Why do they believe the Russian media and Vladimir Putin...

Why do they believe the Russian media and Vladimir Putin? Is it so hard to understand that in Russia there is an authoritarian regime, and the Russian media are lying???

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Russia is like those who do not live in it, bro.

Who are you aiming this question at?

No one gets any information from Russia, the common people don't know a thing. (Including myself)
Tell us about what Russia is really like if you want people to know.

They believe Russia when it is convenient, or in their interests. They say that Russia are dangerous liars when it is not in their interests. Simple as that.


he's aiming it at the wall at this rate

for anyone who lived through 9/11 and has an IQ above 80 we also understand that the USA is an authoritarian regime and you'd have to be a literal retard to think that the US media wasn't a transparent front for whatever the intelligence services want to lie about. kill yourself.

The Russian people (from one Russian I've heard from) don't be more to anything that comes from the Russian media, and they really aren't that bad, other than being a bit distant and non understanding of emotions at times

These are poverty, corruption, dictatorship, blocking independent information, persecution of dissidents, total control of the state. In Russia, there are people in prison who posted a picture on the Internet. People are tortured in prisons, while Russians themselves experience fear and indifference to what is happening. I really want to leave here, I'm scared here. But nobody needs me abroad. In the Volga region, I earn some $ 500 a month.

Seat's comfy at The Moscow Times?

I'm from the Volga region, bro.

With everything I've heard, you shouldn't leave Russia, as most of the time no one will/want to hire you

In the US, there are Jow Forums, Alex Jones, Ben Carson, Fox news, Trump, Independent Courts. And in Russia it would all be blocked, and Trump would be in prison as Khodorkovsky. So you don't understand anything, bro.

I'm sorry, but I did not understand you.

>In the US, there are Jow Forums, Alex Jones, Ben Carson, Fox news, Trump, Independent Courts. And in Russia it would all be blocked, and Trump would be in prison as Khodorkovsky. So you don't understand anything, bro.
Lol. In Russia there are 2ch, Navalniy and others. And nobody blocks them. You exaggerate censorship in Russia very much. It's only on Federal channels.

A shithole only zoomers care about, doubt that azer monkey gets any significant traffic now

I've heard from 2 Russian citizens that when people they knew left Russia to find work or a better life, that it was worse because they either got less pay, or no one would hire them

what country isn't?

Navalny is controlled by the special services, and 2ch is not so influential as to shape the agenda. In addition, in Russia you can get a prison term for dissent. Several hundred people are already deprived of their liberty for their opposition activities. Criminal charges have been filed against several people for words on the Internet. You do not know what a real dictatorship and totalitarian state is. Rejoice that you have Trump and at least some freedom.

Я тepпeть нe мoгy Пyтинa, нo ты явнo пpeyвeличивaeшь в 10 paз пpo цeнзypy в Poccии. Tы лyчшe пoинтepecyйcя y них, чтo бyдeт aмepикaнцy или нeмцy зa peпocт в фeйcбyкe нaциcткoй cвacтики.

Since you yourself are from Russia and you lie, misinforming users from the USA and other western countries, there is every reason to believe that you are a paid commentator, bought for 15 rubles ($ 0.2) by a special center for Internet trolling, controlled by the Russian Federation.

I have slowly come to learn how blessed I am to live in the States
As for internet activities, if you're getting caught, you're doing it wrong and need to learn to hide yourself better

Oй, кaкaя cтpaшнaя диктaтypa кpoвaвoй нaты. Их aккayнт бyдeт зaблoкиpoвaн.

same as us. russians need more social media to realize the media is lying to them

also i cannot believe russian media does not cover white genocide and instead is exact same talking points as fox news.

All media in Russia that have a wide audience reach are either directly state-owned or are secretly controlled by the government.


thz 4 the name. Now i gotta see how i can talk to this guy.

putin only has maybe 20 yrs of life and then russia collapses. things will change in your lifetime friend.

>Since you yourself are from Russia and you lie, misinforming users from the USA and other western countries, there is every reason to believe that you are a paid commentator, bought for 15 rubles ($ 0.2) by a special center for Internet trolling, controlled by the Russian Federation.
Oh God. You're just an incredibly stupid idiot.

wouldnt putin want russians to know the west is trying to exterminate all white people? it's strange that there is 0 awarness.i dont understand what putin's goals are.

I don't think he's spreading misinformation, other than his scare posting, and I do think that you're over exaggerating a bit on what Russia is actually like


No digits, but super true nonetheless.

Your reaction only proves my point.

>i dont understand what putin's goals are.
Money and power

You're funny. Bro, I live in Russia)

What statistics are you interested in? If you are interested in the standard of living and wealth, I advise you numbeo.com

O, пятнaдцaтиpyблёвaя лaхтa нa выeздe.

I know, but I'm also going from other Russians I've talked to

What Russian did you speak with? Do you think that there are any single Russians ™ as a community that carry the same truth? This is very funny, bro)

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Yes, yes, that's exactly what they think. They just do not know anything about us and love the Russian Federation because they believe that Russia is cool.

No, that is not what I think, and there are different situations depending where you're from, and I've look at the standards and averages of living, it's terrible, I know, all I was saying is that you exaggerating by a little bit, not by much

You doxxed yourself Dimitri, I've reported your sorry ass to our government

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Jow Forums is a pro russian board because Jow Forums smurt

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I believe Russia is base and redpill, I can only pray to see a western leader as based as Putin in my lifetime.
Yandex will be ahead of gmail in 10 years

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