when you realized God was real
When you realized God was real
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What a night.
God is real, and he likes sequential numerals
Not real jethro
this thread is going to be a good time...
Didn't a bunch of lefties/trannies kill themselves on election night? Are there stats?
What is that and why do we care it says
We can dream
There's something wrong with the Jews who browse Jow Forums. You people are incapable of understand or learning board culture and that's why you're destined to fail.
>trump doesn't keep his promises
>no wall
It makes sense that you'd have nostalgia about election night.
OH NO NO NO. Look at this faggot trying to sow division.
Dude you're being gay. In the first statement I was referring to people in general, because I have no idea what that scale is or why it's credible, and in the second I was referring to myself and the other poster specifically. Stop being a schizo and chill the fuck out
spotted the kike
Numerology blinds the heart to God.
Truth cannot be found through superstition.
Yes, signs exist, sometimes in numerals.
Do not seek repeating numbers.
Do not lose yourself.
The heart is the path.
The Guide is God.
Wait, what the fuck just happened?
A sign.
>MAGA pepe
>Overly aggressive shill accusations
>Look at me I'm so hip to le culture
You need to lurk for awhile longer
BAHAHAHAHHA NOW YOURE ANNOYED BY PEPE? Holy fuck Rabbi go draw some swastikas on your grandmothers grave or something. Fuck off.
Correct. Tea leaf reading is no substitute for scriptural guidance
>U mad bro XDDDD
please lurk
This belief.
how much is Israel paying you for this shilling?
While Trump's cuckery on some issues has been disheartening, it's worth him winning just to see the sheer amount of assfracture that the Left will suffer for it. The alternative would be vindicating shitblooded leftists, and frankly, fuck that.
t. newfaggot shill
>Quick help Jewish Leftists replace your population faster because the guy trying to stop it isn't good enough at it
Man was the night of November 8, 2016 fun. Seeing Hillary go from a 70% chance of winning at the time of the first polls closing, to pulling ahead in Florida early and being at like a 90% chance to just plummeting off the face of the Earth.
>it was her turn
This has to happen again.
It will NEVER be forgotten. We'll all be old and still be reveling in the triumph.
If Trump wins again, there is no doubt there is a God.
Of course he will win again, and the funny thing is (((they))) expended every last bit of ammo they had against him before he was even elected.
The media will continue to lie and slowly destroy itself, too.
Hell, people expected him to cause at least enough chaos for some remodeling to take place in the parties, and on that front Trump is already a success in many respects. There is still some more to be desired on that front though; while Republicans are getting better at learning to fight, they still have some really bad habits.
When this magical night happened.
I want to know what was in that black box algorithm because that shit was on point
>god wants unprecedented immigration and a bump stock ban
Call me when Soros is behind bars.
With about 30 seconds of thought: heavy weight to confirmed vote totals, varying weight to exit polls (less to low certainty, more to high certainty).
Just get 2020, assholes, I'll do the rest.
chop off the lowest text box, some idiot added that.
Holy shit, Ross Perot really is still alive
Squeal more, Iran shill.
I wish there was a timeline of pictures of Hillary's face through out the day.
Your welcome.
This gif was certainly repeated several times, and not necessarily with wine.
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I looked it up, he's still kicking at 88 years old
Said every drunk, ever.
Because that is the biggest five foot five inch man you will ever know, in a world of niggerdom.
A Jewish God.
He knows of the sucking sound
>when you have known men better than you, who are already dead, but you are still alive, as a loser.