My gf cheat on me

i’ve seen messages from her to a bitch nibba
don’t know what to do

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Easy. Leave her. Hit the gym and go upgrade yourself. Anything less and you're a weak minded faggot.

Ditch her and live a happy life with someone who deserves it. She's already doomed her soul to hell. Burn the coal, doom the soul.

You know what to do

Drop the slut, make it harsh. Have her come home to all her shit packed.

don't get violent, don't do anything illegal, do not get drunk.

here is what you are going to do: cut it off with her, and take anything and everything from her you can take legally, you are going to ruin her reputation to her friends, to he family, to her coworkers as much as possible without going overboard.

also post nudes

Attached: kill the clowns.jpg (1488x1231, 226K)

leave without making a big deal about it, no long text messages, no big fights, nothing, just hey so looks like youre cheating so yeah, its over, hope you have a good life, goodbye, leave

Kill her to regain your honor

Get checked for aids

You leave her. Simple as that.

>my gf cucked me
>don't get violent, don't do anything illegal
peak leafposting

and do be a bitch about it
no whining, no tears, no calls, delete all her social media
total ignore
you're doing great when anyone asks , never better
>watch her burn

rape her then blackmail her silence saying you have all the texts


her shits already been packed hard! AYYY LMAO amirite

Next time you have sex double wrap and use deep heat/tiger balm as lube.

if digitts you have to kill her

thank her for cheating, because now you have an excuse to get rid of her and you don't have to feel bad. you've been sick of her for ages, there's better women out there but you've just felt so bad for her.
you know she's not quite pretty enough to find another guy and not quite smart enough to support herself well, so you felt responsible.. kind of like a pet dog
tell her all this in a calm, friendly way
then help her pack her stuff up and wave her off
you can cry afterwords, but you can destabilize her entire life in one conversation if you can stay calm and be a man

rape the nigger she cheated on you with

What would you do? Stab her with a spork?

I'll hold off from making a british hate thread for a day or two

>thank her for cheating
Canada get the fuck out of Vermont and go back

Now you have no choice
Rape is the only solution

you cant disobey those fucking trips

oc i’m going to fuck this bitch and shoot this mother fucking nigga what tf would you do seriously? i bought her a new car 2 month ago and she show me no fking respect woman are all bitch who want nothing else that cum and money

Kill her then kill yourself