(other than gun control) what should the Government do to prevent mass shootings?

(other than gun control) what should the Government do to prevent mass shootings?
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Ban single mothers, all school shooters had single moms

Guns are not the issue. No matter how many time you filthy totalitarian commies repeat it

bomb israel

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state mandated girlfiend

You guys need to learn not to purposely be agreasivly retarded if you want to be taken seriously.

Of course guns are a factor.
-Less guns on the street, higher the black market price
-less semi automatics, less mass shootings

Other than gun laws?
Proper health care would help..
Proper money to school systems..
Less retards who vote.


you cant stop it. the organizations that orchestrate these events can get guns any time they want

ban islam.

All males above 18 have to carry a gun when outside of their homes.
Government appointed girlfriends/caretakers

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lock up everybody

FPBP and checked

mandatory military enlistment and training for all males starting at age 14

Nigger control? That isn't realistic though.

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All suspected of being incels should be sent to work camps for life.

> all

I agree with the problem being single mothers but OP’s pic related definitely had a Jew father who worked in Hollywood.

Technically he’s not a ‘school’ shooter, but I’d definitely like to see some data to back this claim.

Actually act in their citizen's best interest to promote a healthy society. Which isn't the same as a wealthy society.

If we kill all of the citizens then we won't have shootings anymore problem solved

Hand out free guns and mandatory open carry.

pussy redistribution

from each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs

and every male needs pussy

You arguments are not serious. My Rights are not debatable..

It is not about guns. My rights are absolute. PERIOD

Make prostitution legal.

It's actually not all, just most of them

yes, we need to get rid of that migration problem first

Being a hapa is like having a single mother because there's no way to connect with your yellow fever boomer dad.

The majority of mass shooters have been left leaning. So gun control might work if we ban communists, democrats, and progressives from owning them.

Forced segregation.

Finishing school for boys to train them to be supreme gentlemen.

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I can not wait until you are going to tell me strait to my face why you're stealing my shit without hiding behind 'greater authorities'

maximum autism post
>-Less guns on the street, higher the black market price
The price wouldn't go up a significant amount if we had "less guns on the streets" hwoever you plan to do that
>-Less guns on the street, higher the black market price
-less semi automatics, less mass shootings
ok? what happens when they get a pump action shotgun and still decimate people with it? ban those too? Then the next cycling action weapon below it till we're at a fucking single fire shot weapon? lmfao
>Proper health care would help..
Come to Canada and see how much you like using it here
>Proper money to school systems..
We pay more into it as a % compared to the US, but our grades for white majority schools are lower than white majority schools in the US
>Less retards who vote.
The majority of people who would vote for those policies you presented are of the lower intelligence in the US soooo.... yeah nice way to eliminate that possibility

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Caring about it's citizens.

Right now, mass shooting is defined as 4 or more.

Update that to 50 or more and they’ll go way down.

leftists aren't Human, so whore cares?

State issued gfs

Automatic Death penalty for murderers, rapists, and pedophIles as well as anyone whose greed/corruption directly causes the death of an innocent (anyone who isn't a murderer, rapist, or pedophile, etc.).

This would swiftly cause all people to shape up for fear of the consequences.

People replying "state issued gfs" are retarded. You know who tried that very thing? The soviet union. Domestic abuse and attempts of divorce were still pretty high. You wont get a 10/10 pure waifu, you will get fat Becky who nobody wanted to take to prom. And you will have to keep feeding your newly aquired hambeast. Living alone is way better than having a random wife.

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I do care that why I defend their right to protect themselves buy being armed.

ancient pol would be asking
define 'leftists'

Becky? As in Rebecca Hysell of Maryland who currently lives illegally in Virginia?


Are you a faggot?
Pussy is pussy. It's always better to have a slit than jerking it alone in your darkened room.

Get rid of the public schools. What is ALWAYS overlooked is the fact that the shooters were ALL students of those schools. It is quite obvious that the public schools are creating these psychos. It is the poisonous fruit of the poisonous tree. Leftist brainwash factories, which teach nothing but hatred, and is financed by OCEANS of STOLEN money could not possibly produce anything good.

Shipping in hood niggers to nice schools created the problem. None of this shit really started until majority white schools hit a critical level of niggers. Add to that the current culture where niggers can do no wrong and get away with anything and you're going to push someone on the fence over to the dark side.
