't mind OP, he is just a retarded sciencelet who read some shit and cannot understand it.

Ok op I read the link and your conclusion goes against the literal thesis of the study in which you quote.

>thesis: Synaptic pruning refers to the process by which extra neurons and synaptic connections are eliminated in order to increase the efficiency of neuronal transmissions.

Its an interesting finding but your conclusion is off by about 45 degrees. Its not a matter of losing memories, I believe it has to do with action reaction to present stimuli. This explains why people get caught in negative cycles their entire life. The routines one has in their late teens and 20's will continue a lifetime, because your brain naturally cuts off the other options and becomes of more solidified tool .

Robert Anton Wilson and his books are very much obsessed with this process and breaking out of these wired cycles caused by childhood programming. He thinks you can use psychedelics to break these cycles and rewire the brain.

Its how they used psychedelics to break the traditional programming of the boomers from their traditional forefathers.

This explains why people get trapped in unhealthy cycles through there entire lives. Your brain literally deletes the unused pathways/possibilities that weren't used.

what about lefthanders?

our brains are quite different to righthanders even though they may look the same.

>Ok op I read the link and your conclusion goes against the literal thesis of the study in which you quote.

I didn't quote any study, I just googled a source for what I consider a well known thing. The rest of your post, yes, that could also be among the effects, it isn't necessary contradictory to what I wrote.

Have no fear, OP. Synaptic pruning is a normal and desirable phenomenon. Overgrowth and overpruning could lead to mental disturbance - there's some evidence that judicious pruning can increase the risk of schizophrenia - but otherwise it is necessary for efficient brain development. Thanks for the cool investigation! It was fun reading about synaptic pruning again.

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So you're basically saying that neurotypical people have kind of mild schizophrenia (at least compared to psyhcopaths and autists)? Well, I can't really disagree with that.

you know that you can promote neuro-plasticity through LSD, DMT, and DOI.

With age their brain starts to become so big it partially squeezes out of their nostrils and ears, looking like little pink tentacles.

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Yes, autists are infantile, we already know that.

why are they called psychopaths, you fucking retard? clearly some pruning is required otherwise the person will be a psycho or a retarded autist. too much pruning and you get a leftist or you're a jew.

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I don't think you understand synaptic pruning as well as you think you do.

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Is this study about microdosing or tripping?