We all know about south Africa and whats going on there. What's going on in other African nations besides SA? Do any whites live in these nations?
Africa Thread
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Nigeria is barely majority muslim.
The only nation that works, surprisingly
Not a bad place but once the kick the Germans out it will be
Nairobi is getting rice'd - used to be a nice city but now it's "developed" and soulless. An interesting dynamic in the city as it is self-segregated between blacks, asians (Indians), and whites
2nd coup attempt incoming!
has the most expensive city in the world yet everybody is starving
As far as where do whites live outside SA yes and in this order of total population of whites:
1. Angola (mostly Portuguese)
2. Namibia (mostly German and Boer)
3. Madagascar (Frenchpats)
4. Tunisia (Mostly Italians and French)
5. Mozambique (Portuguese descent)
6. Botswana (Mostly Boers, Brits, and SERBIANS of all people)
7.Kenyans (mostly brits and expats and almost all in nairobi)
8. Zambia (Former Rhodesians)
9. Mauritius (mostly French)
10. Zimbabwe (the last rhodesians)
11. Equatorial Guinea (Spaniards)
12. Ghana (Expat and NGO people)
13. Ivory Coast (French plus see above)
pic related = white Namibian
>Eritrea IS Ethiopia!
>Niger needs to FREE Tuareg people!
>Free berbers of north Africa
>Partition DRC
>Save the Pygmies!
>Save white Africans
>Save the Khoisan
>Un-coup the Gambia
>Guinea-Bisseau is filled with liberals
>There's a huge ebola breakout in centeral-east africa nobody cares about
>Lesotho (pic related) is bro-tier with Europe
Yeah it should be split in half and same with CAR, Cameroon, Ivory Coast, and Burkina Faso
Only niggers. Daar is niks nie in donker afrika.
Isn't Cameroon a heavy Christian nation? Thought Muslims were only in upper panhandle
Wrong. berbers are indigenous to North Africa and they are white.
The western part of the panhandle is muslim
Africa is such a beautiful continent. Literal garden of Eden tier. Why did they have to go full retard and breed like niggers. Sad!
Togo and Benin are also half and half but their christian parts are pretty synchronistic
We never should have given them industrial technology. Only the pygmies aren't birthing babies like crazy. Sadly they will soon be extinct thanks to bantus killing them.
Have we discovered the missing link in pygmies?
South sudan is Christian?
Been hearing some boers are moving to the more northern African nations.
Representing the horn. Fuck those christ cucks in ethiopia and bantu baboons in Koonya.
Funnily enough Pygmies are a more recent race than Bantus lol
>Bashing Bantus
You guys are way more Bantu'd than Ethiopians - it doesn't say much to be less Bantu than black Kenyans
Really hard to believe. But then that explains all those I ARE THE NIGGEST images
>South sudan is Christian?
yes thats why they split, but probably more of a case of islam vs every other minority religion
They are Christian + animist
rofl hahahahhaha
Somalis are not mixed with bantus, we owned bantu slaves we also owned Ethiopian slaves. Infact we conquered Ethiopia centuries ago its why they don't have any sea access today and are holed up in a tiny mountain highland region, all of ethiopia is not "ethiopian/hebesha" Europeans give them that extra land after ww2.
It was literally racial motivated genocide lead by Arabs on the coons. Arabs HATE niggers.
>muh systemic waycism of white supremacyyy
>how do I spell Sudan
fucking leftist cancer
Yep. Just looked it up its majority Christian, then 2nd is traditional religion, then the rest is 6% muslim.
Blacks should play saviour in they're own lands an stop paving way to be reconquered by corruption an weaknesss.
North Sudanese look like arab. Anyway anyone here ever been to any of these nations? What was the experience like
Ethiopia should have sea access but Eritrea broke off. Ethiopia could have conquered you guys in 2009 too.
>muh Sultanate of Adal
Get over it bro it was hundreds of years ago.
As far as you guys being pure Cushite I admit you'd know better than me so I declare you a pure 100% Cushitic man. I also declare Cushites have the most beautiful women in Africa outside of the boers and berbers.
This map shows every white settlement in Africa. I made blue arrows to help point out smaller ones. Based on Masaman's racial map of 2019.
I'll look into it more but you guys held Abyssinia for less than 50 years
Any other reading material? maybe I got a bit of an anti-Somali bias
do you consider this Cushitic music or Bantu-American music repackaged as Somali music? I like some of it but I'm just curious what you think and to what degree you hate the Bantu influence
Ethiopia could've have conquered us? LMAO
NO one can conquer us. Zero
Botswana counts as one of the few countries genuinely trying to improve.
>white settlement in cameroon, gabon, mali, CAR, ivory coast.
Wonder how their doing
Guess you can say south Sudan also.
probably some NGO type of people or a military base
can it?
i mean they broke free but ever since then i thought they've become a blackhole of no information alongside intertribal cattle raiding?
did something change?
Most likely. Though probably some crazy asses that moved there
It's extremely unstable full of corruption.
Rwanda as well
Not related Europeans, but white.
