What is the Jow Forumss position?
Anti-vaccination movement
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We're pro-eradicated disease.
Bring on the polio and smallpox.
Rectal injections are the only safe ones.
Administered from hunks. Bow chika bow wow!
This is bullshit but sadly and unironicaly most conservative are retarded
You have no excuse to believe this nonsense unless you're a woman in her 30s and in desperate need of a good dicking.
unironically this. The idea is to get enough retards to refuse to vaccinate their children, weaken herd immunity and have a cleansing of all people dumb enough to believe this
Vaccines are good, however MOST are administered at far too young of a age and in too short amount of a time. To deny that injecting countless various chemicals into a baby before they reach 24 months has any effect of their brain and hormonal chemistry is to deny reality.
Also, flu shots are a scam that we don't need. Most people who get flu shots still get the flu.
I dont care what you do to your kids. Molest, torture, maim, tickle, slap, beat, burn, or even drown them for all that it matters to me. They are your kids, you decide what happens to them.
Just keep them the fuck out of public if you don't vaccinate them.
Name one instance in which vaccines saved people and contributed to the lowering of mortality rates that weren't already dropping.
get the classics that took us to the perspective necessary to afford society as we have it i.e. measles and polio, but you're only a fool to get the flu vaccine as well as all these other random fucking immunities for diseases they may very well have just manufactured along the Zaire river as part of a financially-driven genocide racket
flu-shots have a purpose, but shouldn't be for general consumption. People with weakened immune systems who actually have a really high chance of dying to a full strain of the flu should be able to get it
unless we want those people to die off, which I don't really care about.
it's the important, first of the line vaccines that have a purpose, everything thereafter is only there to distract and harm you
>herd immunity
he fell for the fake science
> Dramatic declines in morbidity have been reported for the nine vaccine-preventable diseases for which vaccination was universally recommended for use in children before 1990
Just read it. Honestly, I don't understand anti-vaxxers. Of all things you could latch onto, why vaccines?
inoculation is good but why are all of these chemicals included with apparently 0 justification?
why did that pro-vaccine Italian group find zero of the viruses or antibodies of any of the vaccines in the MMR vaccines they tested?
vaccines are a blessing.
anti-vaxers get the bullet/rope/gas/mailbomb
Anti-vax are retards
I agree but if you're between the ages of 10 and 65, you shouldn't need a flu vaccine.
Fuck, tetanus was already on a massive decline BEFORE the vaccine was even a thing because we learned about vitamins (vitamin C & D specifically for tetanus treatment).
The vaccine was only in widespread use by the late 1940's as well.
>In the United States, reported mortality due to tetanus has declined at a constant rate since the early 1900s, and documented tetanus incidence has declined since the mid- to late 1940s, when national reporting of tetanus cases began
>widespread use of tetanus toxoid–containing vaccines since the late 1940s.
> improved wound care and postexposure use of tetanus immune globulin (TIG), either for prophylaxis in wound management or for treatment of tetanus. In addition, increased rural-to-urban migration with consequent decreased exposure to tetanus spores may also have contributed to the decline in tetanus mortality noted during the first half of the 20th century
We dont see fucking tetanus anymore because children dont all live on farms to help their families anymore with unsafe work where the families don't know how to actually treat a wound because they're all uneducated yet it's now daily knowledge on how to treat and disinfect a wound.
Oh I do believe it
I just think polio is worst.
Thats it.
eh, I personally have never gotten a flu bug after getting a shot (I stopped my shots after elementary school) but have gotten the flu since high school. Once bad enough to shit my pants.
I can live with the 2-4 days a year when I'm too sick to work, though. Flu's don't usually last long.
Wow a big fat fucking nothingburger, very nice!
People are already being prescribed antidepressants left and right, everyone has a kg of plastic in their body from toothpaste alone, fluoride in water causes mental illness, etc. What makes you think vaccines would be 100% good for you?
Influenza is a respiratory illness. The gastroenterological virus(es) you're referring to aren't related to Influenza or the Influenza vaccine.
How did antivax even bocome a thing
Immune systems are made stronger by fighting and overcoming disease. (Gods natural plan)
Jewish invented needles injecting poison into the body to prevent diseases eradicated by sanitation
nice conversation pharma shills. may you rot in hell for poisoning little children all over the world. god is not mercyful with rats
And Liberals
Mass vaccination of the brand pandemrix is now known to have caused narcolepsi in kids, wrecking their life for good.
May you end up in an iron lung.
who the fuck let this nigga draw snakes
You should inject what the government tells you to inject, goy
Yes, there are other factors at play. However, vaccines have played a very important role in this as well. There are very few downsides and the benefits clearly outweigh the risks.
