The jew is a menace, protected by the holohoax

The jews were placed in internment camps just as the Japs were in the US. History has taught us that the jew is a cancer and a parasite. A fifth column who had no interest in integrating and giving up its reputation of usury.

The 'Gas Chambers' were as fake as Anne Frank's diary. Only about 780,000 kikes died in the internment camps and that was due to starvation and disease, mostly coming at the end of the war when the Allies cut the supply lines to the camps.

Sadly, the plan of deporting the jews to Madagascar did not happen. The escalation of the war in the east led to the Germans keeping the jews in internment camps, which later led the Allies, communists and jews to a propaganda bonanza of a level the world has never seen. Almost all the photos and films of the dead kikes were taken by the Allies after the war to 'prove how evil the Germans were' despite causing the deaths themselves.

Auschwitz and the 'gas chambers' were 'reconstructed' after the war by the Soviets and the communist Poles. There were no Zyklon B stains in the alleged gas chambers (though there were in the areas where clothes were deloused), plus these doors opened inward (which would be impractical if there were a pile of dead kikes on the other side), and even better, could be opened from the inside. Any guards posted outside these 'chambers' would have died too, as there was no vacuum seals on the doors. Auschwitz even had its own swimming pool for the inmates!

The 'ovens' were crematoriums used as merely burying dead typhus victims did nothing to stop the contagion. It takes an hour to cremate a single corpse today, let alone what it must have taken 70 years ago.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Perhaps two and a half million kikes were killed on the Eastern Front, but that was war and they had that coming. The Baltic states took care of their own kikes, given how many of them supported the illegal and brutal Soviet occupation. The jew is universally hated and for good reasons.

Most of the survivors stories are based on rumor and hearsay spread throughout the camps. If you were guaranteed a generous pension from the German Government in the way of 'reparations' for embellishing your story, wouldn't you bullshit a little? The Holohoax con has cost the German taxpayer billions, most of which were not even born at the time.

This lie also led the theft of Palestine from the arabs living there, and the creation of the beast of Israel who leech billions off America and Germany every year and have the US act as its enforcers and legitimizers causing the situation in the Middle East, gaining America many enemies.

The myth of the Holohoax has made the jews bulletproof and untouchable. Even in the face of Israel's apartheid walls and illegal landgrabs. The zionist parasite controls America and the West, and has encouraged 'diversity' which is killing White cultures all over the world, whilst Israel remains as a jew supremacist state.

Today's status quo and kike protection is purely built on the Holohoax legend itself, as well as American and German tax-payers money and the artificial state in the Middle East; which is continually censured by the UN for their genocidal policies, land-grabbing and apartheid walls.

I'd rather the world talked about the 100 million that were murdered in the name of jew-spawned communist regimes (USSR, Soviet Bloc, China, North Korea, Vietnam, Burma, Cambodia). There was no Nuremberg for communism. Evil cunts. Fuck the jews.

If the Holocaust actually happened, the Germans would have done a much better job of it.


Indeed and Anne Franks diary wasn’t fake...

Why don’t you quit. You know that it happened, you want to do it yourself, you really do know that Hitler had more balls than you, and so did Himmler, and they had a private army of Jew hating SS men and a war to cover up their activities.

They did it. Stop larping

Nah, he was stupid. Boycotting, suing, investigating, jailing, exposing and ostracizing you all is much more effective.

i don't think it was fake but it wasn't anywhere near 6 million deaths, 6 years of war is 2190 days, 6000000/2190 is 2740 per day, 2740/24 is 114, that means that every hour, without sleep, during the whole war, the germans killed 114 people, that's almost 2 per minute, no fucking way they killed that many

Although I have tons asy as a collection of crap denier arguments, this is pretty good - camps just like americas (except America didn’t kill over 50% of the inmates in their camps)

Anne frank fake - what did her dad write it with a ballpoint pen in 1953, then go back ina time machine to publish it in 1947?

Only 780k jews dead in camps (no source, but at least it isn’t the retarded Red Cross lie) ? Plus the over a million the Einsatzgruppen report shooting, plus a quarter million the Romanians killed, plus another 80 k in Yugoslavia - hey you get to about two and a bit million. Nearly half way to the real number.

“Muh supply lines, the allies fault, we dindu nuffin”. - a tired Pol meme with no historical truth

And yes the films and photos are post war because the Nazis didn’t film their own war crimes. Big surprise.

The main gas chambers at Auschwitz were not reconstructed. They were blown up by the Nazis (why? Innocent buildings where nothing bad happened really, why blow them up and leave the rest of the camp standing?) Thr only standing building that was once used as a gas chamber (apart from block 11) was the old crematorium which had been repurposed to bean air raid shelter. Yes the Soviets (badly) restored it to something nearly like the original layout, but without the original gas tight doors, and without removing the new office doors in their new doorways.

Of course had they done a good job of restoration you would now be saying they totally faked it anyway...

Zyklon B is the trade name for pelletised hydrogen cyanide liquid. The stains only happen in particular circumstances - high concentration for long periods being one of them. The homicidal gas chambers had low concentration for only a half our at a time, and were washed down with water afterwards which would make it highly unlikely that any staining would happen.

The doors didn’t open inwards. They could not be opened from the inside

Attached: 1552052140298.jpg (750x585, 420K)

Why not?

Over a thousand camps, it is only a handful of people per camp.

Add that to the mass shootings - reported over a million killed in the eastern front. Easy to do. Add that to the gassings - treblinka and Auschwitz gassed about 900,000 each in two years, again easy to do.

You might as well say the whole war didn’t happen because 80 million were killed, and it is impossible to kill 900 people an hour every hour for years. Actually it is entirely possible.

Yeah, time machine required to publish it seven years before ballpoints came on the market.

