White kid in Mississippi gets tased, choked and has his life threatened. Because allegedly his exhaust on his truck was too loud. This is the WAYNESBORO MISSISSIPPI POLICE DEPARTMENT the kid was charged with 5 or 6 counts and there's video on Facebook. He didn't do shit. This cop is scum by reputation.
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>cop not chasing niggers
At least he wasn't murdered in cold blood like Trayvon. Stop whining.
If I had Facebook I would link the video. I've seen it and it's bullying and an abuse of power. I want this to get as much attention as possible because these people have grown comfortable in power they need to understand who is in charge.
This cop only chases high school kids and women.
cops are cucked and dont even hate niggers anymore
Yeah but he's white.
nice try shlomo
Perfect. Called the local media they had a story on this 5 hours ago online then it 404d.
You mean ritually sacrificed by mythic dawn and made into an npc in elder scrolls oblivion. Dont get trayvond by kikes guys. Its not worth it. Necromancy and blood libel lead to moloch which is what meme flag serves in the elder scrolls. The levites wouldnt have a law against the practice if it wasnt something people were doing. General rule of thumb like the label on mcdonalds coffee that says caution hot since kike lawyers sued for illgotten usury gains to put it there. Stating the obvious but trayvond the redguard mage has some serious dialogue foreshadowing his masonic ritual murder.
Look at this guy and his schizophrenic rambling nonsense. 10/10 I am in the illuminati and I am here to control you. Take your pills faget.
Called the local jail and they said they don't give out information over the phone. Anybody know if that's true? Appears to be bullshit... They print it in the FUCKING NEWSPAPER every week. Public information is public. There's no ongoing investigation he's been charged and booked.
Of fucking course not I don't think they even have body cams in this hick town. Hold on I'll find the video and link it
This happens to innocent black people daily why aren't you mad at your police then
The body cams cucked a lot of them also
haha look at this bootlicking faggot over here.
Lololol 1/10 troll
>his exhaust on his truck was too loud
Deserved it.
Troll I'm always mad when people I pay take advantage of American citizens.
Bitchbong you don't have the option to get loud pipes sit your ass down
>we decide who's a criminal
And yet you all keep committing a disproportionate amount of the crime. Fix yourselves, holy shit.
how come they don't do anything about the spics who take the mufflers off their 1995 Civics?
Post the #
That's 100% sweetie
Woooooooo woooooooo
Man it's just an excuse to fuck with this kid. Selective law enforcement. Officer Kirksey only pulls over ignorant high school kids and woman he can harass.
>Puts noisemaker on his car
Honestly what level of attention seeking faggot do you need to be to spend good money on a fucking noise maker? Deserves worse.
anyone been hit by a taser? does it hurt like fuckety or you just cramp up real bad and hit the ground?
16017353192 that's central dispatch. Ask about ben cason and what the charges are you'll be transferred to the jail that's where the arrogant asshole who won't tell anyone is located
Trayvon wasnt shot by a cop, u fkn idiot
honestly it is pretty annoying when your exhaust is too loud
>loud exhaust
Honestly he deserves to be shot, let alone tased
my small town had a cop like that when I was a kid in the 80's. I think he was abducted by aliens because nobody ever found him.
Cant flim flam the zim zam
I find quiet exhaust annoying. Now what?
trayvon was raised to be a punk and setup to die by his fm dad
happens to whites all the time box worshipper
Probably got taken on a community hunting trip.
Statisically happens more to white peepoo thoo.
cops get conditioned to see interpret and respond a certain way by thousands of hours of raid footage, dashcam footage, aerial footage, gun camera footage etc, most of it driving home the "relax and die" notion on a serious level...
the same way Jow Forums has been conditioned by thousands of hours of that same and worse footage...
it's almost as if nature imposes this crazy notion that one must adapt or die, now, i don't know for sure but it sounds like nature is a reactionary twat eh comrade shekelstein?
Becos he was white. If the dude was black the Cop would never have dared even raze his voice. Blacks have conditioned the cops to respect them or all hell breaks loose
>land of the free
cant wait til people start returning the favor to pigs! gotta say I never feel bad when I hear about cops being shot dead.
More like they're the same blind faggots like most people but told to fly off the handle at any sign of movement, gaining no more awareness than they ever had but unconsciously acting without meaningful reasons. Half of the time when asked why they shot somebody a cop will just say "I don't know", and the other half will use the boilerplate excuse "I feared for my life". These are not intelligent creatures making skillful reactions.
>trayvond the redguard mage