Don't take it personally : (

Don't take it personally : (

Attached: 1553680782850.png (1374x1245, 70K)

Other urls found in this thread:


it seems like the closer they are to you, the more you hate them.

peasants. everywhere.

Attached: y'all don't matter.png (1374x1245, 68K)


Shut up mut


Attached: 1553702795994.png (1374x1245, 69K)

Repost. Meme flag because I'm abroad right now.

Attached: kaart.png (1373x1243, 77K)

whitest country in EU reporting in

Attached: Untitled.png (1374x1245, 79K)

Ive never been outside my state except one time I seen Kansas but heres what I think of my state

Attached: map.png (1100x762, 217K)

Attached: 1553702795994.png (1374x1245, 69K)

And I thought we were frens.

Attached: 1553680782850.png (1374x1245, 69K)

Attached: op.png (1374x1245, 70K)

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Wat doe je hier kankeraap

Nigga, if just because you went to the beach in Bulgaria makes you like it, then you should've liked Greece to.

Attached: 4309B34B-05E9-4435-9173-2FADFE676ADE.jpg (1024x928, 111K)

suck my dick piet i'll go and do whatever the fuck i like

Fucking Dalmatiër

>Jow Forums advocates for white homelands in Europe
>actively posts threads about how they want to "kill" other white countries "with fire"

Attached: ss2017-07-08at10.13.50.jpg (120x118, 10K)

just the dutch jews

maybe there are valid reasons, americunt?

Attached: 1485022778563.jpg (251x251, 9K)


No love for wales. Fuckin paki
you faggots have no culture and your country is a product of jews controlling everything

Attached: 80yg.png (1202x606, 64K)

There you go

Attached: 1553702474557.png (1374x1245, 70K)

How dare you accept Swedistan

Argentina is of 70% pure blooded Italian descent, why would you want to do it harm?

Whats wrong with Johnson county?

Attached: gacountymap.png (1036x1210, 177K)

Гoвнo, ты?

too much WE WUZery for my liking

t. Ivan who's now stuck in Russian Crimea

putler pays well, tovarisch?

Attached: kinder suprise motherfucker.jpg (1080x1080, 544K)

inb4 shills and subhumans will screach

Attached: 1553702474557.png (1374x1245, 70K)

Je li je tamo zapravo toliko loše?

>do whatever the fuck i like
>goes to country he hates
This is the intellect of a slavic "person"

Attached: 1527681593662.jpg (400x386, 40K)

stay mad retardo
kultura 0 i sve je skupo
al place su dosta dobre samo sta su ljudi retardi

>Liking most of its former colonies

Why mixed feeling haplo twin?

Attached: GLL0M9y.png (986x1118, 854K)

Poor quality because I'm on my phone.

Attached: sketch-1553704736733.png (795x720, 105K)

Attached: mountain-jew_o_2890111.jpg (1024x681, 216K)


Maybe he just hates the amount of dutch degeneracy and the amount of niggerchinks

>Slavic "person"
You're right, Joop. You should take in more niggers and arabs that are far better than a slavic "person".

Are the Serbs that bad to the Magyars?

Attached: ertgyuiioo.png (1374x1245, 69K)

Literally had to hover over your irrelevant flag to see where you're from.

Kek dalmacija master race

Its a white people thing , you wouldnt understand.

ye boi
hercegovno spotted


Magyars in Serbia have all the rights that you could think of, but Serbian "people" are just unbearable. Loud, obnoxious, arrogant but dumb, literally the embodiment of everything I hate.

Attached: 1553704280840.png (1202x606, 64K)

What makes a man turn neutral? Lust for gold? Power? Or were they just born with a heart full of neutrality?

rodjen sam u splitu, zivio u stonu 5 godina, dok roditelji nisu napravili kucu u Bih

Attached: USA oy vey.jpg (1374x1245, 336K)

>Not knowing the flags of Europe
The British are as stupid as ugly they are it seems

why cant you learn already

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Dutch that doesn't like Turks?
That's a first one

osobno neman nista protiv ni hercegovaca ni ostatak bagre iz hrvatske al zna se tko vodi drzavu i tko pljacka dalmaciju

>being this ignorantly retarded

Attached: you.jpg (450x373, 57K)

I wouldn't be able to express my hatred for your joke of a country if I just painted it blue.

What grr fuck is greeeeen country I thought that was ukraine

I feel you. Thank the lord that I wasn't born there. The amount of folk music that is played there would give me brain hemorrhage.

Western Europe = good looking countries, a mostly cucked and brainwashed population
Eastern Europe = shit looking countries, based and redpilled population

bivsi clanovi komunisticke partije koji sisu pare iz svih drzavnih firma, evo ovih dana sa ugljanikom

I hate these filthy Neutrals. With enemies you know where they stand but with Neutrals, who knows? It sickens me.

green and red for every country

sErBiA sTroNk

Attached: hmw_039034.jpg (800x510, 137K)

a svi oni hercegovci i purgeri
cilj im je unistit dalmaciju, vec su izbacili otocane skoro skroz a sad smo na redu mi na obali

Have you ever even seen Croatia's coasts? Literally the Caribbeans of Europe

What language are you speaking? Polish?

>a svi oni hercegovci i purgeri
doslovno nije istina, a ako volis dalmaciju toliko onda se vrati i ne seri


Think he considers this already balkan area by eatsern europe he means ukraine belarus usw

croatian fin bro

Attached: 1553702795994.png (1374x1245, 70K)

>be serb
>lose wars

polako frende, treba dobit diplomski i nakesat se pa cemo lako.
i HDZ i Hrvatska ce mi moc guzicu poljubit

Every country has at least one astoundingly beautiful place, that they are proud of. I am talking about eastern Europe generally speaking.

>come visit and fuck our women
I fucking hate croaucks

Attached: pol.png (1374x1245, 108K)

A Croat calling the British ugly.


Come back when somebody gives a toss about your country.

Based Serb fighting Magyar hordes in the comments

Attached: Austria-Hungary-Nationalities.png (800x619, 377K)

>Loud, obnoxious, arrogant but dumb, literally the embodiment of everything I hate
Looks like a good definition for yourself.

I approve of this

How could you possibly know that?


Good guy Finn doesn’t hate anybody


Attached: sime.jpg (960x556, 101K)

One can see that your map is based on personal experience, OP.

Attached: Sorbian perspective 2.png (1237x1121, 298K)

Oui oui oui

My country is full of muslim but every cuck, feminist turd and npc stays in Paris so the rest of France, especially the south is good

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curious, why love Litwa?

Attached: 13062218_1019744344728030_4272475888875883681_n.jpg (960x746, 159K)

I know that.

Actual kek at how you separated Dalmatia from the rest of Croatia

You don't know shit.

pretty fucking based