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171 iq here AMA
Jackson White
Other urls found in this thread:
Lincoln Edwards
What would be your initial reflex if your gov captured you and declared you insane and locked you up with paid psychologists to see how long they can fuck with you until you go batshit?
Samuel Kelly
What does the inside of a vagina feel like?
Adam Thompson
172 iq here. Ask me anything instead.
Matthew Walker
What is the airspeed velocity of a coconut carrying swallow
Evan Hughes
Trying to gauge the precise situation I was in, ie how many men came down knocking, then grab a sharp object stab the guy talking to me in the eye then slash his throat and get the fuck out whatever way no one was watching
Then shoplift clothes to disguise myself
David Lopez
Alexander Martinez
How will EU develop over the next 10 years? Is deagel list correc?
David James
175 IQ here, also Wendy's fry chef making $180/year, 7' tall with a 12" dick. AMA, I'm ready for it.
Eli Rivera
Never for me. That's odd.
Noah Turner
What if its the police that came to get you.
And ur actually in a force jacket for trying to flee a bit earlier, ending up with 6 guys on you with a fat fuck holding your back while the other faggots grab your leg and some cuck nurse shows up with a syringe and then you start yelling random unintelligible shit NO NO N OOO ?
The precise moment you figure their intention, what would you do?
Aiden Morgan
71 iq here ama instead
pic related
Andrew Nguyen
No idea
Depends on the results of key national elections and when the next financial crisis hits
Connor Cruz
Bags of sand.
Chase Jones
Everybody walks their own plateau, everybody physiologically reacts the same way, souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mold. Is one burden greater than another when they have the equal effect on the recipient? What is equality?
Jeremiah Watson
Brainlet confrimed. Any situation where a govt authority has declared you insane or mentally unfit will be devoid of sharp objects. Here's my question: what happened to you that makes you feel like you need to larp as a smart person on an anonymous Lithuanian yarn making board?
Nicholas Hill
rusty milk
Adrian Watson
230 IQ here AMA
Joseph Allen
that's a hard one
Alexander Flores
176 IQ goodboy here, retired at 17 after selling my tendies distribution startup and bought my mother and brand new 2014 Toyota Corolla with heated seats. AMA
Luke Fisher
What's your favourite sandwich?
David Carter
>Everybody walks their own plateau,
>everybody physiologically reacts the same way,
>souls of emperors and cobblers are cast in the same mold.
>Is one burden greater than another when they have the equal effect on the recipient?
Not necessarily different responses
>What is equality?
A concept? A myth? Humans aren't equal they are all unique and yet very similar, with varying degrees of similarity between individuals
Anthony Gutierrez
Wrong. That's what the outside tastes like. Inside tastes like escargot.
Nicholas Wilson
>Here's my question: what happened to you that makes you feel like you need to larp as a smart person on an anonymous Lithuanian yarn making board?
Pretty much every person I meet telling me I was very smart, actual test results and my whole life basically
Not a larp
Also he said captured you so I assume in that process they actually need to at some point capture me and I always have sharp objects close by
Jose Turner
I don't know what escargots taste like unexpected I know
Zachary Howard
>And ur actually in a force jacket for trying to flee a bit earlier, ending up with 6 guys on you with a fat fuck holding your back while the other faggots grab your leg and some cuck nurse shows up with a syringe and then you start yelling random unintelligible shit NO NO N OOO ?
>The precise moment you figure their intention, what would you do?
I mean if it's given that they manage to capture me and that I don't realize that they have bad intentions as they put me in a straight jacket against my will then not much, I mean I'm already in a straight jacket, try to find ways to escape/contact the exterior over the years but probably fail and die in the secret spoopy underground facility
Joseph Hughes
No sharp objects would make it through the process of entering into captivity. You are thinking of the initial apprehension. Of course, during any apprehension, you'd consider resisting, if it was unjust, etc. You are assuming unrealistic conditions in order to paint yourself as an unconquerable hero.
If you were truly already in captivity (which is implied by having been "declared" insane), you'd have to get a lot more creative than a hollywood-like escape scene. Come on man, show off your brains.
Grayson Nguyen
>You are assuming unrealistic conditions in order to paint yourself as an unconquerable hero.
