Facebook bans "White Nationalism/Separatism" as of next week

As part of the sweeping crackdown, Facebook will no longer allow posts that include statements like 'I am a proud white nationalist' and 'Immigration is tearing this country apart; white separatism is the only answer' to remain on its site.


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Fucking fantastic. Facebook posters are dumb as rocks on average, and white nationalists only raise the chance my eyes will be bombarded with cancer manifest. The overlap for smart folks who post on Facebook AND identify openly as White Nationalists is a sliver so small, some worry it's sexually harassing a poor, defenseless electron in some uncertain location.

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who gives a fuck about normie book


Wanting liberty, human rights, and cultural and racial survival isn't extreme.

Your hubris is the rope that will someday hang you. You're advocating for the genocide of a whole race of people. You're lower than earthworm shit.

That's ableist against autistic Boomers

How about 2.32 billion monthly active users? AKA 30% of the world's population.


A white ethnostate exists and it's called Croatia. Move there. Maybe America would be one too if it weren't for your lazy ancestors being too cheap to castrate their slaves.

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You and me dont need that shit but eventually censorship spreads and ISPs of gunerments will block whole websites. Dont believe me? Look at new Zealand. Of you look the other way when rights are taken away because it doesn't effect you today, eventually when it doesn't effect you, no one will be left on your side

>How about 2.32 billion monthly active users? AKA 30% of the world's population.
AKA worthless cattle

White niggers BTFO
Jow Forumstards on suicide watch

Top kek
Boomers and MAGApedes must be seething

Well I guess this is the kick I needed to finally leave the platform

Right? Every white person I've ever met who believes in white genocide, irrationally hates Jews, basically the whole Jow Forums schtick is a fucking mess somehow. I mean seriously, not being able to get along with other races of people in your day-to-day is kid gloves shit.

Good let the jew lose ad revenue, fuck jews. Fuck normiebook. I hope the fucking thing AOL's


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Getting on with other races has nothing to do with those first two points though, it would only be a problem if you were some kind of supremacist

Is that Benjamin Netanyahu? Controversial right-wing Prime Minister of Isreal who has international critics for his smear tactics calling everybody who criticizes Isreal's human rights violations "antisemitic"? The same guy who has been under investigation since 2016? That guy's a major chode according to my Jewish friends.

Nice going Tarrant

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That's a fair point. This board's weird boner for IQ scores and genetics is so 1920's it's astonishing sometimes. Been around white people from a middle class background my entire life. Usually the shake of what you get depends on where you were born and how your folks raised you, not the color of your skin or where your grandparents are from.

Imagine using facebook in 2019

It's absolutely required in 2019.

wherever white people o it looks like Europe wherever black people go it looks like Africa

It's utterly fucking retarded, if they're logically consistent they'll ban Scottish Nationalism stuff and MAGA stuff as well.

Your environment has put you in a bubble though, be aware of that - you've just came to a different outcome based on what you processed online.

Ding Ding Ding

They're ramping up for the 2020 election.

I can’t believe people like you are still around. Can you be more of a retard?

It' s almost as if they wanted to create more eco-chambers for leftism.

Identity politics seem like they need to take a back seat to class politics. I think the handful of billionaires, millionaires, and multinational corporations have stoked racial tensions back to these archaic terms because income inequality is making global citizens restless. When people talk about racism, I often wish they were just talking about paying everybody a living wage and reforming the tax code.

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You disagree with many pol posters , do let's just ban opinions you disagree with? Wow how enlightened

Aw man

The last time I was unironically called a retard in real life was in high school. Are you in high school? Also nice job not saying why you can't believe I'm still around. Again, shouldn't you be in school right now?

Sounds good. Will black supremacist and separatist posts be removed too? How about the threats of violence against white men? Anything going to be done about that? I'll wait.

time to come up with a new name to keep a presence on fagbook

This is the stupidest fucking lie that gets constantly propagated. I do well for myself, I have a college degree, a good job making well over median income for my area, and I get laid more now than i ever did as a teenager. I don't have a shitty life that I'm blaming someone else for. So what am i mad about?

I'm mad about my hometown turning brown in 8 years of Obama. The mall my parents used to take me to as a kid now looks like downtown Mogadishu. Some nigger shot another nigger over a seat in the movie theatre this morning. I'm angry that I pay good money to live in a neighborhood where I'm a minority because all the non whites are getting section 8 money. My brother moved into a brand new apartment complex that wasn't cheap and had to move out after someone got shot in the apartment below him.

I don't want to hurt these people, and i don't even consider myself a supremacist, I just don't like seeing the demographics of my hometown absolutely wrecked from 8 years of king nigger.

>having a lifelog account
>posting about white supremacy on your lifelog account

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I'm not American, but identity politics is gonna get more and more important I think. You are right about increasing poverty levels between richest and poorest etc, but these issues are happening across Europe in places x1000 fairer than your country.

White supremacy is a fascist ideology that historically has been tied to lynchings, calls for genocide, and persecuting people based on how they were born. It's amoral and you can suck my dick. Tolerating the intolerant is how tolerant societies die. Read that Karl Popper essay cunt.