Look, at the end of the day it comes down to this. Government authorities all over the world say that vaccines are useful. Doctors and scientists all over the world say that vaccines are useful. There are very few dissenting voices and almost none in the scientific community. I trust that the people who dedicated their lives to studying medicine know better than me after a few google searches. I'm not an expert on medicine and I think that the experts being honest is far more likely than a grand world-wide conspiracy.
Congress has called vaccines "unavoidably unsafe."
Metals, inorganic compounds, completely unidentifiable substances found in EVERY vaccine tested. The Dr's who did the study were later raided.
>If our hypothesis is actually the case, a close inspection of the working places and the full knowledge of the whole procedure of vaccine preparation would probably allow to eliminate the problem.
The problem is, pro-vaccine people won't allow this. There was a thread about this the other day, and it was repeatedly brought up that the people pushing vaccinations won't allow any middle ground, claiming it's a "settled science" and that there is zero reason for change.
>inorganic particles that have zero reason to be in vaccines are a good thing.
>No, we don't bother to declare them, the long lasting negative effects are negligible
>No, we don't know how they got there, probably just contamination
>What do you mean you want to inspect the process and procedure you fucking antivax science denier
gee i wonder why people don't want to be injected at gunpoint by outlaw multinational pharma corporations?
The government is not allmighty. There are many actors, from private sector to academia, who know what's in that stuff, and almost all of them say that it's reasonably safe (with a few exceptions) and that the benefits outweigh the risks. It's not some rich billionaire telling you to keep chugging shit, it's your neighbour who is a pre-med undergrad who learned about what's in vaccines and understands why they're safe.
Every single word you typed reads like fucking parody.
>Immune systems are made stronger by fighting and overcoming disease
That's how vaccines work
I'm all for people being free to do their own research and make up their own minds.
That being said, your own research SHOULD indicate that even if everything they say about vaccines causing this and that is true, that's still WAY better than the diseases they prevent, and that you should absolutely decide to vaccinate. If you don't reach that conclusion on your own then you fail at research.
Anti-vax. Anyone that wants ZOG to be able to force vaccinate people with whatever they want to is the worse kind of useful idiot.
Muh herd immunity
Literally calling yourselves cattle
liquid poison strait from the jews
theyre smart doctors
just trust the jews!
CDC reports last death due to Measles was 2015
look at slide 5 last bullet point
>A single death since 2001
You're likelier to die from the vaccine than the actual disease. And measles isn't even that fucking deadly. You will get it once and you are immune to it for life. Vaccines are full of neurotoxins and there are various cases of people being paralyzed from these or suffering brain damage and seizures, you CANNOT ignore these.
You are assuming without evidence that vaccines are what has led to a reduction in those diseases, instead of other factors like improved sanitation or nutrition. Most of these diseases were disappearing before the corresponding vaccine was even introduced, and some still exist under a new name (polio was renamed Guillain Barre Syndrome, and is caused BY vaccines).
stomach flu is still a flu, can still make it's way into the mouth and throat and can still be transmitted by a cough or not washing your hands, and is very common carried and transmitted alongside a respiratory illness.
Semantics, if you ask me. But whatever makes you happy, man.
>Government authorities all over the world say that vaccines are useful.
Wow, kike owned governments who generally want to eradicate the human race and who push all sorts of population control agendas say the vaccines are good for you. I am sure they are REALLY concerned about health. Thanks for that.
but how can we get money from our goyms with gods natural plan?
our medical theories are based on the playingfield of capitalism. we get poisoned at birth in order to get addicted to the pharmajew for life. the suffering will never stop if goyms won't wake up finally. i am sure they allready use chemicals to dumb us otherwhise i have no idea how they manipulated white people in sucking pharmajews cock daily without even understanding how much of a scam these 300 year old theories are. btw the jew who invented that shit killed his son and a few other people because he thought he can make money with it. he even continued after his offspring died, such a big jew he was.
but y continue shilling on this board faggots, you won't get anywhere against healthy humans that see the lies
My point is the Influenza vaccine will have no effect on a stomach bug.
>aborted fetal dna
Parents choice, bring back strict quarantine procedures.
lol you also believe in the holocaust am i right?
The trauma can be mostly healed in a proper loving + healthy environment, but most white kids don't get that now. Trauma experienced later in childhood, from persistent and/or vicious bullying or further sexual abuse, cements it. The rise in shitty parenting and schools not letting black kids to get expelled anymore, no matter how violent they are ("No Child Left Behind" + Obama's bullshit laws) feed directly into this.
