Who would win: 28,000 pissed off reddsois, or a half dozen secret service goons?
Who would win: 28,000 pissed off reddsois, or a half dozen secret service goons?
If they can get 500 people there I will be impressed
First of all, half a dozen doesn't even come close. Second of all, it's illegal to have a gun in DC. If they posed a threat, they would be mowed down by DOZENS of agents on the ground and probably another dozen on the roof with belt-fed machine guns. Once a few hundred were dead, the remaining 27k or so would run for their lives.
The White House has big guns one the roof
>Once a few hundred were dead,
there comes a point when the military can no longer kill citizens. one or two and no one cares, even a dozen people attacking the white house can be killed and it was a good day for America. but if 10,000 people peacefully protest and then try to storm the White House and are mowed down then the situation changes and the State becomes the oppressor.
people might argue differently but there is a number of the size of mass of people needed to turn a protest into a revolution. look at what happened in all the Eastern Bloc countries. there is a tipping point where the military can no longer attack(or defend itself) without becoming the enemy of freedom and the State becoming the bad guy in global eyes. if 1 million people without guns did surround the White House and try to storm it, whoever the POTUS was would have to leave in Marine 1 and abandon the WH or else face the Horde.
this is how you know that people are pussies and just drones: because they never take control and actually overthrow the government. last weekend 1 million Brits walked up and down london in protest at Brexit, but they succeeded in nothing. they could have and should have burned down Parliament and effectively dissolved the Government, but that was never their goal. instead they wanted a day out in the sun to feel good about their opinions.
if enough Yanks had the balls to storm the WH, they could have a happening, because despite all the fantasies, the US military won't Tiananmen Square its own people. it negates its moral authority.
The Capital needs to moved away from D.C
>half dozen
Pretty sure if there was a gunshot near the WH all those commie spergs would be mowed down faster than shaun king can defend a nigger on twitter
>10k shitlibs storm trump.
>1,000,000 trump supporters start larporating
But what they would be doing would go against what a lot of Americas agree with.
So it would maybe result in a civil war, but not revolution.
>what are riot police
Have you seen the american police force? This isn't fucking bullshit Britain where it takes two dozen transabled muslim policewymyn in rainbow-painted Renaults to apprehend a j-walker. Send in some police tanks with body-armored cops armed with smoke grenades and batons and tear gas and rubber bullets and they'll easily fend off 10,000 screeching sjws without needing to actually kill a single one.
Nah, they would just machine gun them all down and say they were agents funded by whatever country they want to invade next.
The founding fathers believed if you wanted to overthrow the government, you had the right to do so by force. But they also believed the state has a right to defend itself. Ten thousand people getting killed on the front lawn of the White House would indeed be an act of war, but so was storming the grounds in the first place.
Oh please do this.
honestly it would be for the best. i do wonder whether moving it to a republican or democrat area would be better.
A real assault on the whitehouse would result in at least dozens of deaths if not hundreds.
The white house itself would be overrun if the attackers were determined enough, like the beaches of normandy, enough human fodder and eventually you overrun them.
But the assault would be essentially symbolic, at the first sniff of them breaching the grounds the president and any other VIPs would be evacuated.
Sure it would be challenging because Marine One (president's helicopter) usually lands on the south lawn and this would have to be a roof escape.
From there it'd be a quick flight to Camp David and the president could continue normal governing duties.
The white house itself would be lost but it's mostly symbolic.
The WH isn't just a house with a fucking front door and deadbolt from Home Depot. If they locked it down you'd need a bomb to even breach the walls.
If anybody had guts on this board they would organize and fight anybody that would try this
Jow Forums is a board of peace
The kind of people that DC attracts... should move it to israel
bs 10k is nothing, what percent of 400 odd million people is that? less than 1? so if even 1 percent throws a hissy fit we have a do over? gtfo
Nice attempt at obscurity, homeland security
He is a lazy nigger trying to get us to do his job.
>impeaching a jew puppet
why would anyone care at all?
Could I get away with shooting lefties in the chaos? Wear a black suit and rent a hotel room with a good view?
I dont think you realize how hated the left has become.
The US government needs to be physically located in DC to have control over the rest of the nation.