What does this party stand for?
What does this party stand for?
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Rich people.
three pentagrams.
i don't really care what they stand for as long as they are against the commies.
It stands for being a cocksleeve to the commie party USA.
Money and racism.
To be fair, that's pretty much every single political party on this capitalist hell we call Earth.
>Money and racism.
i like both of those.
>having a low enough IQ to acquire Stockholm Syndrome
We know.
yeah, fuck those retard swedes
tax breaks for rich guys and money for israel
Israel and its greatness
(((who))) do you think?
smaller centralized authority and increased local authority.
the rest of us just call it the US, my friend :)
After Trump I got about $65 in my paycheck each month and I just did my taxes and got $550 back, I never used to get anything which is actually what you want.
Circus peanuts
Duh mother fuckers
Everything conservatives vote for is based in scaring them to vote for it
Global capital, mass immigration, war, and the 1%. It is a party that "conserves" nothing, there isn't even a conversation.
Congratulations. You got 615 dollars in tax breaks. But at what cost? You know that Trump instituted some massive cuts to various social programmes, and those will have a cost. I don't know your circumstances so I can't be more specific, but these programmes exist because people rely on them to survive and prosper.
Worry about your own country
The other side of the coin that exists to make sure that any actor that truely challenges the powers that be can not get support
I wish I could. But you mutts not irrelevant enough to ignore yet. America is the spider in the centre of the web that is the global financial and political order. The U.S has exported (other states like the U.K also played a role) Neo-liberalism throughout the world and continues to do so. We can't ignore you.
>What does this party stand for?
It stands for the exact same thing the "opposing" party does: Zionism.
Controlled opposition
they are the party of shabbos goys
Jew loving party.
Not sure desu. They don't have any integrity, don't care about values or the people. They sow division, feed on fear and war, so they can line their own pockets at everyone elses expense. For a bunch of faggots who preach christian values so much, they couldn't be further in the opposite direction. There is no vision for the future with these guys, it's all about immediate gains. No changes or progress ever happens, it's all about maintaining the status quou. If you ask republicans what they wanted, they would have asked for a faster horse.
Have republicans ever done anything for the people except for some petty "tax breaks", that don't actually improve your life in any significant way? And even this is entirely symbolic, like throwing bread into the crowd at the colleseum. And while you're distracted by your extra 500$, they cut infrastructure, consumer protections, regulations, and give even bigger tax cuts for the rich. Besides money for the rich they don't really stand for anything, they don't even pretend to care.
They really pushed those commies back when they took over eh?
Profits over everything. Even Trump's populist revolution in 2016 didn't teach them anything.
>What does this party stand for?
same thing the other one stands for
>We can't ignore you.
We ignore you.
I wish that were true.