someone redpill me on her disappearance
did her parents do it?
who kidnapped her?
is she still alive?
is the documentary legit?
can someone at least me give a rundown
Just started watching the neflix documentary
Other urls found in this thread:
The doc sucked. There's some dude speaking in a foreign language and I zoned out. Fucking liberal Netflix
>Implying Jewflix will implicate the pedosta brothers
The real kidnappers and child rapists run free. There is no legal discourse anymore
>just started watching
Why don’t you just finish watching then
I think the documentary is a good red pill for the general person in regards to human trafficking and how widespread It is. Also shows just how retarded police forces are outside of germanic countries.
Obviously the show can't really speculate all that much on more fringe theories otherwise they'll be sued to the shitter for damages.
There was the open window in the basement - lots of FUD around that.
The body was in the basement for hours and no one knew not even the cop assigned in the house - who went NUTSO bug eyed believing it was the Dad right after the body was found - she made many mistakes so her "feelings" is all she has.
I don't believe it was anyone in the family. The "storyline" is told by lib press that the ransom call was supposed to be the day the body was found - but that is incorrect - they say it over and over to try to point to the parents as guilty.
Lots of scammy shit to short through.
i think you confused this case with the jonbenet ramsey case
watched the first 3 episodes, did the parents do it and cover it up well?
Why would the parents consistently put the story in the front page of the newspapers around the world if they wanted to get away with it.
They are both very successful people career wise aswell.
>Just started watching the Netflix documentary
Why? It's a simple decade old parental murder. Who would make a documentary about it? Except to be like Dear Zachary calling out how fucked the judicial system is.
>did her parents do it?
Yeah, they murdered her. It's pretty fucked.
>who kidnapped her?
Nobody. You cant seriously believe the "oh no, somebody kidnapped her!" lie. If you do I've got a bridge I could get you a good deal on.
You fucking RETARD. This is not about Jon Benet Ramsey.
the parents seemed to really guilty of something. their interview was very bizarre
>be netflix kikes
>take 2h of material
>repeat everything 4x, creating 8h of material
fuck this show was terrible
they just glossed over a part where it was mentioned that pics of here were allegedly uploaded to a pedo website 3 days before she was kidnapped.
>they just glossed over a part where it was mentioned that pics of here were allegedly uploaded to a pedo website 3 days before she was kidnapped.
really? did the parents do it?
This board is not for conspiracy theories or red pills about non political things, that is for This board is for political shit and and complaining about Black people .
What Totally Happened Instead of What You Saw Online
Why Did You Capitalize Every Letter.
Parents seem to be distraught with guilt that were swinging the night there child was taken and probably sold into a pedo ring like Rui Costa was.
The brothers Podesta took her to Comet Ping Pong
>all these replies
>no-one has posted the podesta police sketch
this board is dead
>did her parents do it?
Go watch Richard D. Hall coverage.
at first its pretty damning on the parents, doggos smelled human corpse in the aparment and found human blood (dna) in the rental car her parents used a month after she went missing. the dna was 80% match for her profile, pretty fucking damning.
then though there was the pedo dark web angle which also was somewhat convincing so its hard to say.
if id have to assign probabilities myself id say 80% chance parents 20% chance pedo
Victim of NWO human trafficking that escaped the memory hole.
You are giving money to kikeflix. That makes you a nigger and a faggot. You may as well move to Canada or the UK where you'll fit in.
also there was a woman who reported some man asking for charity and then he stared at her daughter the whole time while asking...
the next day she found the same man in her kitchen with her daughter, obvs a pedo trying to steal a kid. so there was at least one active pedo in the area at the time.