can Sweden be saved?
Can Sweden be saved?
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Why is sweden so corrupt?
I’m Muslim, how do I get Swedish gibs
I wonder what kind of improvised weapons the swedes will make when they inevitably crack under this shit, same with the French if the army escalates things
*raping his child sex slave
The absolute best option for most of Europe at this point would be a merciful death, leaving burgers to swoop in and pound that fucking ground, followed by World War Shoah.
15 year old
Now a child bride
Guns are gay
True men fight with blades and kill their enemies up close
I think it's too late for Sweden. They will never dig their way out of their hole.
Leftism is a death cult. Those that subscribe to it destroy their cultures, don't have children, and die.
no. none of us can, we're all headed to the swedish dystopia
How can this possibly be true? Is there any proof of this?
I think the Swedish people represent the genetics (((someone))) is trying to wipe out, so they bought all the politicians in the little country and proceeded to have everyone push these agendas which would lead to the death of the natural blonde hair, blue eyed Swede.
No, and that's a good thing.
There aren't any white people in Sweden.
want a tip every1. stop reading the news its gonna damage u. live a happy life
How much of what Jow Forums says about sweden is exaggeration?
God dammit I hate how this spitball theory actually makes sense
if that's true someone in an office needs to be killed
Hmm... white girls barely get with blacks mostly arabs in school age, after that barely ever.
Refugees arent seen from except from afghans who hang in large packs in the cities drink redbull and try to hook up with 13 year old lost girls hanging in city.
Big city where I live you only see them in city centre.
Never seen any syrians literally only AFGHANS.
If ur not in absolute heart of city which was a shithole b4 any1 came here btw it was druggies/punk rockets/lefties hanging there b4 and altho they werent violent they hooked with young girls n took drugs u dont notice it
Can you unrape yourself? Sweden is proper fucked.
It's not. PeterSweden is a legitimate liar who makes shit up all the fucking time and has zero sources for any of his bullshit. He's also a massive Zionist to boot.
and the sluttiest girls here are somali n arab chicks they literally dress in hijab and half naked except 4 that. its crazy man.
Americans literally obsess over Sweden, Britain and Germany being destroyed by shitskins. For a good 4 years I legit thought women were getting raped and murdered in broad daylight on the daily
You have entire districts where police cars wont go without atleast 2 cars, and where fire engines wont go without a police escort. Your country is like 65% swedish and shrinking, and swedes dont even care. ‘It doesnt affect where i live’ they say as they stick their heads in the sand. Fucking lemmings you all are
Sweden is fucked, swedes just move away from the foreign colonies. White flight and all that. this guy just lives in a white area and doesnt care about what he cant see. Out of sight out of mind i guess
well, there are lots of migrants and especially afghanis seems to be trouble.
Like ive seen afghans become emo and being 2gather with emo girls. Other go to school. but many hang in city literally all day sell drugs n trynna hook with young girls.
Thing is i know afghanis (who r level headed) they actually come from iran where they live as mostly normal citizens and arent in fear of their lives.
So you can imagine them coming here for easy life, and "chilling" on the money.
its a problem but like i said theyre confined to those areas which are trouble areas and normal ppl dont hang in ever really.
2nd generation immigrant chicks seem 2 dig them tho.
We must try
thats fukin bs bro. i live in 1 of the largest city im literally in those "trouble areas" dailies.
fucking laughable. but yes i agree population is sinking but theres nothing 2 do.
when the moeny stops (and it will) people will disappear.
Nothing wrong with marrying a 15 year old. Treating girls in their prime reproductive years like children is why the white race is dying out.
You are a fucking lemming. ‘Its okay that my country is being sold from under my feet and invaded, because where i live it isnt that bad yet!’ Classic dickless swedecuck
also your right about that but its mostly because theres prominant gangs here. they mostly kill eachother but once a guy was buying pizza and got headshotted while doing so. random guy too.
fuck off. i got 1 life and i aint wasting it. Im already moving in 3 months.
Why isn't he revolting? Can this faggot only complain?
Sweden has NO MILITARY WHATSOEVER. If Swedes wanted to, they could have a coup tomorrow.
Most of these stories are bullshit if you follow them up there is strong propaganda from both sides.
Nationalists trying to make out every refugee is a violent rapist and Liberals trying to make out they are all good boys who dun du nuffin.
>Nothing wrong with marrying a 15 year old. Treating girls in their prime reproductive years like children is why the white race is dying out.
Ever treating them like adults also tho
Go hang out in Husby for a while and tell me how you fare.
Ghetto Skorpion
Me gusta!
Let it be an example for the others.
What others, and what is the example?
They def still act like them.
How do I get a QT Swedish Bride too?
Other degenerate countries accepting immigrants
Maybe they'll sober up when they see it collapsing and turning into a third world shithole.
But maybe they won't. Societal change takes time. It will take 2 generations to manifest.
15 isn't a child. Maybe western men should stop worshiping feminism and try to get teenage brides too. Maybe we could reverse white birthrate declines. But I'm guessing most of you 80IQ retards will just scream
And literally worship feminism without even realizing it.
Are you an example for others? Taking money from hardworking Americans who are suffering so that you can LARP in your desert?
Didn't take that long in Germany though.
>You have entire districts where police cars wont go without atleast 2 cars
we have entire districts here where police cars directly won't go
god fucking damn
I will admit I did not expect that answer. Would your answer remain the same if they were taking in Jewish refugees?
it's getting worse every day for us, the problem isn't how sweden looks right now but rather 10-20 years from now which is assuredly going to be very bad by swedish standards.
Whats the big deal is he a Dindu
Me too, allah and all that.
Sweden, give me a bride now.
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Anatolia, Mesopotamia, the Levant, and North Africa have been occupied for over a thousand years. Hopes and prayers do nothing.
>not child
I never watch tv, but I sometimes flip through some channels at work before I go to bed. I got to a swedish channel, and it was a dating show. ALL of them were white swedish girls being set up with niggers. It was pretty fucking amazing how much the jews are involved with out neighbours I thought, until I switched to the norwegian channels. Every commercial: white woman, black man, traveling, eating at restaurants, going on hikes (like niggers go on hikes, wtf). There is no saving Sweden, Norway is next.
Jewish refugees don't rape girls or blow themselves up tho. Instead they create jobs and fatten the economy. But euros are too stubborn, it's too late for them really, by the time they realize what a terrible mistake they've done it will be too little too late.
Yes but today euros are castrated and weak, thanks to the (((media))).
They're not incompetent they do it on purpose
Why are you acting like you're not one of them? Did you forget to change the flag?
ahahahah they literally have grenade attacks every month . it s like fucking warzone
There are warning on airports in europe warning women from walking alone in Sweden because of the high probability of being raped. They litterally are that fucked.
What % of Jews do you think grow up with childhood sexual abuse? Ill give you a hint, its higher than catholics even.
Sweden is a testbed for what happens at the terminal point of feminism. (((They))) are watching to see if they can create their idealised sub-normal IQ mongrel population that does their bidding. Once they perfect the formula, expect that in the US things will ramp up considerably.
living the dream
No. They are literal Eloi, but in their defense, so are most whites. Our System crafts them this way. The USSR hasn't got shit on our System.