I'm honestly afraid what's going to happen when whites are outnumbered in the USA. The Emperor blows the fuck out of subhumans every day in office, but the tide is still changing towards an America dominated by shitskins and kikes.
What are you planning on doing if we become a minority in our country? Is there any way of stopping it?
There's 2 options basically: 1. whites become rulling elite of shitskin horde 2. whites get exterminated by raging shitskins
Nathaniel Price
Fuck off kike
Blake Cox
the cheap labor was worth it
Colton Fisher
You should be afraid cuz you're gonna die. That's the answer. You're gonna die. They're gonna kill you. That is literally what this is all about. That's why we become white nationalists in the first place. It has nothing to do with "hate" it just has to do with survival or maintaining your freedom from slavery to black and jewish masters who whip your children and tell you "this is what u deserve cuz ur white and u did it to us hundreds of years ago" and of course they don't even believe their own bullshit, but so many retarded whites do. Pic related naturally.
I may have to go back to Romania. I’d fight in a race war or join any pro-white political movement to take back America if whites ever grow balls again.
Eli Allen
>whites become the ruling elite
Like in Haiti? We can't be deluded here, they're still pissed about being given free food and housing in exchange for some light labor. I don't want to end up with my head on a pike.
Who's gonna stop it? By the time they start the process it'll be too late.
Caleb Butler
>What are you planning on doing if we become a minority in our country? Dying. Not my problem zoomer you deal with it. God I'm so progressive and lived a wonderful American lifestyle. Good luck with the African and Mexican infestation, scooter.
John Martin
Fucking this
William Wright
crazy idea. what if i did nothing. there's nothing i can do to stop it right? why waste brain power worrying about what's gonna happen if there's less whites in a country already filled with non whites?
Kevin Richardson
We would demand our own smaller Whites-only country in the Pacific Northwest and parts of Canada and Alaska. If they don't give in to our demands to keep our people alive then we resort to Al-qaeda type tactics including and especially truck bombs until we get what we want.
Plus virtually all the farmers in this country are White, the shitskins are either going to have to find a way to feed themselves (unlikely), leave or hopefully starve and fucking die.
Samuel Thomas
you already are a minority in every major city and most smaller cities user. it's fucking over. that's the point. The cancer is formed, now its just a matter of time before it metastasizes to all of the rural areas. Just live a /comfy/ family life user, the job is done so its either civil war or dealing with what you got and making the most out of it.
You would make the founding American fathers proud.
Mason Jackson
3. Forced integration, no freedom, violence on the periphery.
Joshua Clark
find a good Christian woman and inseminate at the maximum safe rate.
Xavier Taylor
>when whites are outnumbered in the USA >when Joke's on you, you white nationalist faggot.
Ryder Turner
Parker Cox
I love you too Dad
Parker Johnson
Whites can't grow their balls, the white women won't let it happen. that's why whites are dying in the first place; the Rich spoiled women want to Virtue signal indefinitely, which is practically: to death
Unironically whites could grow their balls back if they fucked impregnated and married any other group of women except rich spoiled white women but that would need too much Eugenics afterwards to correct for the shitskin error
There literally are not any poor white women anymore due to Big Daddy government
Bentley Nelson
they were killed because they went soft
Jackson James
segregation, separation
Michael Perez
No MR U F Zuc They are just sleeping And waking a giant is such a silly sin
Justin Brooks
You are. Best start thinking.
Lincoln Thompson
This. Whites are already outnumbered on this continent. You can run and hide and have 10 White kids, but the jews will chase you down with diversity. The White flight should have been White fight 30 years ago, and everyday that goes by only means that the inevitable fight will be that much more bloody. Maybe you're a psychopath that wants to slay millions of shitskin and kike invaders and bath in their blood, and that's cool bro, I'll fight by your side, but I do not look forward to killing--even though I know I will have to.
white have had their day, now its someone else's turn
Lucas Butler
Fucking THIIISSSSS. I wish I could drill into peoples thick skulls that whites becoming minorities won't organically make the world stay peaceful. Blacks, jews, and Hispanics would kill us all if they thought they had even a 10% chance of success. When we dwindle low enough, they won't give a fuck and will just go south Africa on us.
I may be extremely blackpilled, but the only way I see whites ever doing anything at all, would be a total global economic crash. Whites won't give a shit about being called "racists" when they cant put food on their kids plates. If not, I fear just a slow burn while governments suppress dissent and the west just gradually becomes Brazil. I can't take this bros
yeah have more kids, flood the system with kids till the government can not handle it. then immigration will stop.
