The absolute state of Reddit
The absolute state of Reddit
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Theyre right you know
This faggot is letting jussie get away with it and israel take all our money inpeach now
these people are fucking retarded...we should drop redpills in /The_donald and convert some people over though, that's never a bad thing having more people on our side.
Gas the socialists, civil war now
I'm down.
>voting didn't work
>making up crimes didn't work
>guys let's just ask him nicely, surely it will work this time!!!
Anyone who lives or works downtown in any one of our flagship liberal shitholes knows these people literally have nothing better to do than stand in the street and chant slogans over and over and over again whenever they simply feel like it.
Yeah! He should resign for winning legitimately and sticking it out through an attempted coup! I tots agree!
The stink might be enough to make trump quit out of disgust
Racism over at t_d shines through every now and then.
He can helicopter in and out at his leisure.
But communist fumes are lighter than air
>one million out of 328 million should be sufficient
What a boat load of retards.
Yes. He wont be able to leave the white house. It's not like there is a train network under the white house that he could take to leave
>forget the thing we have been incessantly talking about for 2 years
Get them all in one place and then blast them with pies and confetti.
Checked out the thread, there's some amazing delusion in there
>Barr is lying about the report by not lying about it and poor Mueller's being forced to keep his mouth shut!
If I'm reading the faggot runes correctly, people gave the clown money for that thread.
>Converting the Donald
No thanks
More insanity
They should do this to every republican in office. Senator? Governor?
We cannot tolerate intolerance any longer!
Post an example of any top thread that shows racism. I'll wait.
kek, dumb R*dditards.
This, form a mob millions strong and overrun the kikes
>we demand a lawfully elected president step down
There's a word for what they're doing
you get banned from the_Donald for even criticizing Trump or Israel lmao
>opposition research is illegal
>nevermind dossier was opposition research
What impressive trapeze artists in that thread.
These people idolized a fucking scumbag white male Republican lawyer named Mueller
What a bunch of fucking idiots.
This is the new strategy man. Everyone goes and votes, then the losing side surrounds the white house and demands that they actually won.
It's the same stupid shit at the 'brexit petition'. If 16m people voted remain, why would they be surprised when a petition to remain gets 2m+? It should get 16m.
just drop redpills on the importance of demographics, but you can't go full force otherwise their retarded brains will red alert racism in their head. Slowly feed them redpills one by one gently into understanding usa becoming a white minority country is wrong. ALSO, important, a lot of anti white redditors are on Jow Forums so don't post your reddit post on here, I did that once and all these fucking niggers from Jow Forums went to the post and were like "He's a white nationalist from Jow Forums ignore him." and I looked at their reddit accounts and they were constantly posting in pro black reddit threads so obviously they were niggers...
Have these people ever planned a night out?
How easy do these people think it is to get 1 million people out?
How do they expect the people to stay there?
How will they get permits to stay out for however long they believe it'll be for?
R/politics is a hotbed for shareblue kike shills. I’d be willing to bet Half of the users are paid and the half that aren’t get their narrative supporting comments upvoted by the half that are paid to manipulate opinion
Hey before the South Korean president was removed from office the scandal was that she had paid government intel trolls to flood forums with propoganda promoting her presidency.
That didn't work, and shortly after a boat with about 300 kids sank.
She was tucked away in a room for I think 14 hours the entire time the boat sank.
Turns out she was in a cult.
So the streets were flooded and she was removed from office.
Here's a new one:
>Mueller is a Manafort puppet and will never ever be allowed to comment on the report now that it's finished
2 million will counter theirs but we will bring guns.
underrated AF
Is not going to catch on you festering vagina
Why would you do that? Better idea is to help them push their idea so everyone can see how retarded they are when the 1 million people end up being about 50. Might even be a bonus of one getting shot
Yeah I remember that and that was over a scandal that shook the country.
That is a lot different than them trying to remove a leader who won legally.
>That is a lot different than them trying to remove a leader who won legally.
She won legally. How much do you know about South Korea? If you ask me she actually was in a cult, but then again CNN and MSNBC have successfully convinced a large portion of our country that Trump is a Russian spy. Think of how fucking ridiculous that is.
The only reason it can't happen in the USA is that we have a larger population and larger land mass, and the right to bear arms. Castro took Cuba with something like a company or brigade size element of soldiers, tweets like the one in OP are there to test the waters to see how many people they can get out.
Right now the conditions aren't right, but if they don't think they can win the next election I wouldn't be surprised to see a few million out there. OWS was probably a tnes of thousands at most and they made it look like armageddon in the papers.
They also had a total blackout on Hong Kong protests, which was larger than those in South Korea. They made them completely invisible and irrelevant.
