All these (((pro Tarrant shills))) claim his actions were to provoke acceleration.
So why are you guys still here just shitposting?
All these (((pro Tarrant shills))) claim his actions were to provoke acceleration.
So why are you guys still here just shitposting?
Isn't it amazing how hard the Israeli shills are still trying to spam Tarrant bullshit and claim that the event wasn't a Mossad false flag/hoax?
I believe that they have more hoax mass shootings coming and they are STILL trying to frame Jow Forums for them.
You’re looking at it through a narrow lense. Sure NOW things are shit but in the future Tarrant would be remembered as a hero.
Theres an obviously coordinated effort to create a fake momentum of support here
He furthered the jew agenda as I showed in the headlines in OP pic
Q predicted this.
The aftermath in NZ and other western countries just showed how cucked and sheeple white people are. Censorship thats worse than china, gun control, anti white discriminatory laws and sucking mohammads cock is the way of white countries, dont blame Tarrant for this, he just exposed how it really is. In this regard it doesnt even matter if it was mossad op or not.
1 man, got guns banned, NZ prime minister converted to Islam, feminists were put in the back at the mass funeral. Whole bunch of people saw stone age people burying people in open coffins like animals. Insane amounts of censorship going on. God help us if 3 cunts decide to do something together next time. I might have to convert to Islam from state orders.
all those things happened because the west is cucked
>in the future Tarrant would be remembered as a hero.
>it doesnt even matter if it was mossad op or not.
meme flag
I wish I had the audio to hear the crowd react
>Censorship thats worse than china
(((meme flag)))
it's on memri youtube page
It's the timing that gets me more than anything else
Glad someone else noticed
Thankfully most people here don’t have the balls and psychological issues required. We may well be a bunch of cunts, but we’re not that bad.
t. mossad shill
the coordinated shilling is you fucks trying to make people believe everything is a mossad op
Tarrant was based
Ebba Akerlund got justice
>the coordinated shilling is you fucks trying to make people believe everything is a mossad op
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAH Mossad is truly desperate.
You overestimate yourself and this site. No one gives a fuck about a bunch of fucking nobodies on an internet board. People only call those they disagree with shills to discredit them.
Acceleration is a lie.
Just look at America they are accelerating straight to hell. There is no to much or to fast if they control all media and keep telling everyone it's all fine.
At least we got Tarrant-chan
Why does mossad think that making shitty memes and just spamming them actually makes people like them? You are so fucking stupid.
hey man I'm not a killer
don't be throwing accusations my way
faggot kike tarrant is a piece of shit. /ourguy/ would go after politicians and the people responsible for mass migration BUT THAT NEVER FUCKING HAPPENS DOES IT? always a bunch of fucking nobodies.
Its the same idea as when they post those sexy IDF jewess pics to garner support
will be voting for the progressive-socialist-antifascist party next elections. not much but I'm not about to get blood on my hands too early.
acceleration is our only hope. keep going like this will be a guaranteed slow death of white people. i am happy for everything that bring acceleration.
acceleration = hope
by far the best what could happen to us would be an economic collapse worse than everything humanity had before.
a meteor
nuclear winter
civil war
without any of this we will die out
>Its the same idea as when they post those sexy IDF jewess pics to garner support
Huh...I guess you're right. Jews are so degenerate and have no ability of self awareness so they actually believe this shit works I guess.
then accelerate some fucking bullets into merkel and her pawns and take your fucking country back a deport the fucking muzzies faggot. the kikes are responsible for them being there. if you lived in a hut made out of your own fucking feces youd take a free ride to a developed nation as well.
Lmao that image is clearly the product of a boomer bureaucrat
>Thousands of European women and children murdered and raped
>no change to immigration policies
>no change to demographic policies
"part and parcel"
>50 muslim get shot
>media hysteria overload
>immediate action taken
>guns are grabbed, people get sent to jail for having media
"all white people are at fault for this"
Acceleration doesn't work if your enemies win when you kill them
Pissing non whites off in public by telling them they aren’t Canadian a couple groups of them have physically assaulted me over it goddamn non white animals can’t control their emotions
nice, attack the poster (and his meme flag) rather than argument itself
>acceleration is our only hope
Communism is our only hope. Submit your guns!
>attack the poster (and his meme flag
(((meme flag)))
(((meme flag)))
you kikes are fucking pathetic
Thats right a Christian would never attack a Muslim oh wait that's retarded. I mean is Jow Forums going to start believing in the Quran. Not to mention I bet Tarrant was probably not religious himself.
it seems majority of people are too cucked even acceleration wont help it
How did he become a Mossad agent please explain.
