Say something nice about this country

Say something nice about this country

Attached: germany flag.jpg (750x250, 125K)

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The south is nice. The north is nice. Berlin is not nice.

I like masculine German women and I want a 7 feet tall masculine German woman with massive tits to suck my tiny 13cm dick as she lifts up me in her arms.

Hey I'm living in Berlin. Not nice

get (over) in here

they rightfully call my countrymen mutts, we americans are the castizo masterrace

I'm gonna make it out of this shithole, so happy

Stop flooding our universities, you assholes.

Get your own education system, you wannabe powerful fuck.

They were at the forefront of experimental electronic music in the 70s and 80s.

Finish the damn job you started.

Attached: 12496585.png (1141x927, 2.12M)

this but 14

It'll be nice once the German people mix themselves into oblivion and are promptly cleansed and replaced by Ethnic slavs (hopefully Czechs)

they tried

Attached: 1549491222-1549045496-nazi-propaganda-11.jpg (1500x1000, 278K)

Androgynous women.

Not all of it is shit.

Pls Putin nuke it already. THX

even after being BTFO by usa twice they still manage to cuck the brits, hotta give them props for that. too bad they dont feel same towards the turks tho

Attached: brexit.jpg (1279x1036, 111K)

The southwest is also very pozzed. A bunch of turks and 'refugees' here.

I don't know what that country is but where that flag stands there used to be a great country called Germany and there lived the nice people called Germans. Germany and its people Germans died and vanished in 1945.

I heard that 13 cm is actually the average in europe. Don't ask me why I know this

>best constitution
>low crime
>great healthcare

Basically all the reasons why we get swarmed by migrants from around the globe.

Nice architecture

Lemme guess, they're coming there to mainly study psychology or medizin? lol
Damn in retrospect I should have done that too lol

We sould have free speech and 2nd amendment

They are able to ruin a continent three times in a row during one century.

Attached: boing.gif (239x270, 3.41M)

>low crime
Imagine the crime rate without immigrants. Nearly 80% of all young multiple offenders in big cities like Berlin are just Arabs and Turks. In cities like Duisburg it's nearly 90%


Attached: tears.jpg (660x440, 98K)

>being this salty that you're country is, was and always will be irrelevant

>best constitution is no constitution

>I'm living in Berlin
Mein Beileid. Ich würd da nicht mal geschenkt wohnen

Thx. For your kind words I will make sure to tip the next polish toilet cleaner I see an extra 50 cents

nice cars available for anyone

The biggest cancer of the world.

Attached: b7HMoKx.jpg (500x723, 92K)

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They have big tasty sausages.

Ich learne Deutsche jetzt

I said say something nice. Pasta nigger

Good looking people

Major cuckolds lol

Attached: S8G3x59-1.jpg (960x465, 63K)

The issue with those is not even migrants. It is arab clans that really started to rise once the government started to crack down on motorcycle gangs, who until then used to run most large scale criminal operations, like drug and human trafficking.
Now big arab clans do that. Those are responsible for most crimes.

But now they are slowly starting to get media attention so it is only a matter of time until their fate is sealed and someone else will replace them.

I study law in Bavaria, and I can conform this
The constitution is great Bavaria regularly makes people bend its knee to it, even though people try to overrule it with eu-laws

Even Chinas constitution is alright, it just never gets enforced because the (justice) system is corrupt af there

Its.. a... Umm.. you make good beers.

Better luck next time?

Nice tits

Women with big tits.

Attached: omnomnom.jpg (427x320, 40K)

Once had the best leader of all time

Is that your father?That's something nice for you.

Thx. You guys make good lamp shades :)


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Always? Hans you already went extinct if that kind of countries like my mine would not stop the invaders before reach your lazyass.

My ancestors died to save your welfare and we got nothing, not even a "thanks". And now, what are you doing? You are now just inviting the roaches and giving your own mother and your own children to them as welcome rape gift.

Hans, you are pathetic basedboy.

