>Erdogan vows to convert Hagia Sophia into mosque in riposte to Trump
Turkey is a secular state and in no way is Islamic caliphate
>Erdogan vows to convert Hagia Sophia into mosque in riposte to Trump
Turkey is a secular state and in no way is Islamic caliphate
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I thought the turks already turned it into a mosque back in 1453
Cry about it lmao at Ur life loser
It was turned into a museum in the 20th century.
You are on Jow Forums. Not really in the position to call anybody a loser.
The Hagia Sophia being turned into a museum was mostly about illustrating the demise of the Ottoman Empire to Turks and that the secular nation state of Turkey now had consolidated its hold over the future.
The symbolism of undoing that is obvious.
>implying this isn't just populist talk for the upcoming elections
Yes but when Atatürk declared the Turkish Republic and abolished the Khalifate, he also turned the Hagia Sophia into a museum.
Exactly this.
I wonder who owns that museum
Q predicted this, ha!
>You kick shitskins down and they claim injustice
> next generation drink their coolade and go easy on them
>shitskins take advantage like snakes and claim superiority
> see first green text
And on and on
Say what you will about Erdogan but the man is a doer in a sea of lazy comfortable slobs. Why do you think AKP has held control for over 16 years? They actually do shit, build shit and quite honestly expand their sphere of influence thus strengthening a once weak Turkish state. I always smile when the jew run media attacks Turkey, weakens it's currency and does other kike shit to them. It only proves to me these Turks are doing the right things and that scares the powers at be.
>be me
>be against what Brenton did
>see this
I now fully support Brenton, I am beyond angry.
t. diaspora turk
Wasn’t it already a mosque?
Ah Austria, one of our Turkish strongholds in Europe lol. How does it go? haha xD
He's the Islamic attaturk
Which will give them half a generation of national pride, and then it will come crashing down as everyone knew by the end of last century that caliphates do not work anymore (just like Islam does not work)
They're doing the nationalist things, which gets them bullied by the media and the rest of the countries, they're also doing islamist things, for which no one dares to call them out on, but is unironically destroying them.
Fuck roaxhes.
based, fuck austria and fuck muslims
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The star will gorge itself on clay, the prophecies are being fulfilled.
Erdogan is controlled by Israel. Israel's angry as heck since Russia is helping Syria. They don't want Christians to take back Hagia Sophia.
Resist this by ANY MEANS! Hagia Sophia was never a mosque. It was a church. Erdogan is using the christchurch shooting to further the zionist agenda.
No wonder NATO is supporting his ass.
Fucking already invade cocksucker. Watch Greek-Australians, Greek-Americans, Greek-Germans will all return to the motherland for a repeat of our invasion nearly a hundred years ago. Only this time, there won't be a King who dies. We'll demolish those minarets and sing the hymns of the revolutionaries. Hail Golden Dawn!
I'm not shocked. Every church in Western Europe will become a mosque or demolished
every türkish roach is a patriot yet none of them wants to live in that shithole. instead you roaches spread around the world and being annoying in the expense of originals.
Pretty lame riposte. It has already been a mosque for hundreds of years, few hundred more won't make any difference to anyone's life.
When are the Spanish faggots gonna convert Alhambra into a christian monastery?
I went to Constantinople not long ago. My favorite part about the Hagia Sophia is that the Christian architects and builders were able to make a large dome that the Muslims could not replicate with the blue mosque. And the retort was that EveN TodAy wE DoNt KnOw HoW TheY BuIlt it. No, your religion is garbage and your architects were trash and too stupid to figure it out. The best things in that city were built by Christians, like Christ Tower now called galata tower. I'm not a fan of Putin but I do dream of the day the Ruskies take back Constantinople and cement Eastern Orthodoxy (the most baste denomination of Christianity on the JQ) as the true form of Christianity and Christendom.
haha that picture makes me angry lol