I mean not really you're asking me what I would do I never said it would succeed, plenty of way it can fail, that's just the first thing that comes to my mind if everything goes well, the guy at the door can stop being distracted and avoid the first stab, he can maybe parry it, I wouldn't go for that if he had a hand in his holster, I could run a way were another guy I didn't see was standing etc
>If you were truly already in captivity (which is implied by having been "declared" insane), you'd have to get a lot more creative than a hollywood-like escape scene. Come on man, show off your brains
Are you asking me to list all the ways I can think off to escape a high security insane asylum?
Jordan Russell
African or European?
Gabriel Sanchez
Ok, let's refine the scenario, this is moderately fun. Let's say you are already in captivity, a team of highly paid psychological professionals are assigned to monitor you, and attempt to break you mentally. You have access to food, but all sharp objects are kept away from you. You're allowed strictly supervised exercise outdoors or indoors, calisthenics only, no metal, weights etc. You have three months before a summary judgement is reached determining your fate: euthanized due to diagnosis of uncurable violent extremism (1984ish way of eliminating intelligent non conformists). You know that the board of doctors overseeing you is fully bought off by the Central Authority (not just with money but with threats to their life, etc if they fail to reach the desired judgements), but they all have families and live a normie life.
Now, what do you do?
Gavin Scott
> #
>Ok, let's refine the scenario, this is moderately fun. Let's say you are already in captivity, a team of highly paid psychological professionals are assigned to monitor you,
Why does it matter how highly paid they are? Is it just to signal that unlike the huge majority of psychiatrists those aren't completely retarded?
> and attempt to break you mentally.
You can't break what's already broken :D >You have access to food, but all sharp objects are kept away from you.
I mean you can turn some food pretty sharp with enough dedication
>You're allowed strictly supervised exercise outdoors or indoors,
Man I'm allowed to go outdoor? I'm not even in a 1m^2 room in sensory derivation? Do you really expect me to go insane with this weak shit?
>calisthenics only, no metal, weights etc. You have three months before a summary judgement is reached determining your fate: euthanized due to diagnosis of uncurable violent extremism (1984ish way of eliminating intelligent non conformists). You know that the board of doctors overseeing you is fully bought off by the Central Authority (not just with money but with threats to their life, etc if they fail to reach the desired judgements), but they all have families and live a normie life.
>Now, what do you do?
I mean since there's no way not to get killed then the only option is to get out, so, analyse my surroundings, look for weaknesses in the defenses
What I do greatly depend on where I am
Firstly I assume there is some gradual ranking system for inmates, so I quickly observe other inmates and try to imitate the behavior of the most broken ones as to lay low
>any human weaknesses? Personnel I can manipulate? Nurses?
>hatch a few escape routes in my hands
Historically escaping any facility is more about having the balls to commit to a seemingly impossible plan
I d be unpredictable as fuck, they can never know when I strike and I won't let them bait me into a trap if they faint a false weakness
Jaxon Cruz
>171 iq here
On which scale?
Gabriel Wright
do you fuck
Connor Young
another fuckin slide thread, kys faggot
sage and move on
Bentley Morris
>Why does it matter how highly paid they are? Is it just to signal that unlike the huge majority of psychiatrists those aren't completely retarded?
It might reveal a weakness in them.
>I mean since there's no way not to get killed then the only option is to get out, so, analyse my surroundings, look for weaknesses in the defenses
I'm setting up a situation where there are no or extremely limited physical means of defense or attack, forcing a mental or creative ploy. C'mon man.
>Historically escaping any facility is more about having the balls to commit to a seemingly impossible plan
>I d be unpredictable as fuck, they can never know when I strike and I won't let them bait me into a trap if they faint a false weakness
Ok this is mildly interesting, but B- for effort. Thought you'd more interesting tbqh. Maybe it's the language barrier. C'est la vie.
William Morgan
200 IQ here i watched the full rick and morty series you need a degree in quantum physics to understand the humor ask me anything
Asher Powell
can you speak french?
Elijah Thomas
The Kinsey scale apparently. Dude's a massive faggot.
See 171 lol. Can't even engage in an interesting hypothetical psychological war game scenario without resorting to kvetching about the rules (not understanding that hypothetical situations are meant to be engaged in with good faith, as an exercise). Stinker of a personality on this dood.