Isreal needs that money.
In reality it's actually isreals money.
Hey what are you doing with isreals money?
isreal should demand interest on the money you stole
Soap pies
honk honk
Bullshit. Mueller told buzzfeed to get fucked with their fake news. He would come out and tell world if Barr was lying.
and about 10,000 should show up and tell them to fuck off.
It’s treason then
>trump is responsible for Chicago ag decisions
>all of our money
>as if aid to isreal is unusual or wouldn’t happen under any president
Fucking shils man
I dare them to do it
I have literally made racist comments there and was upvoted.
Hahahaha such sore faggot losers, you'll never win against Trump.
It’s barely worth questioning or discussing. That’s how unlikely this idea is with these people. I think they’re dumbfounded that their beliefs aren’t coming true about Mueller. They just don’t admit to it. All they can do is wait for more. And none of it’s gonna go their way either. People who really do care, the tryhards, the ones who actually volunteer their time and shit may go crazy.
>no screencap
I'm totally convinced.
Per shareblue insider who posted back in 2017, the biggest political sub was sold to shareblue right before the election. It times up to when they swapped out the moderators with paid employees. ID: lerIYP4K
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>hat's never a bad thing having more people on our side
Reddit immigration through Jow Forums into Jow Forums has made most mainstream board unbrowsable.
>Why did we get so focused on Russian Collusion and the Mueller report when we've all known for years that Donald Drumpf is literally the supervillian from my favorite children's book series??
>But they have to work because 90% of Americans are debt slaves that are living paycheck to paycheck and if they lose their jobs and health insurance then it's all over.
Are these people fucking serious
My god. It’s beautiful
T_D is subversive - in a good way. It's full of normies and every now and then something will push them a bit further to the right. Eventually they make their way here.
They either become newfaqs and leave or assimilate and realize the truth behind it all.
I almost feel bad for them
Based and Honk pilled.
A million 4channelers should surround and raid reddit
>they're totally not bullshitting us this time, guise!
What a delusional bunch.
>any year
>going on reddit
All the mods are comped and votebots run rampart
If the debt is such a concern to you, maybe instead of spending $18 million dollars shuffling trump's fat ass to his golf course five times, they pay for the special olympics instead. Or maybe they don't blow a trillion dollar hole in the budget to give it away to the wealthy, and then say that they need to cut $18 million from the special olympics to make ends meet.
A bunch of "Christians" that never read Matthew, is what I see.
Not even reddit fags like leafs.
if a spineless cuck like macron wont even resign when his own people are building guilitones with his name on it outside his palace what makes these libtards think an alpha-male like trump, from NY, with 'go fuck yourself' money would capitulate to a bunch of mentally ill retards showing up with pink pussy hats?
oh wait, of course they odnt even know about whats going on in france cause their liberal MSM doesnt report on it. clueless dips.
It’s obviously more subtle than Jow Forums but it’s there
my god look at all those headlines, no wonder they hate Trump so much when they unquestioningly believe all that stuff
Reddit is really on the cusp of banning the_donald, it'd be a shame if this sentiment was a c c e l e r a t e d
Those mememasters keep forgetting again and again which side has the most guns
Like it or not, if Jow Forums is the motherland, then Reddit is the front line.
>my god look at all those headlines, no wonder they hate Trump so much when they unquestioningly believe all that stuff
truth my mexican friend( =^D ). reddit is neo-mainstream media, completely controlled and co-opted to push propaganda and all those clueless fucks think its all 'organic' discussion and debate when its completely one sided, censored, and controlled and why they absolutely loathe free speech.
We created that sub you utter retard
>a million communist faggots want to get in one place and threaten the President
Please. Do it. Now.
>voters prefer popular vote in poll
>a popular vote about the popular vote prefers the popular vote
No shit
What makes it better is that it's known Veselnitskaya was working for Fusion GPS. These people are retarded.
Sounds like a good idea. I hope the military opens fire on them.
Sounds like someone's butthurt he won't be getting a participation trophy this year.
The retards can do a song and dance on TV to pay for their feel good outdoor activities.
>the special olympics
the special olympics shouldnt get any government money when we have homeless epidemics, overcrowded prisons, and a national drug addiction crisis killing millions. the special olympics is a frivolous feel-good luxury for normies to laugh and mock retards. we need to build the wall(keep our country safe, stop flow of illegal drugs, and to stop the need for endless new illegal immigrant detention centers)
if you were an actually compassionate person you would not want retards to be taken advantage of and put on display for corporations to make a quick buck, you'd be for the wall to keep ALL of us safe and our country great.
It's happening