As long as they are prevented from reproducing, and their families are forced to take care of them... They should be allowed to live their best lives, right?
Jow Forums‘s thoughts on tards?
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They should be used as bio batteries
Should be made to fight to the death, or aborted as soon as possible
I have no problem with them, they are the sweetest people I've met, it's healthy to have them around.
They cant reproduce, stupid.
>ID is "NiG"
but yeah. if they can work a simple job that suits their ability (or lack thereof), that's fantastic. derogating them is like derogating 90% of the populace for not being rocket scientists really
1 would say 1 out of 5 retards at best fit that description. Usually it's the state who takes care of them. Even if the family does, there usually government assistance. They are nothing but a drain on society. The ancients used to kill them at birth. How far we have fallen from god.
Females can, males there are confirmed cases but the chances are low also they have ~50% chance of having a tard baby.
>and their families are forced to take care of them
Why should their families have to suffer though? Just euthanize them quickly and painlessly and then no one suffers.
forcing a family to deal with a retard cripples the family's potential contribution to society
by forcefully euthanizing retards you prevent them from being leeches in general and also prevent family members from having to make the tough choice themselves
Why is it mainly white people with mental deficiencies? Is being black already enough of a birth defect that God decided to be a little merciful to our dark colored friends?
I have a soft spot in my heart for people with special needs and their families. They didn’t ask for that, you gotta play the cards you’re dealt in this life. They’re normally sweet people and other humans who don’t understand them fail to see that they’re just mentally ill. They shouldn’t fall on the state for their care unless their family really needs it I guess...but I thoroughly believe it’s up to the strong to protect the ones who can’t protect themselves.
no, its just that retardation is a part of the common genome of african people
Pretty much my opinion as well.
Because whites are the only ones who diagnose them. Being retarded is the norm for niggers, so they don't see it as a mental deficiency, and thus don't bother diagnosing it.
I would rather live in a country full of retards than one full of shitskins and jews
With all the medical tech these days, it's basically rendered retardation preventable. Besides, they're still humans, so they are entitled to human treatment.
I've witnessed some alpha people with down syndrome living their life consciously, using public transit by themselves that had places to be. One hot girl with downs went to my college and another one at the gym. Another dude at school was employed at cleaning the lunch hall and took pride in his work. More based than a lot of fucking losers and fat cunts I see. I taught a guy with downs who used to pour his entire being into understanding two digit addition and single digit subtraction. He had the fire in him Im sure great scientists had, if he wasnt born with a disability he's the type a nibba who'd be working on fusion or abstract geometry I'm sure.
That’s why I said families should be forced to take care of them instead of abandoning them in some state facility.
The potential of a family that may or may not be realized while taking care of special needs doesn’t come before a lifetime of suffering the child in state run institutions with horrible conditions.
they make me uncomfortable, I say we euthanize them
i see no reason why not
If I were a girl I'd wet my pussy just from hearing you say that.
>99% of the time are already infertile and it's totally okay to ask for them to be sterilized
>more empathetic than the niggers who also come out in the 70-90 iq range
>can be pretty good at physical tasks if given proper and patient instruction
>often kind and funny
If I could push a button and replace every nigger, spic, and mudslime with a downie I wouldn't hesitate for a second.
I'm at the point where I don't give a fuck what you are as long as you have a fucking job.
>One hot girl with downs
TFW I will never have a hot downs girl to fuck
These guys are way more productive an way less harmful than liberals.
When I see them they disgust me, and I find their unpredictable behavior frightening.
I’ll protect you papito
Leave tards alone. Of all the enemies in the world they are not even in the top 1000
I have volunteer to assist people who have hydrocephalus for a week each year for the last 4 years. All a sound lot. Although I don't see a major issue if parents decide to abort an unborn when it's known they'll have such disabilities, once they are born I believe they have every right to seek a fulfilling life.
If you haven't seen the documentary "Heavy Load" I highly recommend it. It's pretty funny, and uplifting in my opinion. The drummer of the band bares an uncanny resemblance to Lars Ulrich, and may be a better drummer. Best line of the movie "I play guitar... Black one". Link is to the trailer.
I have no opinion, the help they receive already seems to keep most happy. a la jobs at mcdonalds, or whatever.
Other than that, I don't really care.
Holy fuck I went to school with that bloke in the picture. He's a fucking LEG.
They obviously aren't prevented from reproducing if there are more of them in USA than ever, since you stick your dick into everything. And yes families do took care of them, especially nowadays, since the doctor can tell them it will be a downy, they know what they will get.
I can agree with that, to an extent. I wouldn't want it to get out of control though. Most down syndrome people are just always happy and wanna hug everyone I can't be mad at that.
>want to be recognized by normies by playing with them
pick one
Downs aren't happy, they are lonely, they are defected. It's American bullshit to worship defected and mentally ill, who then parade around cities how they feeling food, then need ton of medicine to live.
You don't know what you're talking about.