Brandon Garcia
I got two tests by licensed practitioners, one when I was quite young, to skip a school year, he determined that I was "well over 150" on whatever scale for kids he used idk, then I did another one and got 171, wechsler General test
I have, I can be quite alpha when I decide to interract with the normies plus girls think I m cute so no issue there
I generally am not in a relationship because I generally can't stand women, most men already think women are retarded and want them to shut their stupid clapper so imagine how I feel
Currently still looking for a girl that I am attracted to and that I can stand, but it's low priority
Go watch Alex jones memeflag boomer
Baguette oui oui dans le cul oh oui oui
Brayden Rogers
>The Kinsey scale apparently.
Nope lol
>See #
>171 lol. Can't even engage in an interesting hypothetical psychological war game scenario without resorting to kvetching about the rules (not understanding that hypothetical situations are meant to be engaged in with good faith, as an exercise). Stinker of a personality on this dood.
Are you expecting a guy like me not to have an autistic precision and attention to detail ?
Alexander Jenkins
in your scenario. if you tried to escape physically thy would just order you to be chemically lobotomised. not that it would make much difference to you.
Jackson Ross
Autism does not equal intelligence. Boy a lot is being revealed here. You are almost completely incapable of the higher levels of mental faculties of suspended disbelief and synthesizing multiple abstract concepts. You might have autism, and people may have told you you are smart, (people say things for all kinds of reasons), but you seem like a massive retard here.
>attention to detail
There is no detail presented. That's the point. General conditions are presented, and your solution has to include filling in reasonable and convincing details as part of the solution and the exercise. But I guess you're just going to make mashed potatoes into a knife and cut the guard's throat. Sweet. lol
Michael Parker
Feel good owning a self proclaimed regular Einstein lol, doesn't it? lol. bro fist
Xavier Ramirez
the foundation myth
How does one recognize a foundation myth? It fulfills three functions.
1) It explains the origin and structure of the world (and society).
2) It defines ultimate good and evil (and from those definitions are derived the values that are used to justify the holding of power).
3) It determines what is held sacred in that society.
For modern Westerners the story of the "Holocaust" and WW2 has become their foundation myth. It fulfills all three functions.
1) We live in the ‘Post-War World’. The lines on the map, the institutions, the sense of what era we live in, all arise from the starting point of WWII.
2) Ultimate evil is Nazis. Ultimate good is opposing Nazis. The values derived from these definitions are anti-racism, equality, diversity, anti-nationalism and so on.
3) The only thing that is held sacred, that cannot be denied or mocked in the contemporary West, is the Holocaust. And by law throughout most of Europe.
The problem is that all three functions are backwards or negative.
Instead of the origin event being one of fertility and new life, it was a conflagration of death and destruction.
Instead of ultimate good taking the central position in the story that slot is occupied by ultimate evil. Everyone knows that Adolf Hitler, the personification of evil, holds the centre point of the WWII story.
Instead of that which is held sacred being something mysterious and sublime it (the Holocaust) is an obscenity.
Having a negative foundation myth means the tree of life for Westerners is poisoned.
This is by design.
Jaxon Gonzalez
>Autism does not equal intelligence. Boy a lot is being revealed here.
I don't have autism though
I said that I have an autistic level of attention to detail and precision which I is true
But I dot have aspergers and I'm not socially retarded either, I don't have social anxiety and I can read people fine, I just consider them to be cattle like animals
> You are almost completely incapable of the higher levels of mental faculties of suspended disbelief and synthesizing multiple abstract concepts.
I am what are you on about
>You might have autism,
I don't
>and people may have told you you are smart, (people say things for all kinds of reasons),
No I mentioned that because it's a massive part of my life, every new person I meet (literally I d say 40% of all aquatintenses) go out of their way to give me compliments on my intelligence, even people for whom it's oblivious that giving vomplemts makes them uneasy
I asked a lot of people around me if the same happened to them and they all said no, even the opposite
I even have people (even fucking teachers) taking their time off to talk to me because they find talking to me interesting and enjoyable
>but you seem like a massive retard here
I mean if you think I have no abstract thought even though I gave you no reason to believe that then yeah I d be pretty retarded
Kayden Smith
Most insightful post I've seen on pol in months. Unironic kudos and thanks.