We're being browbeaten, castrated, humiliated and broken into drones.
This is all bullshit. Thridworld countries have vaccinations and they don't have autism or this other shit at the rates first world countries do.
More likely it's because women are having kids in their 50s.
it's basically the fucking reason nigger population is growing like crazy
>1 (ONE) conspiracy theorist comes into the thread
>posts a dozen images supporting his oxygen deprived brain's semblance of an "Idea"
>another one is claiming that vaccines are proven to cause autism
>doesn't understand that autism is just being overdiagnosed in first-world countries, because doctors don't want to tell parents their kids are just fucking stupid or inept
No. But all kinds of weird shit is regularly used to develop and cultivate the vaccines. Growing large amounts of extremely weak virus in a lab environment is tough because it's required to constantly be near-death, basically.
besides, if you break down any kind of meat you eat you'll find half of the same shit in similar concentrations. Organisms contain all kinds of shit that's not the best for you in large quantities. I would argue that a baby-sized mouthful of tuna likely contains more mercury than any vaccine.
Just like with every other job, some researchers are bad at their job. Here's an explanation: scienceblogs.com
The summary is as such: First, the journal this was published in is NOT a peer-reviewed, academic journal. It's on a list of predatory publishers who engage in scummy practices: clinicallibrarian.wordpress.com
You've just been in this retarded echo-chamber for too long. There is a lot I don't know, which means that I'll trust experts on the matter unless I have a good reason to believe that they are deceiving me. There is no such reason with vaccines.
> A single death since 2001
Because it's been largely eradicated - thanks to vaccination.
> And measles isn't even that fucking deadly... more likely to die from vaccines
Where is the credible science for this? You can't just post shit from facebook and expect people to believe you. And the youtube link you posted? Just the thumbnail tells me the people who made it are full of shit. "65 unknown to science compounds discovered..." really? Do you think that pharmaceutical companies are like witch covens that work their vile sorcery in the dark corners of the world? The people who make this stuff are not aliens or jew lizards from another world who stay locked in their dungeons concocting poisons. You can't synthesize and keep hidden compounds and put them in vaccines for nefarious purposes. Like I said, this shit gets examined and tested by both public and private sector entities. I'm a university student, I know these people. They're smart men and women who dedicated their life to science, not monsters.
A good thing about this conspiracy is that they'll kill themselves off anyways
MEDICAL MARTIAL LAW rolled out in New York; unvaccinated citizens banned from all public places, including schools, churches, malls, sidewalks, public transit and voting locations
'Health Freedom Alert: Medical martial law has been rolled out in Rockland County, New York, where unvaccinated citizens are now barred from all public places — including schools, sidewalks, malls, churches and public transportation — all under the absurd quack science fraud that claims measles is only spread by unvaccinated people. In truth, the measles vaccine spreads the measles through “viral shedding” and improperly weakened viral strains. If the measles vaccine really worked, why would vaccinated people have anything to fear from the unvaccinated, anyway?'
>What is the Jow Forumss position?
they wont let you post a video reading the vaxx insert side effects on YT, banned if you try. I have a nephew who was a completely healthy baby at 1 who played w toys, lots of eye contact with adults, laughed, already started trying to verbalize then his idiot mother pumped him full of shots and a week later he became autistic, zero eye contact, cant handle loud sounds, and now gets bullied in school. Its a massive fucking scam. I will never vaxxx my kids after seeing that first hand
Who will the "kike owned gubbirments" lord over once they eradicate the human race?
> I am sure they are REALLY concerned about health.
Sick/dead people can't work and pay taxes.
>Thridworld countries have vaccinations and they don't have autism or this other shit at the rates first world countries
they have an average IQ of 61, so do you
Taxes from the white working class is what's propping up the nigger population. Take away the gibs and within 6 months that herd would be massively culled. Plus you're ugly.
>Because it's been largely eradicated - thanks to vaccination.
Fuck off and die.
Vaxx info sites
Video on the measles hysteria PSYOP
>What is the Jow Forumss position?
Sola dosis facit venenum, and the dosage of actually dangerous chemicals or compounds in vaccines is so little that it may as well be a statistical error.
and with your conspiracy that you will die too because of being cattle
let nature cleanse the cities of nignogs, subhumans, fags and retrobates
There's a huge difference between orally ingested mercury and mercury injected intravenously into lipids or muscle mass. Injections take up residence in your vital organs for half a life time and wreak havoc the whole time, plus has capability to cross the blood/brain barrier causing mental damage such as retardation or autism... Orally ingested mercury is filtered by your liver and expelled through your bladder or fecal matter within 12 hours.
