Happening at Sea


Mediterranean ‘hijacking as 100 migrants seize tanker near Malta


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Wow desperate people whose homes we bombed are roving the land pillaging. Great stuff, war pigs.

Oh no these poor refugees. They are in need.
Lets give them money

Good sink the boat

cool numbers


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you must be fairly ashamed of your post if you can't even show your flag, faggot.
neck yourself

cool post rabbi

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Good news. Now ships have an excuses as to why they let the invaders drown when they sink their own ships so they "have" to be saved.


They're [Pirates] you cuck

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living the fucking dream

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What if it catches fire so the white people can be blamed for not saving the poor burning children doctors and lawyers

Fuck's sake we dindu nuffin

if 100 subhumans can hijack a tanker, imagine what 10 highly skilled white operatives could do

where in Africa did we bomb?

They kidnapped Tom Hanks?

Gas $2.60 today, $3.20 tomorrow.

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this this this

There's no yarmulke on my head, I have nothing to do with US foreign policy. Collective punishment is a Jewish thing.

Libya, Somalia, Yemen

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Doesn't affect america anymore motherfucker, we a net exporter of oil/Nat gas now.

the world is our playground

hollywood trys to teach us wrong

Libya, Somalia, Yemen, Syria, and we caused Arab Spring except in Morocco where it failed. That's like the whole Maghreb right? Except Tunisia.


These people aren't from any of those countries though. They're from sub Saharan west Africa. It's true that by taking out Qaddafi American and France opened the floodgates, but that's because he was controlling his southern border, keeping these people out because HE saw them as foreign invaders too.

And again, we is a big fucking word from someone afraid to even show his flag. I and most of the far right are categorically opposed to US adventurism and have been since at least Serbia.

If you want a detailed explanation of our involvement in Africa over the past 40 years and how it creates situations like this, take a class. You apparently aren't old enough to have been rockin the 'dish with the rest of us, but you can read about it and educate yourself.

WTF is Tom Hanks doing?

>I-I don't have to make an argument, you just aren't educated
How did you find this website?

What information do you need, user? Black Hawk Down was a documentary. Over There was hard to watch for similar reasons. Tell me what you would like to know about the past 40 years in Africa that you can't find in the open somewhere else? What specific insights can I offer you?

>America has dropped bombs somewhere on the continent of Africa in the last half century
>That means Europe has to take in infinity niggers
That's the part you need to clarify. I have no influence over or responsibility for what the US government does, a European has even less. Why are we guilty of the crimes a bunch of subhuman kikes commit?

One would think that satellites/gps would cover all of the oceans eh?

I don't know, user. If you're going to hold those people accountable for their situation and not take responsibility for the circumstances that brought them there, you're only looking at half the issue. Our government fucked their government and them using the largest armed forces humanity has ever seen. Would they be out there on the ocean commandeering freighters if we hadn't been bombing their infrastructure and fomenting insurgency in their country for generations in order to get access to rhodium and diamonds? If you were in their position you would arm up and create your own law and you know it. They have a right to their fury, user. They are tearing down the systems that they believe put them where they are and if you were in their position you would do the exact same thing, otherwise you're a massive pussy and you don't deserve whatever freedom you have.

Bad manipulator. Fuck off narcissist

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checked magic 7s of based actual pirates I wish them all the best in making their bread

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>Would they be out there on the ocean commandeering freighters if we hadn't been bombing their infrastructure and fomenting insurgency
yes. I think so.

Mudhuts aren't homes

Then you're a fool.

based eco fascist shutting down the global oil economy RISE UP fuck greenpeace bunch a numale cucks

Neither are trailers.

Learn to geography, you simpleton.

The crew deserves to die. Imagine being so cucked you let nigs onto your ship because of >muh laws

Yeah keep fighting for fossil fuel use. Is there any industry who hasn't poisoned your minds?

All future doctors, engineers, and scientists.

ok. I would think anyone who can't acknowledge that pirates have been pirating for many generations is a fool. So at least we understand each other, cowardly faggot.
hurry up and neck yourself.