James Wright
71 iq here AMA
Ethan Bell
The real anwser is to sing nasty and catchy shit until they put you in soly confinement where you can be comfy
For 5 hours straight if required to. Otherwise the personnal passing by will look at you like a special kind of guy
Angel Cruz
You've resorted to babbling incoherently now that you have been exposed. I expected this. God bless.
Wyatt Rogers
> #
>Feel good owning a self proclaimed regular Einstein lol, doesn't it? lol. bro fist
Actual seething brainlets lol
Can you guys explain this too me? I never understood it
When I was like 6 in preschool I already flexed a lot, and I noticed a lot of kids, especially those on the dumber side, reacted with anger and aggression when I humiliated them in class
Do brainlets have the same inner rage as manlets because they're as insecure as them, just about a different thing?
I really don't understand it if I meet someone smarter than me I don't feel jealous I just accept it and accept my place, so why do stupid people always react with anger and envy?
Isaiah Wright
Lmao this pasta gets posted almost every day it's really old too, it used to be spammed by that Austrian guy
I know you didn't ask me for any advise but maybe consider actually going through with your suicidal thoughts
Evan Fisher
177 IQ here, sitting here smoking Angel Dust out of a pipe bomb, reading Siege and listening to the Turner Diaries audio book simultaneously while chewing bubblegum and feeling God-like. AMA
Josiah Gomez
Do you like the stench of your own farts?
Josiah Gomez
>I said that I have an autistic level of attention to detail and precision
Gavin Smith
You've managed to take a potentially interesting conversation and reroute the entire thing back to justifying how smart you are. Stay classy Pierre.
Thomas Watson
W H E N?
Elijah Gonzalez
I know typos don't faint
Michael Brooks
It was actually the first time I'd seen it. You're a complete fucking douchebag bro. Real smart people don't get all bitchy when they are asked to engage in an interesting conversation and then fail in the spirit of the debate.
Aiden Sanders
You re circlejerking with a memeflag about your insecurities wtf are you on about
I replied to your stupid jail questions without one saying that I was smart why do you keep lying ? There s text you can't do that you do understand that right?
Nolan Hall
Eyy man iq i have here of 72 if you want know things i am from da gambia
Sebastian Young
Brayden Fisher
Yeah I'm a douche never said overwise, I'm a massive misanthrope who could have guessed
I spent time answering your pointless questions and then you try to be bitchy and circle jerk with an actual retard because you're a 120 something iq with massive insecurities and social awkwardness and you don't expect me to be EXTRA cunty? lmao
I have a question for you now
Why did I make this thread? Give the answer and I'll reply to you again
Jaxson Cooper
>make a knife out of mashed potatoes
Wyatt Garcia
192 reporting in. kys brainlet.
Dominic Kelly
My GF keeps telling me that having a MMF threeway won't make me a cuck. Is she right?
Henry Cook
I said "with enough dedication"
Now I won't reply to you again until you correctly answer my question
Matthew Howard
No she is wrong, she should just be fucking her BVLL I don't see why she would ever be interested with a threesome with you in it
Aiden Richardson
(((WISC and WAIS))) are utter bs. Use your so-called "IQ" and check publications.
Combining verbal and non-verbal intelligences in a global factor is fucking dumb, especially if social intelligence isn't measured.
Try MENSA tests. If you're allowed in, then you can pretend to belong to an elite.
T. psychologist and MENSA member
Henry Ward
Based, what is the meaning of life?
Sebastian Reyes
Jamal that's the anus
Andrew Edwards
I pay for her rent and food...
Nathaniel Jones
Mensa is a bit masturbatory, is the membership worth it or is it just full of complete social retards with esteem problems?
I managed to get the online Mensa test all the way to 220 once kek
Took several tries but even on my first try the internet test felt inflated
Juan Foster
As is your duty, you shouldn't burden her with your presence, I suggest you build yourself a shed to let her with her BVLL in peace
John Garcia
She wouldn't do that to me. She said she loves me.
Ayden Phillips
Wait this wasn't bait?
Did your gf really ask you for a mmf threesome?
Evan Gomez
How many children do you have, user?
Easton Howard
Nah it was b8
Lucas James
Online test is only a prerequisite for actual tests and isn't accurate. Those take place in various cities in France.
