Who here at the stage of actually connecting with other Whites be it with work, money and just general living? I think we have red pilled enough people now for us to begin going back out there and getting shit done between Whites where (((they))) can't see us.
Only certain members of my family deserve my respect. Literally everyone else I have ever met is brainwashed by the left, beyond the point of no return.
Ayden Morales
We leave here when the race war begins. That is the only time we will connect with other Whites in the outside world, to string up some jews by the telephone poles. Godspeed anons. See you out there.
Nolan Butler
Before I came here I was pretty social. I went out, talked to people and had a lots of fun in general. Now at every party I can see through the all the lies. Maybe it's only in Germany but people here really can't dance. They all pretend they can when in fact they don't. It looks so awkward. They only dance because they don't want to talk to each other. I hate seing through their surface. It's disguisting. And when you talk to them mostly shit comes out..
Yes. This board is infested with Redditors anyway. Time to go to the church and gym instead of making dumb memes
Samuel Carter
B-but memes will change the world.
Evan Wood
Why not build up connections before hand? If you save up enough you can buy all that the West has to offer in time for it.
Fair play. I guess I am at the end of this sites use. Been here since 2013 and just feel like I've outgrown it. It was a good tool for our people but I want to get back to irl power.
In many ways it has. Why not do both. We will always have spergs in our Race and they can always watch the chans while we watch the Nation.
>Who here at the stage of actually connecting with other Whites be it with work, money and just general living
Christopher Diaz
I've been preparing for this war for over 4 years now. When is it finally going to happen? I'm getting older with the day and i don't feel like i'll be in any condition for war in say 10 years from now.
Asher Davis
Been in this shit 2009 and no late 20's and I am thinking the same. If millennials don't get shit done now with zoomers manning up at a younger age, then we're fucked. It's why I am thinking we need to meme ourselves back into irl again. Why aren't we actively looking to buy up places and what have you try and lay down the groundworks for a revival?
>10 years Same. My body is still healthy, but in many ways fucked due to stress and constant internet use due to spreading the message for nearly 6 years straight now. It's the opposite of who I am. I was a fucking captain for my football team and used to go around fighting and doing irl shit. I'll give it this year and if Whites can't pull their arses out of the mess by then I am going back to earning a decent wage and moving to a better part of England.