The issue is that they are banning pro white posts, and NOTHING else.

>criticizing immigration not allowed
>”kill all white men” presumably still ok
Press H to honk at the clown world

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Who the fuck still uses faceberg lmao. Only boomers and millennials actually visit that shitty website, all my /zoomer/ friends and siblings use Instagram and discord, even the normiest of normies. It's a dead site for old people.

Absolutely. Majority of the population can't think for themselves anyway. Wouldn't matter whether they were around or not.

Facebook is a corporation and legally a person and therefore can decide what it hosts. If you dont like it start your own company

You could even say that anyone arguing against the EU is exhibiting Separatist/Nationalistic tendencies. Logically, is there a distinction between any Nationalism? Ethnic, Racial, Ideological...does it matter? They all advocate for the same thing if you ask me.

>What is the Streisand effect?
This is a victory.

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I need it for
>boomer memes
>kpop girls
>wildlife rehabilitation center updates
>seeing how far gone my former high school mates have fallen

Too ubiquitous

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Wait, I can understand the white nationalism thing - I don't agree with it, but it makes sense based on their common political narrative at least, but why White Separatism?

"Ayy yo senpai, me and my 50 white friends are gonna go live in Eastern Washington away from you all"


Thanks for the measured response with plenty of details that all connect. That's dope as fuck and you should feel good for typing out something well written.

What policies did Obama even enact to make your neighborhood have more Section 8 housing but not have the proper police funding, employment opportunities, or education sector to cause a sort of "ghetto" to form? It might be a lot of failings from the state and local level as well. Obama's ability to laser-focus in on your particular town doesn't seem realistic. He may be black, but black people didn't get many handouts from him save for the mangled healthcare bill.

vlaams belang is still online though, its a political party though

whites aren't allowed to exist user

No it isn’t, you filthy senile old boomer. Nobody in Gen Z uses that fucking shit besides boomers and the third world.

Lol, Scottish Nationalism invaded Northern England, burned Towns to the ground slaughtering thousands in a terroristic orgy to force the English to Treat with them, but we get a pass, apparently.

This is our struggle in a nutshell. It has nothing to do with (((hate))) and (((racism))). It comes down to this: Do you want to be in the White minority around angry immigrants & africans & muslims who are constantly knifing and shooting each other? These ne'er-do-wells have been taught that White minority is keeping them down, so the aggressive mongoloids have a MSM-supported narrative to resent you with. Does any white person want that? The answer is no.

Is it really racism? No. We could get along fine with Koreans and Japanese. They are not gun-slinging, broken-family fuck-ups most of the time. They keep to their own, but they're respectful of Whites and we're respectful of them. We both have high enough IQ's to remain conservative, capitalist, and to run successful businesses. It comes down to which races are capable of living peacefully alongside Whites, and unfortunately the dark skinned races are not good at it. And it's NOT environmental factors that are the cause of friction between the races.

I love White people, I want to be around White people, I want European-descended people to prosper, I want to surround myself with them.

>Blaming Tarrant
Surprise surprise

You can probably still easily say "Damn it feels good to be a white person" and not get banned. It's the whole "whites are superior to those other inferior races" that they'd take issue with.

>White nationalists
They’re the reason we’re in this mess in the first place.

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Why would you people use Facebook? I knew it was a Jewish ran data miner years ago which is why I've never made one.

That's not true though - they're removing separatism as well as supremacy, as if they view the two as one


FB is already dead they been banning this shit for a long time..I myself after 8 years of having a goybook finally got perma banned just for having a heated discussion with a communist. They perma banned all 4 of my accounts then Mac address banned me, I can't even use vpns XD.

Regardless that site is dead and it is beyond saving. All the cool people are gone or in constant 30day cycles. No one can have a good time there.

Good. Fuck your rights. You don’t deserve them. You only have them as long as you’re willing to fight for them. Don’t want to fight for them? Too bad. No rights for you.

Is 'Scotland for the Scots' Scottish Supremacy? Wouldn't ' i think Scots should have their own Nation' fall foul of their reasoning?

>implying I use it

Jews get ethnically homogenous neighborhoods and schools. But not euros. Makes you think

Good. Fuck the MIGApedes.

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White seperatism is saying "keep white communities white because dem spooks and muslims got guns and bombs" which perpetuates a violent, hateful stereotype that does nobody good. White supremacy is what I said, saying whites win because other races lose. You can happily be white, you just have to stop saying "dogs win because cats lose" or "whites win because niggers are a trash fire". Just go "I like being white" and don't elaborate.

I wish I could be a zoomer

>the third world.
this. i've been moving around SEA because i'm on the run and i see locals constantly using fb on the metros. scrolling through reams of photos like real normies, sending messages in the messenger, posting comments. pretty much using it like anons use Jow Forums.

Boy, censoring "white genocide" would definitely help to convince people there are no white genocide.

Those are two extremes: The pride in one's race on one end, and belittling another race at the other. What do you think Facebook would do with these phrases?

