I'm going to kill myself for not being born in Russia
I'm going to kill myself for not being born in Russia
fuck off slavaboo
Fuck you Muhamad or muhammad lover, go eat a back of brown dick you worthless western european subhuman filth
whats so special about russia friendo?
So what? Just move to Russia if you care so much. Do what this guy did.
It´s not cucked shithole with fake NPC's like we are
>I'm going to kill myself for not being born in Russia
Said nobody ever.
Well i did Gozales or whatever name the meximutts have
Would be unironically cool if you would kill yourself, the less western retards praising current Russia are being alive the bigger the chances that this county is going to redeem itself.
>not western european
>not a slav
are you greek or a nigger?
why do so many of you ivans have such self hate?
there are more muhammads in russia than any european country bar none
it's not self hate it's just not constant dickriding from the 'grass is greener on the other side' effect retarded westerners have about russia
>It´s not cucked shithole with fake NPC's like we are
It is kinda a cucked shithole just not the same ways we are.
I am a western european and i HATE it. I truly believe this was a punishment of some sort to be born here
In your next life you'll probably kill yourself for being born in Russia.
lmao u literally go to jail for denying the holocaust there
western "white nationalists" who dickride russia almost always forget this fact, perhaps (((conveniently)))
I would rather live in nigger infested europe than russia fuck it
>muh 500 euro dragon dildos
Fuck you and fuck the West, rather poor than living in this fake subhuman society
Have pride in your nation and your race.
99% of my race are garbage and calling them even human beings is a stretch
Russia is already full of all kinds of ethnicities.
learn russian, and move to russia.
Jesus christ imagine actually being this fucking retarded. There is literally nothing better about living in Russia compared to literally any western country. Their genes are polluted by tatars and muslims, their population is 20% muslim, much higher than pretty much any other 'white' country.
Even if that weren't true, so what? Are you mad against society for not having a white gf because you unironically believe the mentality of your native women has been ruined by le joos?
The russian government is oppressive, kills dissidents or locks them up, and is constantly undermining civilized countries who do not have a overly zealously patriotic brainwashed population.
You're western european, all your information of eastern europe comes from amerifat news
Her heels aren't touching the ground. She's a spy, user
My wife is from there and she feels the opposite funnily enough. Her family is fucking rich and she still thinks that.
Protip: no one hates Russians more than Russians. We go there a lot to visit the family, and we own an apartment in Kuban, and I love it. But I don't have to talk to other Russians. My wife may hate this country's jew ran globohomo order but nothing makes her more irritated than spending 2 or 3 weeks having to speak to Russians every single day.
She too wishes she was born in the eastern europe
I already have and reincarnated as a mutt in America don't do it
Then there's a 99% chance that you're subhuman trash, in which case you should heed our opinions because they're probably more correct than yours. Or maybe your statement is wrong and you should stop shit talking your people.
Who's "we" you meme flag retard faggot
I am, but at least i acknowledge it. Don't tell me that most people around you are great because they are not.
Maybe try it again?
Never going to tell
what country? show your flag faggot. do you seriously think youd have a better life if you were slavic?
Nah i'm good. Yes i do think so, well not think so but know i would
I have a Russian friend who lives in Krasnodar, he says its very nice.
why? they have far lower living standards. have you ever been there?
post bobs
>le based Russia
Westcucks know nothing of living in post commie country or even Russia yet you praise us for being "white" lmao
Who cares? Luxuries only make you more miserable, especially when everything else have been traded for them
You're right, Polacks are not white. Russians on the other hand are.
That's where my apartment is. Wanna come hang out? We'll be the only ones who speak English for shit in the entire city except for your friend and my wife.
I've seen of videos of eastern europeans who moved to west and then they moved back because they thought west sucks so much
Ye im sure some random videos represent majority of people
I would give my left nut to be born in Poland
Isn’t it me for your coffee break, glownigger?
Can't think of a worse place to be born.
if you love the countries so much, how about you just move there?
I would live there permanently if I could. But I'm antisocial and I like not having to talk to anybody except my wife.
We've considered it before but I can't do what I do for a living there and get paid a wage that isn't laughable, and if I didn't work I would go completely fucking insane and probably want to kill myself.
Sure man, he also has a house in anapa. Right on the beach. He's based as fuck, happy to have him as a friend.
This is starting to get spoopy...
Is his name Oleg? And does he have a daughter name Katya, and a son named Igor? Because this is starting to sound like someone I know.
She can at least try to put in the effort
I can squad with my heels on the ground
Just for you cuck