Connor Flores
it will be outnumbered with spics, most of whom think are white. we're just turning into le 56% IRL user, I think Europe has it worse with the Muslims.
Ayden Hernandez
>German >Dutch >Implying they aren't also becoming third world shitnigger societies.
Mandarin is your best bet, bud.
James James
everyone dies bud
Chase Scott
That would have been a good comment in 2012. 0/10, pathetic attempt
Spics thinking they're white is much much worse brother. At least Arabs fucking despise European culture and might over extend their hand enough to enrage the native Population. Here in NA well just become brown without any sharia government attempts
Thomas Hill
>implying all eurofags aren’t closeted masochists and cucks that want their women to be raped by Mohammed
Cameron Jones
Yeah but germany is fucked too isnt it? I have no clue where isnt though. I wanna go somewhere warm
Alexander Lopez
Have a bit of humor there user. I know we're all venomous, hardened, vitriolic assholes here. Sometimes, we just have to laugh at the little things. Like your penis.
Matthew Scott
Chinese women look like shit tho. But im definitely considering either that or Japanese, if america falls its taking europe with it
Bentley Gonzalez
Isn't Austria, Lichtenstein, and Switzerland like not allowing the immigrants in though?
I think youre right, austria seems allright. I know almost nothing about it outside of political headlines tho
Jason Ward
Austria were cucks and voted in a "moderate", Lichtenstein is pretty cool. Switzerland must be one of the most expensive places on the planet, so hopefully you're not a poorfag
Isaiah Hall
Hey, I really think you should get laid. It does wonders to you temper.
Cool faggot, next time you're hungry I'll just say "don't eat, starve to death cuz everyone dies bud". Dunno if you're a literal fucking retard or a schlomo Jew piece of shit.
I'd literally rather die than go live in some communist dystopia.
Alexander Gonzalez
Lichtenstein is always the best option in every case because its only made up of white people speaking German and they're protected by the Swiss who mandate every new house have a nuclear fallout shelter
Jace Price
I’m moving to one of the dakotas or Alaska.
Blake Ortiz
Nah bro the Jokes on you. Without whites North America is going to become a hell hole. You guy’s were better off as minority’s but you believed the Kikes bullshit and are going right back in chains. Faggit!
Fuck you shitskin! You can’t survive here without us, do you really think you could have a third world shithole in the sub artic? Your all going to get sick once we are gone.
John Parker
>make more obedient jew slaves no
Kayden Rivera
I hear you brother.
Gavin Bell
ALL men die. some men never live.
Joshua Martin
This. The best way to die is to go out like a martyr, surrounded by dead shitskins and Jews.
Matthew Rivera
There's no way of stopping it. I plan on living innawoods while the brown hordes murder the last of the cucked whites, then turn the violence on eachother, eventually depopulating the continent.
John Diaz
I'll have to check it out, have always ignored it because of it having a jew name
Will be just more control. youtube.com/watch?v=rB8dxgFI0vg First you must demand destruction of Federal Reserve. In money supply their power. It's the head.
I've pretty much given up white nationalism. Why bother saving a country that is this far gone? Build another country and shitskins will still beg to be let in.
Bentley Cox
Shitskins wont exist to beg to be let in. But you're right, if they still exist, and that's a big if, they will be starving and begging.
Logan Moore
It's not THAT bad, everyone. There's time, nonwhite birthrates are tanking everywhere but Africa, and whites are finally having babies as of very recently.
Trump is only there to draw whites who would otherwise be accelerationists. He clearly helps in boiling the pot at just the right pace to make the Jew plan successful
Camden Myers
Was just looking at cost of living and hot worried before i saw average salary, seems like a nice place.
Been working in construction the past year, the idea of building or designing fallout shelters for a living is definitely appealing
David Hughes
Why not segregation? It seems that this is never brought up on Jow Forums and can be a topic that every race can discuss and even benefit from. Blacks don't like living under the white man and think the white system is against them. Whites don't like being gradually run out of their cities and towns. Mexicans don't even speak the same language. Asians don't even mingle with any other race. So why not just segregate? It would avoid a civil war and people could feel more assured in their own communities, states, etc. that is run by their own people. There won't be any mass deporting. There won't be a mass slaughter of a race either. So why not just divide up so we can leave each other be? Can it work?
I feel sorry for you guys, but if that happens all this continent will be just cheap labor for europe, japan, south korea even china, the major population is castizo, whites and finally pure indigenous and africans...
Kayden Gray
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