It's just $17.6 million, user.
Do you support funding the Special Olympics?
No, but I also don't support the normal olympics.
>$17.6 million
I feel like an event as well-known and inoffensive as the Special Olympics could make this from private donors.
They do. They get about 90% of their funding from private donors and the remaining 10% from the federal government.
Only if public gambling on them is allowed.
No, I support killing the retards.
We give Isreal 10 million a day.
I have no problem throwing 17 million for these guys to have a good time.
Does federal funding go towards the regular olympics?
I thought they just held these at high schools and told them it was the "olympics"....
When I was in the Army I got assigned to briefly provide medical coverage to some Special Olympics events that were taking place at my duty station. Maybe that's where some of the funding goes.
17 million does seem inconsequential for the amount of bad PR this generates.
No. Waste of money..
Then I really don't give a tremendous shit. Private donations can more than foot that bill.
Retards are far better citizens and people than fags or shitskins.
Let them perform physical labor and retail jobs, and throw them the odd bone when it comes to govt. funding, while slowly preventing their being born through public health awareness and advancing medical science.
You fucking gay edgelord.
No, I don't want to glorify retards on a world scale. I want ALL American men to be over 6 foot, white, and fit. My standards are high, yes. But it can be done with hard work.
>over 6 foot
Like, the women too?
Wholesome post is best post
>Like, the women too?
Can't have Chad sons without breeding a Stacy. Unless you're a gigaChad.
Also: eugenics. 'Nuff said.
I said American MEN. But I don't mind tall women. My wife is 5'11" (revealing power level, nooo)
If they’re as crooked as the regular olympic committee, they can eat a bag o’ dicks. Cordoning off retards is worthy enough, but euthanasia is preferable.
Yes, but only if the losers are euthanized.
Why pay for two special olympics? We already pay for the democrats' salary
It's a modern day freak show, disgusting desu.