>Nationalist Italian interior minister Matteo Salvini branded the migrants as "pirates".
this is gonna be fun

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Okay so you're saying this has nothing to do with refugees and these are just pirates?

Refugees are pirates and pirates are refugees 50% of the time.

DON'T YOU DARE!! No! Just no!

In other words your understanding of the situation isn't complex.

>the offenders are the victims
typical lefty bullshit. you deserve to be hanged along with the niggers

>people with different opinions from mine should be killed

God luck to what ever team has the raid that bitch

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Do you people have boundaries? I just want to know where you want me to stop when the cities start burning.

how wonderful

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Niggers shouldn't suffer to live. And actual humans shouldn't suffer to accommodate niggers.


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pirates are back eh! let's hope trump does what obama did and send in the seals!

Look at him! He is the captain now

These migrants deserve to be violently dealt with and traitors who spout nonsense that a bunch of negros destroying their homeland via their genetically inferior behavior is OUR fault will get the rope

who cares? both deserve a slow, painful death


>Hey you
>look at me!

The largest military in human history has been hitting these people with everything they've got for two generations and counting, user. Blow your brains out. You don't want the problem solved, you just want a mass murder. Be first.

why is Tom Hanks captaining that ship.

Do something about it you fucking bitch. Be a man and make a move. Watch how fast you end up staining the dirt. You're another anonymous face screeching into the void, so scared that you won't even show your flag.

Whatever line keeps you six foot underground in a wooden box is a good start.

Great Siege of Malta Chapter 2

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Sink the boats. Once word gets out that the boats are being sunk, they will stop trying to get to Europe via boat.

Bombed by who ? These are Africans, and why are they all men ? did they just leave their wives & children behind ?

>with everything they've got
if that were the case there wouldn't be any refugees.
retire your inane hyperbole, muster some courage and neck yourself already, faggot.

>when you post in a new JIDF installation

H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:

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You Australian shitposting motherfucker, stop spamming this shit on every board.

"...Africans...leave their wives & children behind ?"

Just like in America.

How did you end up with that flag? You have the punctuation of an actual North African.
I've been in two revolutions, user. You people are making the rules for yours right now.
LOL just like Vietnam "we would have won if we really WANTED TO"

>Two revolutions
No you haven't. Show your fucking flag.


Hey, maybe they'll land in Lampedusa or some shit, the army is still saying their coming at us tho ugh

I guess they are legally pirates now. What (international) laws apply to them?

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i think piracy requires an action between two vessels so they aint

like one vessel hijacking another, and another vessel being hijacked?

Without fossil fuel, the western world, and all the third world nations who try to dig their way out of the stone age, comes to a grinding halt, the free money, medicine and food raining down on the third world would stop completely since there would be no more overproduction surplus to send...
and so many other things...

Is it a mutiny then? I tried to google but I could hardly find any laws pertaining to that.

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They stole a ship so they're pirates now

The Maltese is right
"Piracy is an act of robbery or criminal violence by ship or boat-borne attackers upon another ship or a coastal area, typically with the goal of stealing cargo and other valuable items or properties."

or from the UN
"Piracy consists of any of the following acts:

(a) any illegal acts of violence or detention, or any act of depredation, committed for private ends by the crew or the passengers of a private ship or a private aircraft, and directed:

(i) on the high seas, against another ship or aircraft, or against persons or property on board such ship or aircraft;

(ii) against a ship, aircraft, persons or property in a place outside the jurisdiction of any State;

(b) any act of voluntary participation in the operation of a ship or of an aircraft with knowledge of facts making it a pirate ship or aircraft;

(c) any act of inciting or of intentionally facilitating an act described in subparagraph (a) or (b)."

Hey Schlomo Lear a bit about the failed socialist regimes of Africa.

Maybe then you will realize what's wrong there.

these are people who are degenerates from civil war torn countries. all the women and children just moved to the winning side or are dead. fuck off moral fag

Hollywood already looking for writers and producers

it's unlikely the pirates are all that well armed since they took the ship after being rescued. at most the CT team can expect whatever armament was already on board the ship for anti-pirate activity.

You hear that, everybody??? Germany’s buying!
I’ll take a vodka soda, thanks Günther