Rachel Maddow loses half a million viewers after implosion of Russia hoax


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judiciary.house.gov/sites/democrats.judiciary.house.gov/files/documents/AG March 24 2019 Letter to House and Senate Judiciary Committees.pdf


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I, for one, would never wish terrible things upon this individual....

Top kek

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the resistance has no longer a cause d'etre.

She successfully help derail Trump's presidency.
The Russia Hoax was a winning strategy.

you dont have to
they wish them upon themselves

You can’t de-rail a train which has no breaks, you fucking faggot

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She successfully made sure nobody will believe any media reported scandal about Trump ever again, true or not, and did much to ensure Trumps reelection.. She is without even knowing it /our girl/...

>about Trump
About ANYTHING. Who does the media think they are at this point accusing anyone of "conspiracy theories" or however else they wanna dismiss legitimate claims.

How will the media demonize their enemies when everyone knows they are the demons?

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flase flag season is just starting fool

>Who does the media think they are at this point accusing anyone of "conspiracy theories
this, you can't just pretend the last two and a half years just didn't happen, you can certainly try, but it won't work, someone linked a video earlier today from the Washington Post, the title was "Democrats who predicted the Mueller report would end Trump’s presidency" or something like that and it was making fun of a bunch of Democrats making such statements, as if the Washington Post wasn't a part of this shitshow, the comments fucking murdered them. The fucking gall of these scheming fucks is insane, "ha those stupid Democrats, am I right fellow conservative", "don't worry we only pretended to be retarded for more than two years" They should STFU and be glad they didn't got TARRANTED yet.

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womp womp

We have all been duped into the socialist pipe dream at one point in our lives.

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he hit the wall hard in those 2 years wtf

I can't stand miles teller he sucks

But nobody will believe the news...


>2.5 million literal zombie brains still watch this grown demon child


Do leafs actually believe this?

he must be sad

using their money and power to censor everything but themselves.

the left collapse is glorious, i've heard from pretty much every liberal faggot at the office saying they no longer trust the media and starting to look for news online and YT which isn't MSM

We have over a year before the election and now the big bad investigation that was supposed to be the end of Drumpf was a fucking dud.

Maddow's dead in the water, as are the dems unless they get a new, real scandal. The Mueller investigation closing with nothing was majorly damaging to their credibility.


Couldn't have happened to a nicer of dudes.

The orange Cheeto fuck 45 is GETTING IMPEACHED you dumb fuck drumpfies. you can only COPE so much before the truth hits you.


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hahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahahahahahahaahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahaa stupid bitch

hwomp hwomp

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That dude is hot

I totally believe Daily Caller haha

Trump is hardly a Boy Scout.
Hoax or not, there is plenty to say about him that is unflattering. Personally, and with regard to his job performance.
She has plenty to work with even if the hoax is over.

also nothing about the investigation is a hoax.

She's actually the one who got Trump elected more than anyone else, even Hillary.

Rachel gave Bernie a platoform on her show and encouraged him to run for two years until he did then she flipped on him for Hillary, but it was too late.

She's the smartest idiot I have ever seen.

>hurr durr
Then check the ratings yourself. They're available on several sites.
Have fun being a faggot.


Mueller did a 2 year investigation and managed to find 10 year old tax fraud. You think Maddow, who got nearly everything wrong for those 2 years, will manage anything better?


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curse fulfilled

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Burn, bitch.

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guyz this totally means Trump won!!! Rachels rating went down now that Muller finished his report. Stop being as brain dead tard.

Over half the country still thinks trump is guilty. Go look into those numbers

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>the press is only the enemy of lies
Truth In Reporting Act 2019 pls

Your strawman is pathetic.
>half the country
Many haven't even been paying attention. The no collusion/no obstruction news will likely take a awhile to saturate the electorate.
Trump's approval will likely gain a few points by the end of the month.

Propping it up only to have it fail now before 2020 was a losing strategy though. It guarantees Trump a second term, and one with much less interference. Anyone going against him in the second term will look like the boy who cried Russia, and they'll be ignored.

At to that, that the Democrats are having an internal civil war from the socialists and neo-liberals and they don't have a strong leader and they're toast.

>no collusion/no obstruction
thats not even true, which is why his points have not gone up.

