just saw the new Amy Schumer comedy special on netflix 'Amy Schumer: Growing' and it's HILARIOUS!
i really cant understand all the downvotes on the trailer. why are white men so intimidated by strong women who speak their mind, being really funny and keeping it real like real women?
here's a tip for you guys: maybe if you watch her and listen to her, you will understand women a little better and stop being such incels!

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Other urls found in this thread:

Last time she released a special netflix got rid of the star ratings.
What's gonna happen this time

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Standup comedy is literally the worst thing the West has ever produced.

Amy Schumer is literally peak jewish humor. If it wasn't for all those kikes owning major media, these fuck would be begging for coins on the street corners like they used to.


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You fucking moron the biggest comedians in US history were jews.

Says who? Oh right, the very same media owned by your kind.

Maybe they'll be brave and delete their service entirely.

alright, name me one comedian who was better than don Don rickles or Rodney dangerfield

>don Don

KYS amy

>and it's
(and it's)
((and it's))
(((and it's)))
(((and it's))) INTENSIFIES

Idk I watched her first special and wasn't impressed
Michelle Wolfe's thing with the politicians was funny though, so I get where you're coming from.

Mah vagina

Richard pryor
George Carlin

Know what would be funny?
If that kike bitch dies in child birth because (((she's))) so fucking fat.
Two dead jews for the price of one.

>muh vag

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I chuckled. I legitimately don't understand why white men insist on shitting on her.

Rodney must have very pure genetics. he looks like real monster

Eddie Murphy
Dave Chappelle
Louis CK

Bill Cosby

She tells the same joke every time she gets on stage. One hour long vagina joke. Then she explains the “punchline”. Even if she wasn’t a propaganda spewing kike, she still wouldn’t be funny. I can’t think of one really funny woman. Not one.


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Jewiest post I've seen in a while.

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Nigger pls...
Fuck standup comics I think they are all degenerate but here's a quick list:
-George Carlin
-Bill Burr
-Norm McDonald
-Bill Hick
-Dave Chapelle
-Eddie Murphy
-Patrice O'Neill
-Robin Williams
-Jim Carey

I only included the English speaking ones to name a few. I could extend this list by including French speaking ones but I think I made my point. Now crawl by in your hole you little rat.

Who the fuc left their dick in there and blew a load?

Tarrant the Mosquedestructor

look at what it wrote again donkey. your incel rage has blinded you.

Also Adolf Hitler was funny when he gassed 6 gorillion oven munchers

she should have a late-term abortion. it would be the funniest thing she's ever done to do it right when her water breaks

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Adolf Hitler

This her vagene is filthy also checked

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Every one I don't like is incel

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someone reupload the trailer with the laugh tracks edited out

always poos trying to out stormfag the stormfags to gain sympathy from what you see as superior to you. sad.

Vince Champ

look at what he wrote and look and read my reply again. you're just proving what i wrote in

Low quality bait

nah, just like metal music
I hate 95% of metal music but the few bands that are actually authentic in what they were doing like Black Sabbath and Pentagram (US) are my absoloute favourites

and so is it with this american comedy stuff
people that are authentic like Bill Burr are absoloutely great, but then there are always those that are just so obviously using "the genre" to please their desire for money and fame that you just hate it immediatly

Yes please, that would absolutely amazing.

Having some vpn trouble here schlomo?

Based Israeli trolling.

There not enough booze in the world to make me want to impregnate her.
Who did that? Who the fuck saw that and thought "we need more of this shit on this planet" ?

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Neither of those Jews are funny. The only funny Jews are Mel Brooks and seinfeld

being able to fuck schumer is the equivalent of having a scat fetish

when someone farts


She’s only there because her uncle is Chuck Schumer.

Fuckin russian bots

The holocaust being the biggest joke in history doesn't make every jew a comedian

Hasn't Burr been acting really cucked in recent years? He used to be fucking hilarious

He can't keep getting away with this!

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my gf uses my netflix so i can see what she watches. see she watched this and closed it after like 15 min. kek.


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>Hasn't Burr been acting really cucked in recent years? He used to be fucking hilarious
yes he has. but i saw some new clip of his standup and it looks like he's going back to his old self.

Big laughs... she probably told tampon jokes

>Bill Burr
His whole gimmick is that he yells "FUCK" really loud a lot. That's it. He's not funny at all


stanhope sucks, he's just downer robin williams. total pseud

I hope he can pull his balls out of Nia's purse, he was actually funny before

nonono it was not these little acts he did on stage for the negro audience that made him so great, its in the podcasts man
that guy was blackpilled (not redpilled though) to the core and was just absoloutely hilarious about it
until he married that woman though... now he's happy but he sucks

this is bait


was trying to find the clip and landed on this

Old Bill is still buried down there somewhere, I really hope he can uncuck himself

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The downvotes are carried over from her past shitty performances. Well, shittier at least.
Schumer is a very strange rollercoaster of quality over the course of her career.

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>i really cant understand all the downvotes on the trailer

alt-right incels

just finished it. fucking epic rant except for the "muh corporations" shit.

Plus the fact that he thinks Sanders is gods gift. But Old Bill is still in him, he must not get out a lot with Nia around

yea, he's a retard for thinking sanders would do anything. fucking career politician that's still a fucking blank slate except for the 1 legislative accomplishment he had LAST YEAR.

Plus, the most key part of why I hate Sanders is the fact that he preaches about how fucking great Socialism is, but he sold out the nutcases that actually supported him in 2016 for his what, 4th house? Practice what you preach, you wrinkled old hypocrite

the trouble with it is that it sells tickets. so people who are shit get an opportunity. people who are unfunny get more than one chance. there's no real downside for the venues because they can afford one or 2 stinkers if the headliner is decent and people still buy drinks. i know people who became stand ups and they were not funny at all in life before they started. i have never seen their acts

>i want everyone to have a job because that is the solution to many of our economic and social problems
>I want everyone to have free shit because that is the solution to many of our economic and social issues
anyone that thinks sanders is the solution is either uninformed or a joke.

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Because they get promoted in the Jew-owned media.

HOLY FUCK SHE'S HUGE! She packed on like 70 lbs!!!! And SHE'S HAPPY.

I can't wait for each new special. she's gonna hit 600 lbs by show 6 at this rate.

Did anything in that video make anyone laugh? I didn't see one funny joke. Nada.