Also let's not forget the admixture from the German Vandal Kingdom
Not after Kang Mugabe gave us a little taste of what's in store for SA whites. How are white folks in Zimbabwe doing right now? I heard one guy who had his farm stolen was a big enough cuck to accept a LEASE for the SAME LAND that they just stole from him and continued growing food like status quo. fuck that guy.
There is an ethnic war going on in west africa
>Death toll from northwest Nigeria attack doubles to 130, mainly from the Fulani ethnic group
>gunmen attack Mali herders, killing more than 150, populated by rival Fulani herders
here is what "Rhodesians" are up to these days
No. Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, white countries for everyone. If there were a bunch of whites in Africa white genocide wouldn't be true. Africa is homogeneously nigger. Even SA is less white than America was black in the 1950s.
This, my family used to listen to, stuff like that.
btw no one uses the term Cushitic but white anthropologists.
If anything there are large swathes who claim links to Arabia this is why we are in the Arabic league. The Oromo in ethiopia who are the other cushites are merely Ethiopians we conquered and converted historically, in our language they are called "gaalo" which means unbeliever. Nowadays alot of them are Muslim and their language is close to us.
Even if you research them it says they were our concubines and slaves on Wikipedia.
Thousands of slaves were exported every year by Jabarti, Jalaba, Afar, Somali and Arab merchants as the income from this trade was lucrative.[15][16] According to Ira M. Lapidus, a professor of Middle Eastern and Islamic History, the Ethiopian slave trade benefited the Muslims, and increased the Islamization of the Oromo people.
Multiple nomadic/herder ethnic groups are targeted in West Africa.
Feels bad man
I wonder what Europe and North Africa would have been like if the Vandals and Visigoths kept their kingdoms intact.
Not wearing hijabs
Heyy, Do you know any Oromo People in America?
Nonsense, they had no influence over the people.
This is basically white people just making shit up.
"The British colonials always sympathized with the Somalis, as they were free and could do whatever they want, some British were Somaliphiles while a Somali wouldn't hesitate in killing a British person. Somalis deeply hated the White man and all Ajnabis (Non-Somalis)".
"The Somalis and their cousins in Ethiopia were cunning, treacherous, and deceitful, none could be trusted lest he may entrap you and kill you"
"The Somalis killed many Europeans living in Somalia, they even forced them to pay taxes while they did nothing. Their hero The 'Sayyid Ina Abdilaahi Xassan' has killed hundreds of Europeans including Col. Richard Corfield who was a Somaliphile and recognized the Somali fight for freedom. Before Mohammed another man named Imam Ahmed (the Lefthanded) who is also a hero in Somali tradition fought the Portugese who were looking for Prestor John when they stumbled upon the Islamic conquest of the Ethiopian Christian kingdom. Their leader was Cristovao da Gama son of famed explorer Vasco da Gama. Ahmed killed him in battle and beheaded him and discarded his body in a nearby spring. Before da Gama was killed he was captured, tortured and forced to convert to Islam; once he refused he was killed".
"The Somalis in the neighborhood are treacherous, proud, and turbulent, and the Governor and his guard are really prisoners in on the forts which they built"-Italian Somalia
The Somalis are a fierce race of republicans, constantly changing political loyalties-the Somalis lived in what amounted to a state of chronic political schizophrenia, verging on of anarchy."-Sir Richard Burton, 155 years ago...but as apt then as it is now
"A Somali always felt himself to be twice as good as any white man, or any other kind of man at all, and still does, even when he is wrong. Islam does wonders for the self respect of non-white people and Christianity is right to worry about the spread of Islam in Africa, and must honestly face the question of why it has happened - "
"Of all the desiccated, bitter, cruel, sunbeaten wildernesses which starve and thirst beyond the edges of Africa's luscious, jungled centre, there cannot be one more Christless than the one which begins at the northern foot of Mount Kenya and stretches to the foothills of Abyssinia, and from there to the dried-out glittering tip of Cape Gardafui where the hot karif winds blow in from where the long sharks race under the thin blue skin of the ocean. You can never think of those wildernesses without thinking of daggers and spears, rolling fierce eyes under mops of dusty black crinkly hair, of mad stubborn camels, rocks too hot to touch, and blood feuds whose origins cannot be remembered, only honoured in the stabbing. But of all the races of Africa there cannot be one better to live among than the most difficult, the proudest, the bravest, the vainest, the most merciless, the friendliest; the Somalis."
Nigeria has almost as much people as India. It will be superpower soon, no doubt. Already 2nd superpower that was founded by the British
"I never saw a Somali who showed any fear of death, which, impressive though it sounds, carries within it the chill of pitilessness and ferocity as well. If you have no fear of death you have none for anybody else's either, but that fearlessness has always been essential to the Somalis who have had to try and survive hunger, disease and thirst while prepared to fight and die against their enemies, their fellow Somalis for pleasure in the blood feud, or the Ethiopians who would like to rule them, or the white men who got in the way for a while."
