Why is Greece’s average IQ so low? Do you have lots of middle eastern immigrants...

Why is Greece’s average IQ so low? Do you have lots of middle eastern immigrants? Or is it because of Turkish admixture? I’m 25% Greek so don’t think I mean any offense

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>I’m 25% Greek so don’t think I mean any offense
Dios mio...

>La Creatura

90% isn't low you stupid faggot, the thing is that usa have 95% but thats dumb because in reality you are all fucking stupid retards probably of the niggers right?

All the intelligent Greeks moved away because they were tired of being rape babies and wanted white baby daddies.

Greeks are white.

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>expressing IQ as percentages
>not low IQ

Regression to the mean, Greeks are mixed Turks, so Greeks iq is regressing to the avg of the original population.

They stole south Albania

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Way I see it, Ottoman domination erased any intelligentsia that existed in the country. The Orthodox church bears a piece of the blame for keeping the population dumbed down and subservient to the Turks. The country has always been ruled by a class of self serving, greedy fuck who never really gave a shit about the genaeral population. The people could see that, so they became the same self serving, myopic cunts like the rich. Any intelligent people and successful industrialists belonging to the nation, left for Western Europe or North America. The greater mind control mechanism of socialism has gradually replaced Christianity as the main driver of keeping them dumb, distracted and content. The only period of modern Greece where the country enjoyed stability, progress and prosperity was during the Junta years of Col. Papadopoulos. Its been all down hill ever since. I dont see the country recovering unless the Greeks take the Red pill and hang all of these motherfucker who have sold them out time after time, generation after generation. Personally, I dont believe they are up to the task.

Ireland's IQ is equally low, and they haven't been subject to any non European admixture. Quite the contrary, the only foreign admixture present in Ireland has been the result of Germanic and subsequently Viking invasions. Greeks have never been more intelligent than Germanics, just as the great civilizations of the east never had been. We simply had an early start, aided by our climate and advanced near eastern neighbors.

Thats because they always drunk. Fucking pisstanks....

I neglected to mention Lithuania, whose IQ is also equally low despite not having been subject to any non European admixture. The only foreign admixture in Lithuania, minuscule as it may be, came from neighbors with higher national averages, which, if anything, should have elevated them.

genetic contamination through out the ages, also modern life has done a great deal to ruin the gene pool of humanity, as in natural environment only the strongest and smartest survived in modern civilization any creature can.

combine that with immigration and degenerate culture, getting wasted 247 filling your minds with garbage called (((entertainment))) and the consequences of epi-gentics your hard pressed to find the beauty wisdom and knowledge attributed to your ancestors.

Deal with it. Notice the dead Albanian on the ground.

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Live under occupation from turks for 500 years. Then come back to me.

Corrected version of your map

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>Shoot in the back by infamous greks

Notice how they are stealing the shinny things of the fallen albanian

He won't be needing them....and yes, Southern Albania too!

Fukken retard. Then don't cry when albanians steal shit too in current year

Someone's butthurt

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They have sloping foreheads=small brains

The original Greeks don't exist anymore. Even by the time the Roman Empire kicked in their shit most of them were unremarkable farmers, and this only became more true as time went on. Being raped by millions of Slavs, Turks, Western Euros, and even the occasional med nigger resulted in the current mutt meat that has resided in Greece since at least 1400.

Greeks being gay is a myth.
It's just that Greek women are so hairy we often mistake them for Greek men.

Turks are not though ;-)