I'm sure the CIA want more people to be White Nationalist.
of course, especially retards like that faggot.
so they can all round you up and take you down.
You do realize they entrap people and arrest them before the terrorist attack. They don't want their federal building being bombed.
I donated money to Identitaire Austria and now politicians call for a ban. It's already happening.
It's the slave morality on blast through our education and mass media. We're fed it from cradle to grave.
So many white normies viscerally reject even entertaining the concept of affirming their own racial interests, because it's "evil", "immoral", and "it hurts people".
Meanwhile every other race stands up for themselves, naturall. Nowhere else in the world can you find a race which has been raised to view itself as a slave to outsiders.
yeah but sometimes a little attack like this one that gaslight the media and all the globo homo doesn't hurt, so they let them happen.
It seems some accelerationist have an even higher time preference. Like you know this is a decline not a collapse.
>Tarrant says he wants to make the Jews go after guns and make things worse for white people so white people react violently
>things start getting worse for white people
I'm not mossad, nigger. I know the shooting was set up. I read the manifesto and there's only one mention of "jew" and it isn't even negative.
yeah it's getting worse! awesome! so much winning?
so what's next? nothing gonna happen, and faggots like you are just talk no actions.
He needs a meme flag because his censorship is worse than China.
I'm not even saying I'm an accelerationist, Mehmet. But to complain about accelerationism making things worse is the height of retardation, and openly displays you are a Jew that didn't even read Tarrant's manifesto.
You don't have to agree with him, but to say "Haha, you failed!" when he got exactly what he said he wanted is beyond stupid.
I'm really sick of that cunt. Twitter ziocons like this guy and Jacob Wohl etc piss me off
>let them happen
all you people have said so far is a just so story there no evidence that this was faked or planned by the intelligence community. If you own a gun and fire into a crowd the media is going to gas light the people regardless if it was planned or not. Mass shootings have happen for the last century and nothing about this case makes it seem like it was any different. More people are just picking up on the fact that the State has an interest in exploiting these events towards their ends. They don't need to instigate themselves as some percentage of the population are murders who are willing to go through with the act.
>muh read the manifesto
i've read it faggot, while i agree on some stuff, he totally missed the point about them.
and this shit didn't help our cause at all, nigger.
just more control, more censorship, more 1984, and more globo-homo.
>If you own a gun and fire into a crowd the media is going to gas light the people regardless if it was planned or not.
not really, this was way beyond any other mass shooting, also, just look how they buried the retaliations in Utrecht? turkroach kills 3 ppl, it was memoryholled.
I agree but this is not the way to go about it
>def not trying to frame you, goyim.
>and this shit didn't help our cause at all, nigger.
There is no "our" cause. Tarrant said he wanted X, and he got X. Accelerationists want X and got X.
You don't want X, that is fine. You are clearly not aligned with accelerationists and thus there is no "our" cause. You may both be white nationalists, but you are of different sects.
i'm not an accelerationist because this meme is pushed by the kikes, and you're too retarded to see it, sucks to be you.
it's true, you're a wignat, i'm not.
>you're a wignat, i'm not.
There it is.
So then why do you care? What's the difference between a slow burn and accelerating it if the result is the same?
>no change to immigration policies
>no change to demographic policies
Objectively false. Like REALLY false. Like THA MOOND LANDING WAS A HOAX AND THE EARTH IS FLAT false. This is exactly what happens when you dwell in this echochamber and get ZERO news from the actual world.
You people are ignorant, dangerous and self-radicalizing.
Well they were unarmed and he had so many clips that he ended dropping some of them on the floor. Stephen Paddock used multiple weapons as well and the scale of that attack was similar. The Oklahoma City bombing had about 168 deaths so this attack wasn't even a record breaker; except in New Zealand.
We 100% lose the long game, don't you understand that ?
What does it matter if they let you keep the guns 5 more years before they find another bullshit reason to confiscate them.
The longer this drags on the worse it will get.
We gain nothing by waiting except worse demographics, damage to our gene pool and a shitload of legislations that will restrict our ability to fight back.
They are slowly tightening the noose and you suggest sitting it out. The sooner we can provoke a conflict the better it is for us, just name one thing that will get better by waiting.
Even fucking Machiavelli addresses that it's never wise to postpone an assured conflict.
The video is even a glownigger honeypot. Was around when Jow Forums first discovered it, trolled it and the comments were shut down. It ws mass flagged and reported, but stayed up. Go figure.