You take the position that because most of society is bullshit that the far opposite of everything popular is good - it's dumb children's shit
Families should be allowed to clap them too. And the government should not in any circumstance waste money because of this.
Humans are the only animals who protect the weak like this.
> pol/‘s thoughts on tards.
I think you’re very brave.
Let's make like Iceland and no longer retard progress
You're from Russia so you're probably half a tard yourself
yeah til he lennys out and snaps your neck. dumb fuck aint even read a book
Honest question. Should the elderly be euthanized once it is determined they can no longer offer a contribution that society deems meaningful?
Now decide, am i a tard or i don't know about tards, can't be both.
gassed or kept around for entertainment purpose or study
Spot on! Agreed 100%
No. Next
Anyone who can't do at least differential calculus should bite the curb. If you're that person you need to neck yourself asap.
They will enrich the lives of their families. Truly.
rev up those engines boys
>s long as they are prevented from reproducing, and their families are forced to take care of them... They should be allowed to live their best lives, right?
pretty much my exact sentiment
I absolutely fucking hate being around them, but as long as they're not burdening anyone unwilling, then whatever
In a way, I envy them. They seem so happy and pure.
I wouldn't let vote them or hold obviously, but as a young man working in a grocery store, i worked along side a tard that swept floors and stocked potatoes. He was useful and made the locals smile
I never said you didn't know about tards, in fact I was implying you know a lot about tards since you're probably one yourself, fetal alcohol syndrome to be exact. You're a vodka baby
That sounds reasonable.What happens when to ree rees have a baby.
You don't know much obviously, but keep on dancing your retard dance, voila, more retards.
You lack self awareness
You're absolutely right I stay away from your kind so I have no real knowledge of you people. Can you understand what I'm saying? Or do I need to type in smaller segments?
I am pretty much perfect and your paraded celebrities are imperfect and not even half as beautiful as me. Btw what you agree and approve that's what you get. If you agree with down syndoms, gays and rap niggers then that's what you will get. No such thing as agreeing and not getting. What you approve you 100% become.
Yes, you don't even understand flags, you don't understand down syndom people are lonely, don't understand they are retarded, don't understand that they should be removed, you approve your downfall. And no i am not saying to kill them, i am saying to not give birth to niggers and down syndrome people.
some of my fondest childhood memories are of laughing at tards with my friends. it saddens me to think, with in utero screening, tards will soon be a thing of the past and my children will never know the joys of throwing rocks at them at recess.
I rather have a tard pack my groceries, than a nigger huffing and puffing hating their job.
You’re a dick bro
So the argument got btfo. Next
Abort the retarded.
Not all of them.
I feel sorry for them and think they shouldn't be allowed to breed.Other then that they should have special homes to help them cope with their shitty condition and to keep the violent ones safely away.
Euthanize your parents, they waste more money
I want one as a slave to do my chores.
A direct result on vaccinations.
Once prostitution is decriminalized everywhere, their employment opportunities should open up.
Notice the left doesn't fight for THEIR equal rights, because they know that the retard vote is already on lockdown.
Aren't the mentally retarded barred from voting?
>retards are a drain on society
And a stupid wall isn’t?
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Crazy thing is that even these retards are still more behaved than your average nigger.
no, but once they reach a state on nonproductivity they should be allowed to die of whatever kills them first without the intervention of state-run medical programs - with the option of euthanasia if they are in pain or just want to get it over with
If they function and can perform tasks I don't see any problem
They deserve love, and God bless them for the hell they were handed. We should have already been able to help them but then again WE'RE A NATION STUCK IN AN ENDLESS NIGHTMARE CONTROLLED BY THE JEWISH DREAM MACHINE
I actually like the American way of giving them low skill jobs like bagging groceries at supermarkets and the like.
In my country (I am only a temporary visitor) they are mostly put into separated workplaces and therapeutic institutions, where they are protected, but also secluded from most of the population.
It's healthier to include them.
No, a total waste of space. An embarrassment on humanity to allow mentally retarded or even physically retarded creatures to live. Kill them.
We should meme lbgt into running on hamster wheels to combat climate change.
My family all die in their forties, not a single generation has lived to retirement age. Both of my parents are dead. I have like thirteen to fifteen years left and I have not yet reproduced.
We have a few downies in my small town.
They are like the niggers of the retardworld, they are prone to violence.
The meme about them being such happy pure souls is just complete bullshit.
I simultaneously pity and envy them. I could only dream to be so divorced from reality.
Well why would you want to reproduce? You'd possibly be giving your child an early death sentence.
Retards and mutants are just a part of nature.
Give them little jobs so they can feel useful, and try not to belittle them.
Remember; you might be retarded yourself, and if you were, would you even know?
They belong here
Who said I want to reproduce? What kind of hypocrite would I be if I preached eugenics but continued polluting the gene pool further?
H-hey um user, can I ask you for a favour? Come join this Jow Forums Discord server please, it's a really good server I promise! It would really make my day if you did... so join using this link right now:
don't be so hard on millenials. they are fun to watch
>having a daughter at 45 years old
I've seen this guy before.