The reason why the huge majority of the "white supremacists" here aren't even pure whites, like myself, is because to be able to think bad things you have to be impure, to be able to understand the reality of the world and realize how bad things are you need to be impure, check that out with your pure white friends and realize how zombified they are, the huge majority of pure whites if not all are "crackheads" unable to think about genocide and misery, unable to comprehend those concepts, check out the most based countries in Europe, Italy, Spain, the slav countries. Meanwhile the "aryans" are the biggest cucks in the world.
Last hardpill, racism will not end with the extinction of the white race, but will end with the extinction of the black race.
>Last hardpill, racism will not end with the extinction of the white race, but will end with the extinction of the black race
how, there are billions of them. And if we are so cucked and unable to think of a solution who will implement it?
Asher Jenkins
Is this why there are so many degenerate traps that are also nazis?
Josiah Powell
I am Eastern European (brown eyes and hair but my features are European) and I care about Europe and I know that if we keep letting in millions of people from the third world that the cultures of the European countries is gonna get mixed wit this new upturns of these people coming in and also the race itself will disappear and this can’t happen, it must not happen
I meant to say ‘cultures’, not ‘upturns’ Also *with (I wrote too fast (sorry) :^P
James Thomas
The hardest pill to swallow is traps aren't gay
Leo Anderson
>who will implement it? the hapa master race
Bentley Rivera
The girl in the photo is not Japanese or Asian, she is half indigenous Mexican, half white.
Asher Davis
Based and redpilled. Mixed Brazilian speaking.
James Long
Im full white can trace dutch ancestry up to 1400, and im probably much harsher than most third positionist, kai murros kinda level, we can not be merciful to anyone, blood of traitors and enemies must run through the streets in every town and city.
We aren't even cucked, just today ive seen lots of identity europe kinda posters in a city near me, its just that our political system is the very core of the hive. It cant be destroyed by the first wave of nationalists. It must be broken in revolution.
Joshua Parker
As Mr. Adolf said: "In relation to the non-German student, they are incredibly curious and at the same time intractable. They wear the forbidden insignia of the nation and are happy to be punished or even beaten. They are, in small proportions, a faithful picture of the great, often with better and more sincere feelings."
Owen Reed
shes harniza and I never implied she was a hapa, you could call her a hapa though since she is a mongoloid-caucasoid hybrid
Hudson Roberts
niggers need to ne riced, thats the best way to genocide them
what do you make of being in the UK as an eastern European, is it really depressing or do you see it as some kind of warning for eastern Europe?
Hunter Thomas
You might be right. 1/4 Berber here and more radical than anyone around (mid- to upper-class).
Nolan Brooks
I agree with your first paragraph. I've thought this as well, when I think about "multi-racial white supremacy", and how many of the pure good whites I've known have this innocence and naivete towards other cultures. They have this intense sense of ignorant empathy, where they believe everyone starts out as good, virtuous, and honorable as whites, but then something must happen to them that's out of their control. They pity non-whites as if they were all "broken whites". The reality is that most non-whites are normal in their vicious, dishonorable, animalistic behavior. White people are the weird ones. The issue is how to we create a society with these "good whites" at the head, but also protect them from being taken advantage of by the vicious animals?
Brandon Moore
Not to mention that Japanese and Korean people fucking hate each other. I'm pretty sure Mexicans hate Guatemalans. Persians hate everyone. Your only correct assumption is that everyone hates blacks. Racism will never be eliminated. That's part of why it was created as a communist foil against any type of nationalism in the first place.
Its called a race real society, were every nog knows his good life is dependent on the white mans leadership and altruism.
Strong must protect the weak weak must accept the just rule of the strong
Logan Parker
Concentration camps in an Amish like way
Joshua Williams
The black race in the americas could end, that's a reality already, they're being replaced by mutts and are too dumb to notice it. But even if african americans fade away the nigger population in africa will continue growing without ceasing. Thus they're not going extinct the same way whites are.
Tyler White
Speak for yourself, I have zero non-european ancestry and I'd dearly love to put every shitskin mudslime on European and American soil into concentration camps.
Jonathan Thompson
im pure white and know the truth but yeah most whites are clueless or cant even comprehend the horrors of the world
Jaxson Jones
every non black needs to go to africa to impregnate a sheeboon, thats the easiest way to destroy the black race
Josiah Jackson
That is why I wrote most pure whites are too good to comprehend or even care about the reality, you are the exception, not the norm.
Evan Hill
I'm Asian and would much rather prefer a world mostly inhabited by high IQ-Whites and Asians after genetic editing comes into play.
Colton Lopez
based chinks will turn africa into the philippines
That's actually not a bad idea. Differently from whites, members from their race are not being replaced in their home continent. Bleaching the hell out of africa would mean that even if whites were gone by the end of the century, so would be blacks.
Jaxon Nguyen
That's true. Only niggers, kikes, and gooks are racist. True Aryan gods like me would never stoop to race-baiting and namecalling.
Easton Ward
You do realize the word nigger comes from negro which is the Spanish word for black and was introduced into the American society by Sephardic jews that spoke Spanish and used only negro to refer to the BLACKS, I think even Mexicans that stayed in Texas helped to spread that racial slur, because you wouldn't even realize how racist we are. Also, stop putting a fake face here, if you are black you know about color ism and that shit is just blatant racism but between blacks.
Liam Scott
what was done in the americas needs to be done in africa too