Orthodox jewish Community starts Measles Epidemic

>Now in effect, anyone who is under 18 years of age and is not vaccinated against the measles is prohibited from public places until the declaration expires in 30 days or until they receive the MMR vaccination.

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>"This community has a boatload of children," said Yossi Gestetner, of the Orthodox Jewish Public Affairs Council. "To give you context, Manhattan, less than 9 percent of the population is under the age of 10. New Square, the Hasidic village, 40 percent."

healthy immune system is something to CELEBRATE. if a few kids die that's fantastic for the gene pool. much, MUCH BETTER than vaccine-caused issues with kidneys, testes, brain, and other fast-growing organs. Stock-standard factory-line immune systems are already out of date the moment they hit the shelves, such is the pace of viral evolution.

but user the industry wants you to fill up your kids head with aluminum because smart kids question the establishment

>get our newest measles vaccine v2.0, it's free goy. if you don't you are only citizen lite

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That's... actually a very good post. how recently did you arrive in Canada?

measles complications

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>anyone who is under 18 years of age and is not vaccinated against the measles is prohibited from public places
this proves that "muh herd immunity" idiots are literally retarded

>1 in 600000 chance
>1 in 1000000 chance
>1 in 8000000 chance


>"As this outbreak has continued, our inspectors have begun to meet resistance from those they are trying to protect," Day said. "They have been hung up on or told not to call again. They've been told, 'We're not discussing this, do not come back' when visiting the homes of infected individuals as part of their investigations. This type of response is unacceptable and irresponsible. It endangers the health and well-being of others and displays a shocking lack of responsibility and concern for others in our community."

parents immigrated here in the 70's and I was born in that decade so I missed out on all the fun injections

idk even if i was the one in a million that was blinded, i would still be blind and pissed

it's possible that the measles vaccine works similarly to HPV, where it only masks symptoms and does not prevent spread of the underlying microbe.

even if your partner has had the vaccine, she can infect you with HPV/genital warts. it's probably MORE likely, since she wouldn't show reliable symptoms and wouldn't seek treatment, "she had the vaccine" after all.

>our inspectors have begun to meet resistance from those they are trying to protect
>We're trying to protect those kids from being normal adults!

>High-risk groups include pregnant women, children under 6 months of age, the immunocompromised or immunosuppressed, those who have not been vaccinated against the measles, and those who were born before 1957 and are immunosuppressed
and you kek

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>"I'm very concerned about how people will be viewed and what will happen when people go to the mall and try to go to the Target or wherever they want to go shopping or be out," said Gary Setzer, of the Jewish Federation and Foundation of Rockland County.
It is the orthidox jews that got the measles ball rolling....

My grandmother has an old friend from Canada with allergies and blood type tattooed on the sole of her foot, she said one year a school nurse tattooed all the kids feet with their medical information, and the parents loved the idea.

this would have happened around 1965~1970

good idea actually

POLICE STATE ALERT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NY County Bans Unvaccinated Kids From All Public Places

'Starting today, as Michael Snyder writes at The End of The American Dream blog, any child that has not received the measles vaccine will be banned from all public places. That means that they will not be able to go to school, to church or to any store. In fact, just walking down the sidewalk will be a violation of this countywide “state of emergency”. Rockland County has essentially declared a state of medical martial law, and it is scheduled to last for the next 30 days

Of course other communities all across America will be watching to see how the people of Rockland County respond to this declaration of medical martial law. If there is no uproar, it will set a very important national precedent, and inevitably other local governments around the nation will try the exact same thing.

And where will it stop?

We live at a time when our most basic health freedoms are under attack. If we don’t stand up now, we will lose them forever.'

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>public place


>18 miles of fishing line tied along utility poles

>"The line forms a nearly invisible enclosure, called an eruv in Hebrew. Jews are prohibited from doing these simple tasks outside on the Sabbath, but carry them out in the confines of the eruv because it symbolically turns a public space into a private one."

Rules for You and Rules for Jew! Every. Single. Time.

Many of the kids that get the measles were vaccinated. Complete overeaction by the media for the purpose of pushing a medical police state where people have to pump their kids full of any vaccine that ZOG says is necessary.

153 cases in rockland county this year

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will watch thx

>"We must not allow this outbreak to continue indefinitely," Day said. "We will not sit idly by while children in our community are at risk. This is a public health crisis, and it is time to sound the alarm, to ensure that everyone takes proper action to protect themselves and their neighbors; for the health and safety of all of us in Rockland."

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This is a good thing... 95% of un-vaccinated people in the USA are illegals. Hope they get measles, justice for violating our sovereign nation.

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this would make sense and in combination with rising numbers of granola, religious, health nut liberals
also your map shows urban, sanctuary areas

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Gringos and Jews killing their children off by preventable diseases, sounds like a win-win situation to me.

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>These outbreaks are linked to travelers who brought measles back from other countries such as Israel and Ukraine, where large measles outbreaks are occurring.

Why was 2014 so high?

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>2018: The U.S. experienced 17 outbreaks in 2018. Three outbreaks in New York State, New York City, and New Jersey, respectively, contributed to most of the cases. Cases in those states occurred primarily among unvaccinated people in Orthodox Jewish communities. These outbreaks were associated with travelers who brought measles back from Israel, where a large outbreak is occurring. Eighty-two people brought measles to the U.S. from other countries in 2018. This is the greatest number of imported cases since measles was eliminated from the U.S. in 2000.

>2014: The U.S. experienced 23 measles outbreaks in 2014, including one large outbreak of 383 cases, occurring primarily among unvaccinated Amish communities in Ohio. Many of the cases in the U.S. in 2014 were associated with cases brought in from the Philippines, which experienced a large measles outbreak.

>2017: A 75-case outbreak was reported in Minnesota in a Somali-American community with poor vaccination coverage.

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They aren't trying to protect people that are already vaccinated. They are trying to keep unvaccinated people from spreading it to each other, and to protect babies too young to be vaccinated and people with weak immune systems.
Also, every time someone catches a disease it has a chance to mutate into something people aren't vaccinated for, so if you get 1000 children with the measles, thats 1000+ chances for a mutation.

>"From the onset of this outbreak, the State Department of Health has implemented a number of preventive measures to limit the further spread of measles. Together with the Rockland County Department of Health, we launched a successful school exclusion initiative for unvaccinated students in the outbreak area and, in partnership with the County and local healthcare providers, administered nearly 17,000 MMR vaccinations across the county - more than four times the number given over the same time frame in each of the last two years.

Ok, now tell me how many people died from it?