MENSA is definitely masturbatory, at least as masturbatory as bragging about your IQ on the internet, so you should be fine with it.
Succeeding in the test gives a nice line in my resume, that's enough to me. As far as I've seen, people who really engage in the MENSA can get a good network, but I don't care since I'm well established.
Robert Martinez
Upvoted kind sir
EDIT: tips hat
John King
Figured this much, you asked me if letting another guy fuck your gf made you a cuck
Now if this really did happen to you (for the redditors lurking I'm gonna give you great tips)
>what do if gf asks for mmf thrreesome?
Now you might be tempted to dump her immediately, or to say yes if you're from reddit, but what you should actually do is:
>signal that you're really disappointed in her and act really cold to her immediately after
>refuse affection, make her feel miserable
Now if you're into ffm threesomes
>start to go out, find a girl that's ok with it (around 10% of girls are bisexual that's a fact)
>start fucking her while making it oblivious that your cheating to your current gf, once her self esteem has turned to shit
>if she confronts you, then you turn the situation around and completely mindfuck her, ask her to agree to a threesome with the girl you're cheating on her from or you ok kick her out
>she will say yes
>you get to fuck your gf in a threesome
>you can do it a few times
>the best part is that you get to keep your gf afterwards and that she will NEVER cheat on you lol, she ll probably start cooking for you at that point
Adam Scott
>MENSA is definitely masturbatory, at least as masturbatory as bragging about your IQ on the internet, so you should be fine with it.
I would but that's not why I made this thread
Mason Cook
>Excuse me guards, may I have a stove in my cell so I can plug it into the outlet that I also asked you install? It's for the art therapy project my counsellors asked me to do. Also I should be getting a package from amazon, please respect my privacy and don't open it ok? thx you guys are so sweet.
The right answer is there is no answer, and that any answer given will be refuted so you can attempt to regain your imagined status as rEaLlY SmArT, after you've been humiliated.
Isaac Lee
What’s up Yang.
Jason Johnson
Yang is astroturfing sorry if I broke your dreams
Dominic Butler
I gtg soon any last questions?
Kayden Price
Is your family okay?
Connor Morris
Who did 9/11?
Adrian Gonzalez
Yeah, why
Both parents make 6 figures, some grandparents are still alive some aren't
Jackson Gomez
You got my point, just some bantz.
I've been to a couple MENSA meetings and you always hear stuff like "intelligence comes with humility", but they're a bunch of hypocrites bragging about their big virgin brains.
They're kinda right about this kind of statements actually : you'll always feel like you need to explain and simplify things for people to understand you. There are two ways out : condescending humility and subtle cynicism. I chose the second.
Dylan Garcia
I meant your family wife/kids
Joshua Baker
did Trump collude with Putin to win the 2016 election?
Cameron Young
“What creature walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon, and three in the evening?
Liam Johnson
why do you larp on a cat food tin recycling forum if you're so smart?
op is a nigger and a faggot
Eli Watson
what is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow
Jonathan Robinson
I d bet on mοssad
The entire thing is ridiculous, You're telling me that 4 commercial high lines went off course for more than an hour in proprietary American airspace and weren't intercepted? Sure they wouldn't have shot the planes if they thought it was a hostage situation, but you're telling me they didn't scramble fighters to intercept after the first one crashed? That plus lucky Larry
Either it's a false flag, either the jews truly are god s chosen people, God is real, Jesus is boiling in semen in hell, the new covenant is false, and G-d personally handpicked the jews so that they wouldn't die in the towers
Either that or the jews did it
>some Saudi did a terrorist attack on U.S. Quick lets declare war on iraq Yemen Syria and libya
William Brooks
>claims to have 171iq
David Garcia
No google pinky promise. What is the capital of Moldova?
Jaxon Jackson
Not wife's up yet, I already said it in my earlier posts
I think I could handle kids but much less a woman, I plan to have kids but I don't really feel an urge to spend as many year as possible with a dumb cunt believe it or not
Plus older men with younger girls is the natural order I'm not worried at all
10 years age difference works best for several different reasons
Oliver Barnes
Not Putin, but he did receive help from Russian (((oligarchs))) who are all jewsish and have all of the power in Russia, Putin is their puppet
Ian Sullivan
Higsssssss deee its man xddd sphinx would be proud