What are your agent provocateur tactics in Left Wing discussions?

The Democrats are much closer to Balkanizing than most know. A little nudge could bring them down.

I see discussion about a Democrat online, I say the Democrat is...
>Too Progressive
>Not Progressive enough
>Pretending to be Progressive

What faultline do you target?
What argument/ tactic do you use?
What online groups do you target?

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I basically tell them about how everything is fucked. Republicans are owned by Israel, Democrats by the UK, and both by China. Honest people of any political stripe have no power.

thats a big vagina

Your post made me realize I haven't talked to a democrat about politics in about 8 years. Sounds like theyre a mess

I take a fat steaming shit right on their head

make uncompromising attacks on wypipo
use apologies to ramp up the attacks
enjoy popcorn

I talk to them about how when I was homeless obamacare forced me to pay 25 dollars a month for heathcare that didnt do anything for me because no doctor would accept it and if i couldnt opt out or be in violation of the law. Basically, it made healthcare worse for everyone, especially those it was supposed to help.

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>What faultline do you target?

Fuck off polling faggot jew nigger. Go suck brown dick

>What argument/ tactic do you use?
Fuck off polling faggot jew nigger. Go suck brown dick

>What online groups do you target?

Fuck off polling faggot jew nigger. Go suck brown dick


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Lol, that white teacher seemed surprised that the feral apes didn't stop fighting after he interjected.
Just shows you how stupid teachers can be.

>everything (right/ left) is fucked.

Yeah, that's a goodie, but an oldie.
I think there is a volcano of retard rage on the Left, within the DNC a few thousand of us could pretty easily provoke without it even being obvious, since these people are having the arguments already.
Right? You could poke at them endlessly, they could know WE from Jow Forums were doing it, but we would be indistinguishable from the lunatics in the party already.

Like I said, the Corporate Democrat vs Progressive Democrat, imo is ripe for subversion.
The mental gymnastic SJW is big on authenticity and self proclaimed victims see betrayal everywhere.
The viable question and the progressive question. Great at fomenting rage spirals in threads.

Also, I would like the Corporations to come back to higher IQ, tax friendly White America.
Would love to see a divorce and bring the new Tech economy back to Chad and Stacy.

I'm not polling, I want anons to get inspired and go cock up the DNC's base.

I consistently vote against my own interests to own the libs xD

You sound like a fucking RINO cuck astroturfing for the Koch brothers.


What interests should I be voting for?
Open borders, affirmative action, reparations, more gibs?
Desperate groups united under hate of my race and gender?

>RINO cuck

You don't have to Republican to hate Democrats.
Republicans are bad but Democrats are the worst.
Plus it's entertaining to fuck their shit up.

>vote against my own interests
thank God you know my interests better than me

*don't have to be

You're shills. Nobody in their right mind would have a problem fucking with the Democrats.

I guarantee all the shills in here are paid with tax money ear market by Democrats or Democrat donors. Spent to "stop the spread of online hate".
In other words, spend to fuck up the spontaneous coordination of the Right.

Stop pretending to be anti-Progressive, you're literally just the other side of the same Marxist coin.

Govt funded inner city headstart program.

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>talking to left wing people ever for any reason

>leftwing discussions

I've found liberals are so limp-wristed that when I argue them here or there or anywhere in general, I love goading them into insulting me as part of their defending their position, to then crush their will with overwhelmingly aggressive insults interspersed with pure facts and leave them mewling in shame because I'm so over these fucking faggots

I only wish they'd put their hands on me, as much shit as they talk about wanting to fight "the nationalists"

There are alot of bait threads leading to pointless, entertaining posts. Wasted energy.

Right. When I watch anitfoids vids i want to go where their likely to be and mind my own business until i need to defend myself.

I bash people for not being far left enough and create racial divisions with people that are far enough over. Best thing is to deflect the inevitable white privilege bullshit by saying you aren't white you are jewish.
Works every time

Fucking hell..

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OP the word u r looking for is WEDGE ISSUES

= israel/palestine/islam
= free speech/online censorship
= mentally ill transgender suicide rates
= black lives matter
= ridiculous commie tier dems vs naive classic liberal dems

your welcome


But if a few hundred, or thousands of us get on the same page with a good idea and insert wedge issues INSIDE the Democrat's party we get lulz and maybe crush opposition to our turf.

How do all you people have the effort to post in here that doing anything is pointless when you could just as easily go post a rage spiraling comment in r/politics or in a blue check's thread?

so THAT's why their population is expanding

cmon now everyone do the roastie