>We should secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.
Aside from the fact it's a NN catchphrase, is the phrase in itself hate? Is such a thing worthy of the ban hammer?

>I wouldn't want to live around minorties; fellow whites, if you feel the same way, let's vote for the candidate the supports having more whites in our neighbourhood.
This seems fairly safe. What's wrong with wanting to live around your kind?

>My sister was raped by a gang of black guys; I don't trust them, and given their high rate of crime and violence, maybe we should think twice about letting in more Somalians.

I don't think you'll come around, but this should make you think. It is my opinion that all of those opinions are perfectly fine to express in public and are not "hateful".

Obamas HHS Dept made major changes to Section 8 housing to allow these people to love into formally white neighborhoods in an effort to improve the lives of minorities. They specifically targeted white neighborhoods as "too white" and did everything they could to move inner city negros into those towns. There's a town in Iowa who's murder rate more than trippled under Obama because they sent violent blacks from Chicago there using section 8 money.

Also the issue isn't lack of police or that things have been ghetoized. There hasn't been enough time yet for all that,they're putting these people in brand new apartment buildings so you don't realize they're awful places to live. Give it ten years and these places will eventually be dilapidated and run down, the nigs just havent had enough time to thoroughly destroy them yet.

Exactly. This is a huge mistake on their part.

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>because i'm on the run
from what? CIA-niggers?

Time to bring on the dogwhistles.

As far as I know, it's simply "we have a right to exist" - you are conflating Whiteness with every group of people who happen to be white. The whole "dem spooks" stuff falls into supremacism

Jesus Christ you are a retard who thinks this board is one person

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This post reads like a smuggie.

This policy change was brought to you by 50 dead muslims

When are they going to ban CNN, MSNBC, ABC, and NBC News for spreading fake news for the last two years?

You're stupid or new then. Educated and fed black people raised in a white middle class family have an average iq of around 85. And a lot of these blacks already have significant amounts of white dna mixed in. Look up the Minnesota transracial adoption study. The military realised that any person with an iq of 85 or below literally does more harm than good, and is a net negative to hire, according to Jordan Peterson. Literally half of blacks are so stupid they can't even do ANYTHING of use in the fucking army, which has some of the most low iq suitable jobs available, and that's after generations of education, welfare and good nutrition. Black people are too stupid to participate in white society. It's as simple as that. Even 2 smart black people can't work in the long term because their descendants will revert back to around the average black iq because of regression to the mean. And that's not even mentioning blacks lower impulse control and higher rates of carrying "warrior" genes (more violent). I'll say it one more time. Blacks (as a group) are not suitable to participate in white society, and they never will be because the problem is genetic.

What will happen to political meme groups like Centrist Chads Central? They are not explicitly white nationalist/supremacist/antisemetic, however they do allow hot takes and are used by a wide variety of people.


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Fucking skypes ruin everything

You are the dumbest guy here. Stop putting words in people's mouths whites are in danger and we ain't gonna let your delicate Sensibilities stop us

>...which perpetuates a violent, hateful stereotype that does nobody good.
Your marxist undertones is showing. Stereotypes exist because they are true. Blacks are better runners. Japanese are law-abiding. Muslims are very conservative. And unfortunately 25% of young Muslim men feel that suicide bombing is sometimes justified, and young blacks can be talked into playing the knockout game in affluent white neighbourhoods.

If this is hateful, violent, and what-have-you, I'll accept that. But is it _wrong_? The answer is, undoubtedly, "of course it's not wrong".

The difference between our two camps is that you are a Marxist fundamentally. You believe that it is society that molds the person into who they are. You think that if we could just fix the environment and culture of these people, that we would be rid of their bad behaviors; furthermore, you believe that if we could just get Whites to stop telling each other about the rapes and the suicide bombings and the gang warfare that is done by these groups, that we would get closer to fixing that environment.

Aren't there Muslim and black communities doing exactly this?

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So either Jews are not white or posting support for Israel on FB is now banned

>posting any of this shit under your real name

Jew world order.

simply post photos of white things. Paper, milk, etc.

How do you even write this shit with a straight face? How can you possibly link " I want to live around people who look like me, just as every person in history has up until the 1960s" yo something hateful ? Why is it only whites who need to be forced to have their countries changed through demography?

I think there is a difference between having Facebook and using Facebook. Most people have Facebook from some point in their lives, except for younger generation z. But only ultranormie millennials and retarded boomers actually engage in content by liking, commenting, posting and tagging on Facebook.

>that meme

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What if I just don't like niggers? They're ugly and I don't want them around me no matter how friendly and tidy and peaceful and quiet they are. What's wrong with that?

We do live in a society. If a Russian kid is adopted by American parents will he still wear adidas and fuck around on the edges of buildings? He might become an alcoholic if his parents were, but one of these is cultural and one of these is genetic. Saying things like crime, suicide bombings, and gang warfare are genetic and not cultural is something we disagree on. I believe you can change those things by putting somebody in a halfway decent environment, absolutely.

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You mean people are still using Facebook in 2019? I thought it got niggered out back in '14?

What an outdated caricature.

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