>Guys this time he really is finished!
Says the increasingly nervous faggot for the 10th time this year.

It is true. Either you're ignorant, delusional or trolling. You should probably neck yourself just to be sure.

Not only that....They are lobbying and pushing to censor everyone else so that their evil lies and psychological terrorism goes unchallenged.

oh it is? Can you post proof please?

damn he's looking rough

Except she did NOT implode. I don't even like her show but I challenge ANYONE to link a video of her truly imploding about this Russia shit.

judiciary.house.gov/sites/democrats.judiciary.house.gov/files/documents/AG March 24 2019 Letter to House and Senate Judiciary Committees.pdf

>Except she did NOT implode. I don't even like her show but I challenge ANYONE to link a video of her truly imploding about this Russia shit.

what the fuck was she doing with 500k viewers to lose?

Have you seen the report? Has anyone but Trump and the AG he installed seen the report? NO? WEIRD!!!! Im sure it has nothing to do with his AG writing a huge article on how he would find Trumpo innocent if he was installed as AG.

She freaks out and yells at the camera constantly. Seriously, just sit down and watch it for one episode, you'd think she's having a fucking panic attack every time.

Again can you show me a video of her imploding?


Might as well get your news from Jow Forums or facebook or RT


The reason for being was and is that he's an unapologetic straight white male, and not part of the State duopoly. He re-wrote the script without permission.

Have they killed themselves?

You retard, he's not guilty of what was claimed. If you want to move the goal posts to some hypothetical end zone, you really should just make this world a better place with 3 simple letters:


She made sure that Trump will win in a landslide next elections.

Cool story. Again can you link me a clip of her imploding after she realized Trump wouldn't be indicted?

Isn’t legacy media run at a loss anyway. Just the propaganda wing of the DNC.

>believing a poll

>desparately clinging onto a lie for years and years is winning

Why just her and not all the other people banging and chanting about collusion for the past two years?


You lost. Get used to it.

>he's not guilty of what was claimed.
well im sure he will prove that soon by releasing the report.... oh wait, he wont and Mitch McConnell is trying to bury it. SO WEIRD FOR AN INNOCENT MAN!!!!?????

Because he looks like an ugly woman.

hey meme flag, you're a faggot, and you're wrong, russia was a lie from the start, a lie to give cucks like you false hope; accept your defeat, accept the 8 years of Trump

>there was seriously THAT many people who tuned in to hear about the russian collusion delusion bullshit

That's just fucking embarrassing.

prove it then. It's that simple. Trump looks guilty as fuck.

Burden of proof is on you nigger.

A 2 year investigation just proved it you bitchy sore loser. Fuck off and kill yourself if you can't cope.


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You lost. If you shut your mouth and pay attention instead of doubling down on lies, you might be less of a loser.

Unsourced speculation is not am argument. Try again, moron.

>Have you seen the report? Has anyone but Trump and the AG he installed seen the report? NO? WEIRD!!!! Im sure it has nothing to do with his AG writing a huge article on how he would find Trumpo innocent if he was installed as AG.
Muellar cleared Trump on Russian collusion and election interference. If the hill you want to die on is "Trump actually obstructed the investigation of a crime of which he was 100% innocent so he should be impeached" is the hill you want to die on, go for it.

Why wont Trump and his AG let anyone else see the report? WEIRD!!!????

>proved it
>hasn't even read investigation
>just took barr on his word

I thought you idiots prided yourselves on your critical thinking. You haven't even seen the report yet, how can you be so sure?

> hay guys i think he looks guilty so he is guilty

you must be a democrat

>cleared trump
No he didn't. Even Barr said that....

>Russian collusion and election interference
no he didn't, Barr summarize the summery and did so extremely dishonestly. If you look into it you will see you've been lied to. But you cucks dont care.

He wasn't cleared on "obstruction" but was cleared on "russian interference" go read the letter again

How is this not slander? They hyped up the Russia collusion story for 3 years to the point where a significant portion of Americans literally believed that Trump was a Russian plant (and some still do). How has this not irreparably damaged his reputation?

Hysterical speculation from a bitchy sore loser is not an argument. Try again, moron.

He wasn't cleared, you fool. Don't tell me to go read it when you don't even understand what you're reading...

You are positive that he dishonestly summarized the report that you haven't read?