>Seattle shooting
>Multiple victims
>30 cop cars just flew over my house!!!
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Just another day in america. Meh.
Is that a prius
>2 busses were shot
Sounds like a non-happening
seattle already has been destroyed nothing to see here people move a long
So just a normal day in Seattle?
not enough dead americans
Seattle is lost, it’s gone the way of Detroit, Chicago and Baltimore
Lake City is overrun with African refugees for the past decade. A 20 block go of east or west of Lake City Way is trash now....40 blocks east near Lake Washington is where the huwites & gooks in actual homes are. Lake City doesn't even have sidewalks for the nog imports...a true shithole north of Seattle. Not a happening.
THIS....move to the eastside...or go north like me...comfy besides the burrito people breeding more & more
king county is filled with mexicans thats the reason NOT to live there
Fake news. Guns are illegal now in King County.
I went further north than king....but when I go to visit Seattle frens...It's the junkie white millennial en masse that make me more sad than mexi fries.
wut? fake & homo post, user
Luckily not yet, but its getting dangerously close.
>over my house
What kind of fucking cop cars do they have in seattle?
You weren't there man, it was crazy. I thought it was the whole police department.
I garuntee it was an out of state drug addict there are so many the police have given up. You can walk in a store take whatever you want and the police have orders not to stop you
cops were always johnny on the spot when I lived there. U district cops where usually surprisingly calm. but every time I reported an incident...3 or four cars came..little overkill, but I was in a bretty white zone. Cap hill & downtown coppers seemed more blackpilled from all the faggotry and nogs. Westlake cops saw to much niggertry in their shifts.
>What kind of fucking cop cars do they have in seattle?
Really fucking high ones.
Buy chinatown direct and save. The heroin exchange in seattle. Where food stamps and rice rackets bring home the tax dollars for less.
Used to get hustled for EBT to cash people down there. What a shithole.
In case you haven't seen it yet:
Seattle is Dying
>corrupt politicians
>homeless and druggies everywhere
>powerless police
>ridiculous taxes
>did I mention corrupt politicians?
Check the comments for more redpills.
owned by
>Bonneville International
owned by
>Deseret Industries
owned by
>Church of Latter Day Saints a.k.a. Mormons
Pic related Warren Jeffs admitted fucking his daughter
it is a prius.
i bet dirty mike and the boys got hold of a jar of mustard and a poodle and they were gonna put some finger in some poopers.
cop cars just flew over my house!!!
Never gets old.
Seattle Meth Heads are at it again Q predicted this
Just some Hobo's humping each other, nothing to see here bros
I live 20 mins south of Seattle. What should I do?
>shows picture of harmless gun fan.
>not a picture of one of the thousands of nigger shooters daily
Ya. Last week there were a couple just like it
Seattle here 4 dead
>kikes did this
I'm in Kirkland Redmond area and all I see are Mexicans and poos
Can confirm
Jump out the window now! They're right behind you!!
Do we have a video? This looks like heli cam footage
another false flag to take our guns
Seattle looks like shit
We need to re-name it "Perth".
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
Fuck your guns and fuck your rights.
Just watched this like two hours ago. Holy fuck what a shit hole. And that stupid fuck city council asshole smiling and laughing at that town hall meeting needs to be fucking lynched and left to rot.
rub yer dicks on on it as yer running away!
If you touch my guns I will kill you faggot
Redmond fucking sucks now, poo families keep flooding into all the new neighborhoods.