Ctrl f yang on the catalog

>ctrl f yang on the catalog
>2 results

What happened? Did he do something that made Jow Forums drop all support?

Attached: yanggang-30.png (1440x960, 1.63M)

the seed has been planted for the debates. sorry were not desperate sycophants like MIGApedes and spam the board with threads 24/7

It went from like 20 results to 2, I'm just wondering. So yangsters just got lazy?

We Patrick Little now

mods delete threads if there’s more than 3.

But there isn't even a general up, or did I miss it?

>retarded commies decided to abandon their shitty forced meme
>one retarded shitbag didn't get the message

Attached: mad slaver shitbags.jpg (960x767, 131K)

>not desperate sycophants like MIGApedes and spam the boards with threads 24/7
...or you were spamming the board and then stopped when everybody started pointing out who Yungdung's chief of staff is.

Mueller report is finished, the numbers for Trump are too good, funding was pulled

The transvestites shilling for him got exposed and the neet faggots that thought people actually liked him realized how retarded they were made to look.

While i do want Andrew Yang to win the democrat primaries and i am on the fence of him being president - a lot of my Yang threads I made were just there to make the Q user and Trump lovers mad.
I still like trump though and with the collusion victory I felt like that was also a win so I'm taking a break from Yang posting. I don't think he's made any news lately anyways

Attached: kelly kelly.jpg (630x1200, 158K)

The yang threads was mostly made by William legate who gets paid $9,000 a month from the Yang campaign to spam POL and Twitter with yang post.

Attached: qxypggzeha0z.jpg (579x555, 33K)

Once he starts paying again I'll start posting his shit memes again.

Attached: holocaust.png (1140x1471, 165K)

They were shills retard, only accelerationists fell for it.

Did Yang ever defend the wang, or did Shapiro never follow through?

Sending hes hordes of shills from discord and plebbit and shareblue.

Jow Forums doesn't support Yang you stupid commie
get off this board

Mods keep deleting Yang threads.

>being this new
they were shills, they're probably in preparation for a new campaign of shilling soon.

Paid posters get paid for a set amount of time.

He ran out of money to pay the shills.

Attached: 03CA8160-B9DF-443A-B819-5512D77658D9.jpg (1200x675, 188K)

There's no work left to be done, Yang can run on fumes until the next debate

I'm sure there will be some memes out of the shapiro debate

Ran out money to pay the shills.