So either the deniers are (shock horror) Lying, or....

The deniers are lying. It isn’t written in ballpoint pen. There are a couple of page numbers and marginal notes made by the guy who was commissioned to make a play script from it, in the late 1950s. That is all.

Sorry children I have a life

Stop being dicks stop denying the truth

Hey rabbi. Haven't seen you in a while. Got you fill of foreskin today

>marginal notes

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I coul debunk most of this stuff but just watch this vid, its by far the best i have seen on debunking "holocaust debunkings"

Also, have a brain bros
The Nazis wanted to do the Holocaust, Hitler wrote about it in "mein Kampf" - that guy even gave Nero orders to destroy Paris, France and even germany before it falls into enemy Hands.

He was ruthless at the end

What is this, a concentration center for ants?


Also the Nazis were germans THW> WROTE EVERYTHIBG DOWN
We are kind of sticklers, we document and genocide people in formal and orderly porzesses

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Only communist subversive Jews were in camps. Look at Walter Lewin's family, they lived and taught through the 'holocaust' and they were full blooded Jews. Look up the Nuremberg blood laws. Jews were allowed probationary / temporary citizenship. 3/4 Jews were allowed full citizenship as michlings. 1/2 Jews were allowed full Reich citizenship.

They didn't hate Jews, they hated communist subversives. It just happened that most JEws were communist subversives. THat's on the Jews, not on the Germans.

>The Nazis wanted to do the Holocaust

Attached: Ay Tone - netanyahu hitler.jpg (872x646, 79K)

The "holocaust" is a jewish conspiracy theory that has been debunked more often than any other in existence

German soldiers were tortured and gave false testimonies in order to live

Attached: Ay Tone - torture.png (755x575, 173K)

One of these false testimonies given by a tortured German soldier was the pedal powered brain bashing machine that never existed

Attached: testimony from a tortured soldier.png (532x192, 62K)

During the Nuremberg trail not only were coerced testimonies from tortured German soldiers allowed but any evidence was allowed even without proof. One such example is the "Bone grinding machine" img related

Attached: from 'bone grinding machine'.png (456x793, 315K)

since the documents supporting this "fact" were never found the "bone grinding machine" became bulldozers

Attached: to 'bone crushers' becoming bulldozers.png (417x828, 281K)

Why would you blindly trust a meme ?
they had them for like 60 years and if she really wrote that shit down with a ballpen is also to be checked before posting that shit bro

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-27 um 16.34.03.png (1038x300, 74K)

The top is clearly "Schreibschrift" and the other is "Druckschrift"

..... like do burgers not have those ? A formal way to write down Letters/wortes and a fast one ?

Attached: Bildschirmfoto 2019-03-27 um 16.39.03.png (1752x774, 1.63M)

Google translate calls them pamphlet & script.
Dunno if Burgers learn those at school, but in germany you do learn both very eraly.


Attached: Actual WW2 Holocaust victims.jpg (2136x966, 701K)

this doesn't have anything to do with whether the Holocaust was real or not, to the general public, it is going to be real and as the anniversary comes up, that reality is going to be reinforced either way, so the best thing to do is to manipulate that truth to our advantage or for the honks, it's fun. This is what shitposting is essentially about: to sway the lies or the truths by turning it on its head. It's in the bagelniggers' nature to out themselves because they need their victim status

it's peak shitposting with great potential to rustle some jimmies of all sides or walks of life. It's making it impossible for the jew to remain hidden in plain sight: you speak up because you don't want to lose your victim-card, or remain silent and admit to white genocide.

Chaotic neutral isn't pushing it one way or the other, it's just disarming the jew of their weapon, which is to be the victim.
This is simple and seemingly unbiased, just concerned about human life in general and that's what makes it effective and good.
People freaking out about how this is admitting to the Holocaust having happened are still playing along because this is probably/hopefully going to spark fact checking and discussion and if it was "just white people" who were killed anyway, maybe it wasn't that many after all
>the world doesn't end with a bang, it ends with a honk
Shitposting Royale

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it's impossible to directly challenge it. but INDIRECTLY you can. these posters are BAIT. it will confuse people when they first read it, it will produce weird emotions and thoughts that will stick with them and make them think about jews ethnically, why someone would even make this. it's a culture jammer.

also if it picks up steam it will force jews in the press and academia to respond to it. they will either have to say that unequivocally jews ARE white or NOT white. if they ARE white then the holocaust isn't about ethnic jews being genocided but just a religious WHITE group. if they say they AREN'T white then that will redpill many normies who will then realise they are a complete, distinct ethnic group that are not a part of the white ethnic group.

it's a lose/lose situation, depending on if it picks up steam and can't be ignored by jews.

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Ich learne deutsche jetzt
And no, our language is already shorter, and I haven’t been able to think of many examples. We sometimes use abbreviations for shortening

>Only about 780,000 kikes died in the internment camps and that was due to starvation and disease,
The real number is 37,000 maximum.
This is evident by the records and the numbers tattooed their arms.
If 6,000,000 Jews where killed the world would be a much nicer place today.

Attached: 1553693384384.jpg (593x423, 33K)

img related is a population count from the Auschwitz files published by George S. MacAlister which came from Ann Stingle at the American Red Cross in Washington DC who was given the captured German records by the Russians just after the USSR collapsed and published in an interview by the NYT in an article called "Holocaust-Search for the 'Vanished'
Notice how it's nowhere near even 100,000?
Also, no one was gassed or burned to death, instead the leading cause of death was typhus

Attached: Auschwitz files - George S. MacAlister.png (736x866, 99K)

Fuck off its fake as fuck admittedly.
Check the publisher, the author collecting royalties.
Parts Written in ball point pen.
Not in her handwriting.
Fucking kikes are lying deceiving pieces of shit

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