What the fuck is our problem?!?

Why haven't we found a way to properly dispose of plastic?

Attached: plasticmain.jpg (1200x630, 96K)

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Isn't most of the plastic waste from india and china?


im am neither indian and chinese.

Most waste like your pic is caused by Niggers.

90% of Plastic comes from 10 rivers. Surprise surprise, none of them are in the Western world.

Area managed by women and shitskins.

>Why haven't we found a way to properly dispose of plastic?
have to dedicate tax money to doing that

Glass China and this plastic problem goes away in 10 years. Also you'll have controlled the population quite well, I'm surprised more globalists don't support glassing China.


have you ever seen how chinese behave? they just throw shit on the ground and don't think twice

so they're like every white nation 150 years ago?

I mean they do it here
fuck knows what they do in china

Bitch, we burn black goo from the desert to move cars 'n shiet. All humans are niggers of different colors.

> I'm surprised more globalists don't support glassing China.
if we haven't glassed niggers yet, then we certainly aren't going to glass the chinks when they can actually defend themselves and take the world down with them

humans are the niggers of the planet

there isnt one, also this bullshit doesnt matter, you just want to wipe away being wrong for 2 years over MUH RUSSIA

No it's from the US.

This is a Hate Fact.

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Those 3 make up like what, 90% of ocean plastic waste? Kek.

>I still try and use reusable shopping bags tho

Plastic isn't the problem
It's those who Fucking litter are the problem.
Most of it comes from India and China.
Only solution is to nuke them.

Literally none of us live in the ocean, fucking relax.

Plastic comes from natural compounds found on earth. You're telling me taking natural compounds and moving them from place A to place B is some disaster?

Life in Plastic, It's Fantastic

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Your bullshit picture doesn't matter if India and China are more responsible on a global scale retard.

>Why haven't we found a way to properly dispose of plastic?

We have.
For many years.
It's easy, and cheap.
But... get this... Environmental laws won't allow it.

Environmental activism has become a billion dollar business. If the problems go away, the money goes away. Lord knows the retards that protest wouldn’t make any money otherwise.

They aren't white, they can't be responsible.

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Nice source.

We're responsible for 5% of it. Ask the Indians Chinese and Nigerians then ask the Chinese again lol

U.S plastic is a small problem, our companies pay to ship the plastics and electronics to third world. They strip it with hand labour of anything valuable and then dump the rest. Island nations are the worst for it, and part of it has to due with family planning. Things coming individually packed is a lot of plastic waste.

we do but niggers

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Kinda shit because it doesn't show you the Niger, Indus, Ganges, all the Chinese ones Yellow river, Yangtze etc.

this sugar plastic that dissolves in water?