What are these digits I have stumbled upon

Damn I didn't even notice that german women have such nice, big tits
I thought they are average

Your people seem very sensible if a bit humourless

You have numerous prosperous cities rather than just one (like London)

Maybe ease it back on the scat porn though that stuff is nasty

Just defending Germanies honor m8. Currently you're doing pretty alright, but consider what happened to us, we will probably be the last country who elects a based guy as the most powerful person of the country. Although, like all of europe, the populist movements are gaining strength

Do I need to quote the whole book of
《Deorigine et situ Germanorum》?

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Attached: Kaiser Wilhelm.jpg (1200x888, 436K)

Germany is a mutt country; it's been melting pot of Europe for thousands of years. There isn't a major race on this planet that hasn't raped a German woman on German soil at sometime in History.
That's the nicest thing I have to say about Germans

Attached: GermanFlag.png (664x561, 53K)

Falun Dafa hao. Read Zhuan Falun bro. Don't trust the commies in power, they lie, deceive and destroyed your whole, incredible culture

الموت من أجل إسرائيل هو حقك كحال صغير لطيف هاها شالوم

I like their food and history. (-:

Tut mir echt leid, Mann

That's not the same country as the one I'd be praising.

It's nice that I'm honest, don't you think? :)

What a pity. Berlin is the biggest shithole.
Even a potential white qt waifu would be enough to change my mind.
t. hugless virgin

You will die out, without fight. Mixed mutt, and no one will know your kind ever existed because you will rewrite your own history book to satisfy the invaders.

Do you burgers really have to bring up your cuck fantasies in every thread?

You're really good at killing white Europeans

Attached: spammers.jpg (510x388, 55K)


would be NOT enough *

Have great companies, great looking people, major influencers throughout history, created national-socialism

>They have big tasty sausages.

Mine is 6 inches, but at least I'm uncut :^)

Their groceries are cheaper

Kek hahahahaha

>Once had the best leader of all time

I miss Bismarck too.

Attached: bismarck.jpg (940x528, 116K)

Getting hugs is easy bro, just stop fapping

>My ancestors died to save your welfare

Please keep dying for us


>Do you burgers really have to bring up your cuck fantasies in every thread?


Attached: usa cuck fantasies.jpg (1828x852, 460K)

They claim any American of German descent isn’t a real German but any sandniggers who wanders into their country is apparently a real German. That’s real nice.

Their women are so easy to pick up.
Weed is cheap.
I can get proper spicy food from oriental restaurants.
Cheap holiday flights.
Southern nature is beautiful.

>Southern nature is beautiful.

It is

Attached: amazing-bavaria-germany.jpg (960x639, 221K)

>Germany is mutt country

Attached: 1538058062568.jpg (345x336, 20K)

> no 1st or 2nd admendments ala American style
> best constitution

Attached: IMG_20170924_171716.jpg (2336x4160, 1.57M)

>Their women
Get out, invader

Attached: IMG-4750.jpg (1000x750, 570K)

>best constitution
Adenauer geh schlafen

> Bavaria regularly makes people bend its knee to it, even though people try to overrule it with eu-laws
how thou? Is Bavaria a special case or do other states cuck EU in such manner too?
t. immigrant in Niedersachsen


Kek I almost thought that I'd get in trouble for taking a pic. I was sneaky tho. I feel like the only german student who voted for them

Something awfully familiar about that shirt.

Attached: gJDW4uS.jpg (640x480, 54K)

> invader
I was invited here by your academic institution, mate.
But don't worry, I'll leave once I'm done. I don't want to feed your Arab pets with my money or my daughters.

> next time without italy
> mario
deepest lore

If you like living here, please stay

Germany is pretty much one of the best countries in the world. Or at least it would be so if it weren't importing sand niggers, trading with Russia and banning memes

Attached: bavarian-empire.jpg (2000x1970, 869K)

I like women in dresses, so I occasionally pass on german women, What makes ou attracted to them?
It also seems like they got overly touchy when drunk

they haven't formally approved of the constitution and reserved the right to require a referendum to decline