>You people are ignorant, dangerous and self-radicalizing.
And that is a good thing.
yeah but the repercussions are unprecedented, and there's a major clamp down on white nat as well as more fuel for the anti whites rhetoric. thing that you didn't see on other massacres.
>We 100% lose the long game, don't you understand that ?
i do, but you need organisation at higher levels than just a militia or i don't know how you see that in your wet dreams, only thing that could really precipitate change, is an economical crisis, people starving, everyone getting fucked, right now people are still used to their comfort and won't leave this to fight, they have been too much domesticated to think about something else than what show they're going to watch on Netflix and what kind of cancerous food they're going to eat.
>The longer this drags on the worse it will get.
it needs to get worse before it gets better, no matter what.
i bought bran with raisins instead of the plain variety....
>and this shit didn't help our cause at all, nigger.
>just more control, more censorship, more 1984, and more globo-homo.
do you not realize that "your cause" is a joke in the eyes of the masses and the government? nothing happens when muslims commit mass killings of whites but when a white kills 50 of them (could have been 5 tbqh ) then total censorship, 1984, gun bans happen. Nothing will ever help your cause but arming yourself, going to the streets, local town halls, parliaments and removing the scum.
Here is something that caught my attention, isn't great that any anonymous person can unilaterally decide the course of a movement and affect the general population attitude towards it. There is no movement as one guy pointed out. There is a presence of right wingers and reactionaries online but there is no organization. Some people tried to form something like that with say the Alt-Right or libertarians but its just people using social media and online activism; with a few exceptions. There is going to be violent people no matter where you go. Golden Dawn for example had a guy murder rap artist and that was the excuse to arrest the leadership who had nothing to do with the murder itself. The murder wasn't working for the government but with any radical movement is going to have its own partisans. The means to do these things are well within reach of the laymen it just takes time for preparation and some expertise. I'm not saying the State doesn't stir shit up or doesn't play dirty but real world politics deals with the general masses and you would be mistaken by your own personal experience to think there are no violent people here.
show your flag moshé.
if our cause is a joke why are they banning us from everywhere? kys kike.
correct, policies on immigration and demographics have been relaxed, they are even working on completely legitimatizing illegal immigration, its just due to countries like Italy and Hungary closing their borders then arrival rate has decreased.
What i'm basically trying to say is until there is a movement you can't really complain about people hindering a non existent movement. The guy lost hope in any kind peaceful solution and for his part promoted accelerationism since he believes he is speeding up the process of government overreach and gaining the public to support violent uprisings. I don't think this is going to happen but I can see why people would think that way.
I bought thermite off amazon
>you actually paid for thermite
>I don't think this is going to happen but I can see why people would think that way.
That is all I'm saying here
>you actually took it
its not illegal to own
>I don't think this is going to happen but I can see why people would think that way.
i can agree on that too
oh I didn't bother to look at the gif lol
>total censorship, 1984, gun bans
I don't understand why people keep bringing this up when it's only America that has guaranteed rights. Every other Western country has negotiated rights granted by the government and are just as easily taken away.
How many people were arrested for watching/sharing the video in America?
It must be so terrible when every time some go- white hero seems to do something, he turns out to have been part of a jewish conspiracy all along. Truly, the jewish hegemony is unstoppable. You goy- I mean, we should just lay down our arms, surrender, and remove ourselves from the gene pool. Isn't it so demoralizing, fellow white people?
Yeah, fuck off. Any positive action would've been met with censorship and other restrictions of rights from leftists. That's all they fucking do. It's not some jewish conspiracy that tells them to do it, because it's their response to literally every problem. Being so aggressive towards them has shown everyone that there is no issue, real or perceived, that leftists won't use as an excuse to oppress everyone and everything, and that's a good thing, no matter how many times you call me a kike shill because I don't think that the jews are completely unbeatable.
ill ask a question to you boomers
why would mossad film their mass shooting to let everyone know its a falseflag? any reasonable answer?
if not i can only assume Brenton was legit and was radicalized by mass immigration
only fags in NZ were arrested because muh progress.
they have a woman in charge and they're basically competing for the master of cucks to beat sweden.
because they dont like it, its bad for business, bad pr, bad advertising, if your cause was actually worth something then they wouldn't dare ban you because of the backslash from people. Also I hide my flag because I dont live in a free country.
I think there were few people arrested in the uk for some comments on facebook, not sure if they shared the video or just commented on it