Dump all of your anti-Yang memes here
Anti-Yanglet meme thread
>Is that bag secured?
TFW you betray your country for less than minimum wage
>like DRUMPF but +1000
Suck it, MIGA cuck
>Tell me the story about Yang giving us 1000, with no strings attached, George
Accurately depicts the future of 95% of "right-wing" yanglets
Literally couldn't be a worse "accelerationist" candidate
< this
I mean why would you reelect a system jew boi that only cares and talks about blacks mexicans and others but caucasian people?
Elect Yang over Drumpf is best option
Angry Crying Yang for your own memes
Enough with the yang/trump crap. Stop being distracted by politics. Stop being a KEK! Start building/supporting the right businesses and institutions.
>user gets $1000 a month
>He rushes to buy the latest release of his favourite doujin and hentai from J-list
>He realizes it rounds up to nearly $700
>He is confused
>He complains to Chink Chong he only has $300 left for the month
>Mr ching chonk replies
>"I promised one thousand dollars. And I delivered. Now give me your guns."
Imagine being excited about 1k a month lol.
This is how you know his supporters are children
I would rather be put into a camp for being white than vote for Trumpstein again.
haha this thread reeks of corporate Kushner-funded memes. So fake
Never Let Communism Take Root
Based and Yangpilled.
Yes, only a paid shill wouldn't want to support someone who wants to destroy his country
I know
>>increasing the number of judges on SCOTUS w/quoting him “progressive using a COURT-PACKING scheme
This alone is a reason to never vote for him. Judicial activism is the most destructive power in our country today. Which has been used to stop or challenge the following Trump policies:
- End of DACA
- Defund Sanctuary Cities
- Make """refugees""" wait in Mexico
- 0-tolerance detention
- End of Catch & Release
>DRUMPF (impeach be upon him) didn't do any of that
Yes he did, they were just (probably illegally) stopped in court. Which is why Trump is replacing judges at a rate never seen in modern history
>>YEAR LONG WAITING PERIOD for semi-automatic rifles
>>federal gun registry / licenses
Being used in NZ for gun confiscation as we speak
>B-but the 2nd Amendment will save us
No, it won't. See court-packing scheme
>>banning high capacity magazines
>But DRUMPF (impeach be upon him) banned bump stocks
So will Yang
>But DRUMPF (impeach be upon him) once talked about Red Flag laws
Yang's platform includes a line to snitch on people who might misuse guns, likely the same thing, we'll see
Imagine being excited about a wall and giving Israel trillions of dollars.
>you want one thousan dorra
bag grabbers btfo
Stick to boarding trains other people thought of please
You aren't conductor material
>>Pushing the DREAM Act
>But DRUMPF (impeach be upon him) mentioned DACA
Yes, he said he'd consider a three year TEMPORARY extension in return for wall funding, or a longer term solution as part of a massive border security / immigration reform deal. Not the same as enthusiastically lobbying to do it in return for nothing
>>Pushing AMNESTY for all illegals
>>Pushing PATH to CITIZENSHIP for all illegals
>B-but they have to EARN it
"""Earn it"""? by waiting five whole years longer than the traitorous Gang of Eight bill?
>>Puerto Rican statehood
This destroys the balance of the Senate & erases Electoral College votes of a couple red states
>>No Wall, no clear plan for border security
>"But DRUMPF (impeach be upon him) no wall either MIGAPEDE"
Miles of border are now protected where there was nothing but useless Normandy Barriers. Legal funding constraints prevented construction in truly new areas. Now that alternative funding has been secured, construction expected to start in April
>>Punishing 'fake news'
Who will a Yang & Dem administration consider fake?
>But muh accelerationism
There is no worse Dem for acceleration than Yang
- afraid of whites but won't use overtly toxic anti-white rhetoric
- give everyone $1,000/month while you gradually defang them
- is smart so probably won't be flailing around breaking shit
Saved, lol
Are you implying in any way that that isn't exactly what we want?
Fuck you boomers. Andrew Yang isn't getting media attention because he's going to introduce a VAT into the public discourse and elites know that their tax evading schemes wont work anymore.
You guys are fucking naive and retarded to think that the elites are actually paying their fair share. Most Democrats are just proposing another income tax hike that they know their donors wont pay.
>imagine actually spending your free time making memes in response to literal shit/bait posts about some literal gook nobody who stands absolutely no chance of winning
this is a drumpf hate thread now
fuck blumpf
pic related
Actually VAT is a tax on the poor and not the rich.
orange fucker
based and vomitpilled
covfefe bitch
Anyone got a Link to hat templetes? I havn't wanted to contribute to this faggotry in any way but since it's dead now i might as well mock them.
wig wearing pussy
vote tulsi you mongrels
imagine not knowing the proper usage of greentext
I'd roast your fetus body but I feel bad that you're ruled over by apes
Imagine not wanting free money
Thanks for replying to everything
If a Republican was the one to give Puerto Rico statehood, they'd vote red forever. But seriously fuck your conservative/liberal bullshit. We all know you suck Israeli cock.
Imagine being a slant eyed leaf
It's a tax on everybody retard it's based on consumption not on income. The yangbux will balance this out for all middle class families.
My ultimate wish is for a law to abolish income tax in favor of a VAT. Because income tax is actually a tax on the poor.
Some Chink: "Everyone is gonna get 1000 dollars a month"
Low IQ Niggas: *vote*
- No they wouldn't
- Even by your own logic, they would perennially vote Dem if Yang did it, so it'd still be a disaster
I know it's funny to say Republicans & Democrats are the same. It's true of the so called moderates in both parties, though they TEND to caucus by party.
Only an actual retard would say that there is no difference outside the moderates
Much obliged.
Why is he fat? Edward Norton was in good shape in the movie this image is referencing.
I think just because it’s funnier for him to be thicc and having his balls hanging out
>>Path to Citizenship
>>FCC attacking speech
>>Gun manufacturers paying after shootings
>>Court-packing SCOTUS w/"progressive judges"
>>YEAR long waiting periods for semi-auto rifles
>>extendos banned
>>fed gun registry
the y*ng gang died after the NZ shooting. is there a connection?
Ignore MIGAkikes secure the fucking bag.
Imagine caring more about Israel's borders than your own
>Betray your country anons because 1/10 of 1% of the budget goes to Israel & Yang will give you less than minimum wage
Shooting an Asian commie? Pretty sure this is a more appropriate reference
lol, perfect. Saved
>I replied to everything!
>free money
If anyone ever tells you they're going to give you "free money", run far far away.
Yangfags are little pussy boys who can't handle seeing violence
LOL, are you retards worried he is going to win the election? The whole thing is about getting some of his ideas out there because no one else has any.