Congratulations user, you have been elected as President of the United States. As a result of your Presidency, you have been granted three Executive Orders which will not be subject to judicial or constitutional review, and you will have full immunity for the consequences of those orders.
The world will be cleansed of the Kikes and other shitskins and Russia will be our allies.
Joseph Roberts
Nukes the Black cube in Mecca, Nukes Wall Street in New York, Nukes Hollywood/porn. Nukes , Nuke Washington DC, Nukes Jew controlled area of Florida, Nukes the UK, Nukes India, Nukes China
Nathaniel Jenkins
Jew genocide worldwide Deport all nigs and spics Start an anglosphere union with an intent of real cooperation.
Austin Powell
Expel the kikes Expel the trannies Expel the jannies
Begin the purge but it lasts indefinitely and it cannot be stopped Make the USA Amendments no longer valid And finally set off every nuke in the country and fire them all at every single other country
1. Congressional term limits to two terms just like the president 2. Social media platforms may not implement limits on speech that are outside of the definition of constitutional free speech 3. All news articles must contain a citation page. No anonymous sources
Ayden Brown
Make all secrets published publicly on
Lucas Anderson
1. Make abortion illegal 2. Drug tests for all of congress 3. Boomer genocide
Henry Bell
Return immigration to pre-1965 levels and demographics Legalize marijuana, clemency for all non-violent marijuana offenders and wipe those related charges from their records Abolish the party system and SuperPACs, force everybody to run independently
Juan Lopez
Legalize weed everywhere Constitutional carry for all states Nuke the middle east and china
Aiden Rogers
1. Rescind daylight savings time 2. End the drug war and legalize all drugs 3. Outlaw Pitbulls, Rottweilers, and Dobermans
Then retire back to my NEET life
Colton Baker
russians are jews, user.
Leo Jenkins
1. Evict all kikes and send anyone with Jewish blood back to Israel 2. Send all niggers back to Africa 3. Make all leftism illegal and punishable by death.
Brayden Hughes
1. Enact martial law and declare myself Emperor of the New American Empire.
2. Round up all Jews, seize their property and deport them to Israel.
3. Invade Canada and use it as a colony to house all other undesireables.
1. 35 Years in prison for person(s) who knowingly pass off a terrorism/school shooting training drill as a real event. This applies to the media as well. All training ops must have all participants wear bright yellow lanyard badges with laminated badge in 24 pt font in red reading, "DRILL." No participant may hide said badge for muh, realism.
2) National voter ID law which mandates that citizens must have a national ID to vote cross-referenced with fingerprint or retina scan (proving citizenship)
3) Effective immediately, Homeland Security shall implement a national death database which records all deaths in every State and updates the national voter ID registry with dead people ineligible to vote. Further, DHS shall begin to use national archives, local corner office deaths, etc... to update the database of past dead Americans and keep Dead Republicans from voting Democrat in future elections.
Order Homosexuality is punishable by death. Order the speedy beginning of homosexual tribunals. Declare OP is a faggot
Jonathan Turner
1, give huge welfare benefits to so Californian residents. 2. Offer all Americans free tickets to California. 3. Drop entire nuclear and conventional arsenal on California. Retire
1. Order the NSA to hack Faceberg, gradually corrupt all its stored data. If this fails, EMP every datacenter and offsite backup until there's not even one cat picture or selfie left 2. Set a flat tax rate of 15% replacing everything and order the government to provide open in-depth records accounting for every penny they spend and order that 20% of tax income is spent on unconditional UBI for everyone in need to whichever maximum amount that allows 3. Reinvigorate NASA and task them with building a permanent settlement on Mars and tax incentivize -70% every company working to build it, work on terraforming, transport, habitats, food, energy etc.
Adrian Torres
Build a wall. Enforce immigration laws to the letter. No non-citizens permitted to avail of public goods Confiscate firearms. Massively subsidise but not universally provide health care and education. No more interventionism. Massively improve infrastructure spending Massively increase hospice care spending. Savagely curtail corporatism by all means at my disposal. Break up banks Enforce freedom of expression for all views no matter how abhorrent ...brutally if necessary. Outlaw unnecessary abortion. End as far as is practicable surveillance. End the hate speech law fallacy. Have high schools offer a class in Gun maintenance and use to students who want them Increase funding to tech universities.. we need more practically minded people, not fucking philosophers. End the exportation of jobs as far as is practicable. Lift restrictions on the exploitation of fossil fuels but promote R and D of renewable energy. Make permanent the electoral college and fix the number of supreme court justices. Stop trying to broker between radical islam and judaism. that wont work.. either pick a side and finish it or get out of that whole mess Support Europe (obviously) as we are your ideological allies and as close to you all in values as anyone else in the world (assuming we don't go to shit. Mandatory military service for all suitable people from 20 -22. no exceptions.
Joseph Morris
Oh and space force... the country that monopolizes access to orbit and the moon wins the game permanently...
Cooper Lee
correction... prohibit in perpetuity the confiscation of fire arms
Nathan Torres
1) Measure everyone's nose 2) Deport everyone who has a bigger nose than I do. Got a nose job? Deport to Israel immediately.
Connor Collins
1: All of congress must be publicly hung 2: All future congressional candidates have a strict total limit of $5,000 for campaigning 3: Any member of congress taking so much as one single cent from a private citizen outside of the initial campaign donations or from any special interest group is skinned alive and covered in salt.
1. put voting on Blockchain 2. make the Black Mirror bee episode reality 3. that's it really
Charles Hernandez
Cringe and bluepilled
Tyler Myers
Executive order #14230: The federal reserve will lose all control over financial and monetary aspects of the U.S. economy pending dissolution.
EO 14231: The treasury will have the authority to reverse inflation to 1960 levels over the next twenty five years
EO #14232: Declare federal debt a national emergency and begin paying it back 2 trillion a year for the next ten years.
EO #14233: Extend British influence in Europe via favorable trade deals, heavy loans, etc. This is because Britain has and always will be affiliated with the US due to common language and culture.
EO#14234: repeal all illegal gun control acts such as the acts of 1934, 1986 and 1994.
Finally, EO#14235 will reverse the tide of executive power over the last 50 years.