Trump is Israel's bitch

Trump's recognition of Golan Heights as Israeli territory puts the USA at greater risk of terrorist attacks without benefiting us in any way. Trump is sending the USA down a very dangerous path. prove me wrong

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all our commitment to Israel does is put Americans in harms way while causing more mideast wars that cost us trillions. There is no benefit to the USA whatsoever.

Trump has now pissed off the entire middle east. we are so screwed now that the muslims are angry.

He was only pretending to be a honeypot. Trust the plan.

We can't make one decision for ourselves until foreign control is removed. Israel is the singular most important issue.

>He was only pretending to be a honeypot.
pretending? how by sending them more money and supporting the annexation of the Golan Heights? how is that pretending exactly?

>Israel is the singular most important issue.
yes they are dragging us into hell with them. With friends like them, who needs enemies?

Come at us Bitches. --Merica



This endangers Israel way more than the US. I mean Israel is right in the middle of the middle east

Oh no, we might upset the mudslimes. Better just appease them and convert, right?

>prove me wrong
It makes no difference to the terrorists whether we help Israel or not. They still see us as infidels and want to attack us.

Check this post is about genie energy and golan heights, look it up goys

We could just not appease either of them and let them kill each other.

I have enough hate in my heart for Jews AND Muslims.

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>puts the USA at greater risk of terrorist attacks without benefiting

Dont tell me you still think muslims are responsible for terrorism?

Also true. Some major shit is going to go down and Israel will know fear and defeat soon after.

t. kike

But muh acceleration

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They are covering up the owners of genie energy which is based in golan, why is no one caring about this? Ive been spamming this shit for two hours please look it up

Why in the living fuck should I care about some dune coon rivalry in West fucking Asia?

Israel > muslims

I'm starting to think it's a subtle geoplay, a lot of things aren't adding up, like virtually no other country condoned it, but that *America* condoned it, well that could turn gears in Israel's system that shouldn't now be turning if they wanna make it more than a few more years

I'll repost it since i know none of you will give a fuck

>this can't pass unnoticed, goddamn it i ll try to explain it in few words
>genie energy is a company that benefits from the territories in syria such as golan heights, in this company there were on board major advisors and benefactors such as rothschild and murdoch, it has been known for months now.
>since yesterday that there have been quite few threads about don zion giving israel golan heights, obviously all infested from JIDF or shills, same shit. me and few others posted the proof on bloomberg of those who were in this company(pic related)
>, and you can see today there they have been erased from the list
>look it up faggots, literal proof of the kikes in here in action

t. Brooklyn kike

>the list of advisors yesterday (pic)
>the list today

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-how many barrels of resources are there in Golan heights?
-any of them proven resources?
-what is the cost of extraction?

Without this, we cannot establish whether this is something significant or not. Unlike the middle east, the levant basin is is not very well known for conventional oil, but has offshore gas, and some shale.

Give these numbers, otherwise you are just taking out of your ass.

They want us dead anyways. Why capitulate?

Well i mean israel is literally the only well functioning state in the entire religion. It has also proved itself military more capable then any other force in the region.

when we have to wipe out the middle east, Israel will be the basis to start from.
That's why they are so valuable to America

>give the numbers
What the fuck do you think i am? The hell would i know how much oil is it there you retard, i posted a list of board advisors in which included Rothschild, murdoch, one of ur ex vice presidents, and today the list has been erased from those names, isn't it enough proof?

No they won't bro they won't.
Dictator staes could never bring them down


Hahaha XD

keep fuckin that goat mohammad

spoiler alert: everyone is israel’s bitch. when there’s a king you kiss the ring or get obliterated, it’s been that way since the beginning of time and will be that way until the end. bow down before your masters, the tracks for this ride were laid down before you were born and the ride never ends.

Jews are Israel's bitch

>Exploratory drilling carried out by the Ofek company on the southern Golan Heights taps into reserve containing an estimated 1 billion barrels of "black gold"

is this enough for you or am i talking out of my ass?

Kalergi Plan for White genocide.

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It gives the US brownie points from God

kikes are trying to hide pic related, see

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Bought a bunch of shares, thanks for the tip.

Gib my part u kike

Key words in this is "exploratory drilling".

It is beginning to potentially look interesting, but certainly not the largest find in the world, or more oil than Saudi Arabia, as some have claimed.( Even if it graduates to proven reserves ( and it's far away from there), this is a respectable field, not more (It's dwarfed by any oil major, by orders of magnitude)

Genie didn't file a disclosure at the time of this with the SEC.

I am afraid it's a nothing burger, but I am more than happy to be proven wrong. Especially since this is a publicly traded company, and you can literally make money of this.

also, it's "Afek", not Ofek, as the article claims.

Ofek in O&G in Israel is a license with this company. GLEX.L

By the way, All of these posts are NOT Financial advice and NOT an offer to buy or sell stock. I do not hold any of the securities mentioned. ( FINRA going to put a cap in my ass)

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Why would they erase the names of Rothschild and others from bloomberg list if it is a nothing burger?


>Trump is Israel's bitch
America is Israels bitch

>posts d&c nonsense with a hot girl
Not falling for your tricks moshy