"Everytime a Somali got whipped, an Italian soldier was killed"
"Wandering in The Shag (desert) were Somalis with some of the sharpest intelligences in the continent, nomads who had been forced into being parasites of the camel, for centuries, and could anyone ever find a way of using all that courage and intelligence?"
"There is no one alive as tough as the Somali nomad. No one.
An askari wounded in a fight in the Haud country walked 14 miles holding his guts in his hand, was sewn up and lived to soldier again. And the women are as spiritually strong as their men."
"....You get into that way of thinking in the Somali waste. You think that way because the Somalis bitterly resent the white man, and struggle continually, and admirably, by lies and intrigue, to fight off his influence which spells the end of their peculiar world. You cannot beat them. They have no inferiority complexes, no wide-eyed worship of the white man's ways, and no fear of him, of his guns or of his official anger. They are a race to be admired, if hard to love."
Now this music I can get into. The Somali 70s/80s golden age music always seemed too Bantu-American
How much Arab admixture do Somalis have? They obviously have more than Ethiopians.
There's more cushite ethnic groups in Ethiopia than the Oromo though. Aren't all the Habesha groups Cushitic?
A lot better than it is now. The vandals and visigothic kingdoms made the mistake of getting bogged down in long, drawn out civil wars and internal conflicts which the muzzies took advantage of.
It's like looking at a crystal ball...
Why didn't you guys take Ogaden then? If you were so in charge why would European line drawing have any affect on your borders?
Aren't Askaris bantus from Tanzania?
All these quotes are from a book about Somaliland in ww2 - that's not really the height of European control in Somalia
more quotes:
"If the British didn't come in Kenya the Somalis and their cousins the Borana warlike nomadic people from the north would've wiped the Kikuyu (Bantu natives of Kenya), who were in fear of these marauding nomads".
"If a Somali offers himself to a foreigner whether Black or White abroad and says he/she wants to marry him, he/she does not out of love but to gain citizenship and bring his/her family and throw that person in the garbage."
"All the Africans in Africa except for North Africans and other Horn of Africans of whom they are cousins consider the Somalis an undesirable bunch and a deceitful people. Most African nations except for the Arab nations and the North Africans have refused to accept them. Those who did, like Kenya, South Africa, and Uganda the economy is now in their hands."
"If a Somali gets in trouble in Kenya or any of these African nations that took Somalis in, all a Somali has to do is bribe him with a few dollars and nothing happens".
"A Somali can be extremly cruel and murderous towards other Somalis if they have no other enemies around, but as soon as an enemy attacks them they all form a union and forget their problems because now they have a common enemy".
"The Ethiopians of whom are called "Highland People" and the Somalis of whom are called "Lowland People" have been enemies since the Somalis rebelled and separated from them. Both have a desire to rule each other, but history has showed European meddling to stop this".
"In Somali oral history the Hyena is a representation of cowardice and especially a representation of non-Somali peoples who are enemies towards them, while the fox who is a representation of cunning, intelligence, and deceit is important because its a representation of the Somali people".
"The Somalis boast that over 100 nations came to their land to conquer but yet never did this includes: Britons, Germans, Italians, French, Ethiopians, Greeks, Arabs, Persians, and so on. And they were all defeated especially the well armed White Man".
"A Somali was never taken to jail lest he may die in there, the Europeans would spare of him of it because of the many arguments of the Somali people, that prisons were only for slaves and foreigners".
"It always seemed that the Somali along with his camel seemed to view the White stranger in the homeland with equal contempt".
"White men and women couldn't have children in Somalia if they wanted to they had to bear their children elsewhere, this was a law of the Somali elders. If White children were to be born in any Somali lands the child would be killed or taken away and be raised as a Muslim."
The urban Kenyans feared the Maasi Kenyans, but they saw the Somali as more dangerous, even the ones who were in refugee camps"-Kenya
"In Kenya the Somali whether illegal or legal controls Kenya's economy and politics because: The Somalis were considered to be the Jews of Africa"-Kenya
"As one Red Cross worker bluntly put it "The Somalis are hated by every delegate (international staff member", Somalis have a arrogant reputation of talking back to relief workers"
Are these from the same book? All this proves is that Somalis are chad warriors
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I'm reading into it now - Dervish movement was pretty legit desu but it still collapsed even before ww2
What is the solution to Somalias current problems? How can Somalia be made the jewel of Africa again?
Didn't Gabon have a coup
yes but it failed.
They seem similar to india
Bongo is back
Ali! Ali! Ali! Ali Bongo!
I know..
do they sharpen their teeth or are they naturally like that.
You say that like a bunch of cannibalistic barbarians were going to stop the Umayyads, they got shitstomped in Iberia and it took a European coalition to keep the Islamic army out of France.
they sharpened them - pygmies like their teeth sharpened for some reason
thats epic
there are whites everywhere ya silly goose.. someones gotta do the productive and meaningful work
How's zambia? Do you hail from former Rhodesia?
well kinda grandparents moved to rhodesia but moved here during the bush war
The worst group of morrocans. Pure shite tier. A menace to society.