Repeat after me:

repeat after me:

>La ilaha ilallah
>Muhammadu rasulullah

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Sweden YES

Every knee shall bow and every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.


Attached: Egyptian Human Rights Activist Hany Elsadek Reiterates I Love.webm (852x480, 2.52M)


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La ila hila retardilla

Lalala Muhammad sucks cocks.

Holy fuck this is extremely based


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>Pakistani neighbor tell me he has 5000 slaves
>Constantly tells me I should come to Pakistan with him
>"Is that how you got all those slaves, Khuda?"

Muslims are funny cunts, but you shouldn't trust 'em, or they'll literally sell you.

Welcome brother

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im going to have to take the islam pill eventually

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Sholobbo wobbo wah
Mubudoodoo repmyboohoo

Am I a wizard now?

When will whites admit that the reason they are frustrated with Islam is because our women are forced to fuck us while they have to negotiate and give gifts to theirs and even then if little Miss Priss doesn't feel like it that day she won't?

Mohomo is a pedo and sucks the one true gods cock


>Mohomo is a pedo
>sucks the one true gods cock

So the one true god is an underage boy?

ہم جلد ہی پچاس شہیدوں کے بدلہ لے جائیں گے

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durka durka mohammed jihad

>Umar ibn Al-Khattab, the ruler of the Muslim Empire, traveled to Jerusalem, not with a royal entourage of servants and guards, but with a single servant and one riding camel.

>Umar ibn Al-Khattab was greeted at the gates of Jerusalem by Sophronius. The people of Jerusalem were in awe of the Caliph; he was dressed simply like an average person and he was walking on foot, while his servant was riding.

>The Bishop of Jerusalem handed over the keys of the city of Jerusalem to Umar ibn Al-Khattab. No killing or destruction was carried out by Muslims. It was a peaceful transition and all the holy sites of Christians were left untouched. Caliph Umar signed a treaty with Sophronius and as a result, Christians were allowed to live in the city, but must pay jizya, or tax. The treaty Umar signed was as follows:

>“In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. This is the assurance of safety which the servant of God, Umar, the Commander of the Faithful, has given to the people of Jerusalem. He has given them an assurance of safety for themselves, for their property, their churches, their crosses, the sick and healthy of the city and for all the rituals which belong to their religion. Their churches will not be inhabited by Muslims and will not be destroyed. Neither they, nor the land on which they stand, nor their cross, nor their property will be damaged. They will not be forcibly converted.”

>Alkhateeb wrote, “Umar was given a tour of the city, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. When the time for prayer came, Sophronius invited Umar to pray inside the Church, but Umar refused. He insisted that if he prayed there, later Muslims would use it as an excuse to convert it into a mosque – thereby depriving Christendom of one of its holiest sites. Instead, Umar prayed outside the Church, where a mosque called Masjid Umar was later built.”

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Omg I read it... I'm a Muslim now...
I must go subscribe to pewdiepie now for my own security

Islam is the nigger of all religions

Attached: Syrian Actor Owiss Mokhallati Im Impressed by Hitler’s Patriotism.webm (854x480, 2.06M)

Why the arab-tux though??


recited it 15 minutes ago.. then just after i did the sinner's prayer, now i'm chanting hare krishna

whom else here, /every religion/? better safe than sorry before the big man comes down to reveal which team he's on

Attached: Sudanese Cleric The Jews Epitomize Trickery MEMRI TV.webm (720x480, 2.31M)

Muslim here, in Islam, according to my understanding at least, as long as you don't negate your belief in the oneness of God/Allah (ie. By saying there is no God) then you will be saved in the afterlife.

Repeat after me
uckfay iggersnay

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Drown is Muslim semen, you Swedish inbred faggot.

non-shitpost here; islam does correct the problem that is in christianity, in which if one does not hear the gospel and accept jesus, they are condemned regardless. while in islam(if im correct, i got this from a debate from a muslim friend), god will test those in another form, even if they did not hear about islam.

to say god is actually merciful in christianity is a logical fallacy, as there are still tribes today who are ignorant of the gospel, also just after jesus ascended into heaven, pretty much the whole world were ignorant too, so according to the bible's logic, they're screwed regardless.

>god will test those in another form, even if they did not hear about islam.
Yes you heard right, they will be asked about what good acts they did in life.
What I said before does count though. If you affirm belief in the oneness of God then you are saved as long as you don't go back on it, even if you mixed your belief with questionable things. The idea being that truth trumps all falsehoods.

Here's a Nasheed for the thread

Christian here
The wests success has been because they were christian. Now they are all atheists. So muhamed is here now. You will not win as mohamed. You are not a Christian. Jesus is the son of god. Convert to him brothers and have your sins forgiven!

Jow Forums might as well convert to Islam, you believe all the same things that they do
>women are property
>religion and state must be inseparable
>capital punishment for homosexuality
>sex with 12 year olds is acceptable
>Israel is behind everything that happens ever

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False prophet and now muslims live in mud huts. Jesus is the only answer

Repeat after me

Repeat after me: one handful of bacon bits on a Friday afternoon - it's better than kryptonite.

Organic, non-toxic, non-polluting, no collateral damage - it's the ultimate weapon.

I'm just waiting for the trees and rocks to tell me where the Jews at.

Die NWO sieht alles

>Jow Forums is one person

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and now far too many people are born defective from the inbreeding so you are in the u.k. to spread inbred genes all for mo the mad man and his demon god allen

>memeflag is butthurt
now I know for sure that my post is excellent

but they say that all the time, "there is no god but (the devil or "allah")"

if the rocks and trees havent told you where by now maybe they dont fkn know m8

Allah hu aqbar, Bjorn.

oh mama mia mama mia mama mia let me go

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La ilaha ilallah w yasuih almasih ibnallah

Did I say it right?

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poo poo pee pee muhammad is gay

Sorry, I don't speak swedish.


kek'd and saged

Nigger, nigger, nigger

Did i do good guys? Guys?

National anthem?

The best part is you can sing it to the Mexican hat dance

Muhammad was a fag and he fucked pigs that’s why he made it illegal to eat pork.

Also Aisha was 9 when he consummated his marriage with his slave wife

And that's why you ask Jow Forums
Jow Forums always knows where the Jews is

La ilaha ilallah
Muhammadu rasulullah

La ilaha ilallah
Muhammadu rasulullah

La ilaha ilallah
Muhammadu rasulullah

La ilaha ilallah
Muhammadu rasulullah

La ilaha ilallah
Muhammadu rasulullah

Omg nigga if you say that three times in a mirror then osama bin laden appears

God bless pol

Attached: Memri Jerusalem is a Virgin jew apes.webm (952x532, 2.36M)


Holy fucc based arabian man

repeat after me:

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in salami lay cum

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Attached: Memri Allah Turned Jews Into Apes and Pigs.webm (774x434, 2.41M)

Attached: memri history repeats.webm (952x532, 2.92M)

Attached: juden.webm (784x504, 2.62M)

La ilaha ilallah
Muhammadu rasulullah


Death to islam

Where are you going to pray when nationalist governments start kicking you out of their countries?

Satan is not my God.

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based and redpilled

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