Do you not understand that better sanitation does not eliminate illnesses, just reduces them? Why should people keep suffering or even dying from preventable diseases?
>Sick people can't work and pay taxes.
You haven’t been to America for a while have you memeflaggot.
Almost everything people consume makes them sick, from every day food to pharmaceuticals to tap water to the air they breathe. It is within the interests of the ruling class, the kikes if you will, to have a weak and feeble population
> he thinks that only non-whites suffer from diseases
>calling migrants "Anti vaxxers" and getting them banned from everywhere including their own mosques
its true, just look it up
And fuck off with your article.
[In that Cervarix sample, the researchers found aluminum hydroxide, one of those scary sounding compounds. Let’s say every one of those 1569 particles was aluminum hydroxide, it would mean that around 0.000000000001 ng of aluminum hydroxide in a vial of vaccine. That is simply biologically irrelevant. Even if the aluminum hydroxide was found, it’s level is so low, that the human body wouldn’t notice it. You breathe in more aluminum on a normal day than you would ever find in a vial of vaccine.]
So now breathing alumnium is the same exact thing as injecting it? What child is breathing aluminum and how has it been studied? Obviously the immune system recognizes an injected aluminum adjuvant, and so the human body HAS noticed it; (which one of the most blatant and obvious lies of this article). Without that aluminum adjuvant, no so called inactivated vaccine antigen would be recognized sufficiently enough to result in increased resulting antibodies sufficient to produce and FDA approval of the vaccine. If a small child for example jets injected enough times with a vaccine aluminum adjuvant, several studies have shown aluminum as well can cause over activation of brains microlgia cell, and with resulting chronic levels brain inflammation. You do not even know what the injected amount of any of these substances actually are harmful to human health. When injected, those harmful amounts could be very small. Again, where are your studies showing that any of these substances when injected, are below the level of biological activity? You have no such studies, and you are simply assuming that to be the case.
Thankfully I am not an American. That said, you're wildly exaggerating. Food today is mostly safe and mechanisms exist to detect and correct mistakes and negligence. As another user keeps posting (albeit with questionable sources), death rates have been going down over the years. Being ill definitely hurts productivity, and as I keep pointing out, doctors are by and large good people who don't want to keep you ill. You keep forgetting that these people were (assuming you're an adult) your dorky science-loving classmates once. They're not aliens or monsters.
>doesn't understand that autism is just being overdiagnosed in first-world countries, because doctors don't want to tell parents their kids are just fucking stupid or inept
ask someone that works in a school these days. There is an absolutely absurdly unusual amount of mental retardations in children, cognitive disorders. Every class will have a kid unable to function mentally. Not just hur dur ur kids dum lol
Also it’s been proven in court and huge settlements have been laid out to families who prove that their child was given autism from vaccines. Even if scientists are well meaning that doesn’t mean they don’t just fuck with things they don’t understand
don't vaccinate, too many damn people!
I say no more
40 year old soccer mom detected.
Look here’s my logic behind this, not that i’m against it or feel retarded for being vaccinated though I might have severe autism
>vaccine contain chemical
>brain work thank to chemical
>chemical go in shot up vein
>heart pump chemical to brain
>chemical meet chemical
Since y’all would agree smoking marijuana is damaging during brain development couldn’t these chemicals somewhat alter how a person grows up? Look all I’m saying is we should at least make more serious studies on this.
kindly kys.
Thiomersal breaks down to ethylmercury which has a half life of 14 days.
The methylmercury found in fish has a half life of 50 days after oral ingestion.
Please STFU. You are a moron.
Did you know that in most Western countries, people have peanut allergies, but in Israel, they don't get peanut allergies but get sesame allergies. In the West we add a peanut based solution to vaccines while in Israel they add a sesame solution to the vaccine.
So I don't know if vaccines cause allergies, but they do have some harmful affects.
>subtly tells us ways to poison the Jews
>nod in Robert Redford
We can trade blogposts all day and pretend that we're doctors when neither one of us is. Like I said, it comes down to this: trust. I know people who are doctors, and people who are academics. They - people who actually know what they're talking about - are telling me that vaccines are safe, and there is no real reason for them to lie about it. My T.As and my profs are decent people, and are not on the payroll of "kike owned governments", "big pharma" and that other nonsense. These bloggers are mostly soccer mommies bored out of their minds and hacks who want to sell you some rock or oil that you need to shove somewhere.
"100% of people who drink water die"
Can we put stupidity in vaccines so that people become allergic to that?
same as flat earth, drumph, etc. you're either trolling or falling for it
how insightful rabi.