Fact: women peak at 30+, when they are at their most mature and intellectual

Fact: women peak at 30+, when they are at their most mature and intellectual.
Fact: age of consent laws should be raised as our brains don't even fully develop until 25.
Fact: only pedophiles get angry about raising the AoC.

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>tfw 28 yo mommy gf
Yeah its gud

Dived 30.by 2, then divide by 2 again

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Nice fake facts. Women peak around late teens. Well known and indisputable. Much past 25 and men are uncontrollably starting to become sub cociously repulsed. Fact.

tits or gtfo

AOC should unironically be 25, for sex outside marriage. But marriageable age should be 16 with parental consent.

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Fact: women's main purpose is to have healthy kids.
Fact: it's best done when she's young and can safely carry to term and give birth

Not a bad idea

>pedos: women peak in their teens
Based on this premise, shouldn’t we raise the age of consent to roughly 30 so men know what a woman will REALLY look like during their marriage, not the temporary teen beauty phase?

hear hear

If you notice the single childless women over 30, their personalities sour. They aren't funny, they aren't happy, they're mean and depressed. Its natures way of telling men to stay away. Its the equivalent of having a rotten avacado, it may look good on the outside but its rotten on the inside.

Man, I'm sick of AOC threads. It's always just pedophiles and boomers yelling at each other, with dozens of retarded 1 post by this IDs inbetween.

Honestly, she has aged so badly because she is vegan.

Fact: women peak at 40+, when they are at their most mature and intellectual.
Fact: age of consent laws should be raised as our brains don't even fully develop until 35.
Fact: only pedophiles get angry about raising the AoC.

Lesbos age badly too

Enjoy your retarded children.

Ellen Page looks way better in the left photo wtf are you on?

>let's decrease white birthrates even more

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Actually women peak at about 16-18, and then they ride that peak until about 25-28, and then it's all downhill from there.

As for AoC, it shouldn't even be tolerated. Y'all motherfuckers should stop manwhoring and trying to sleep without commitment. Just marry them young and then you don't have to worry about AoC. Our ancestors did it for many millennia, so can you faggots.

I see what you did there, cunnybro.


Never forget so you don't regret The Wall... The Wall.

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Nature tells something differently.
AoC should be just after puberty, when you are sexually developed.

I like it. I just know nobody would follow it, sadly.
Also adultery should be a criminal offense.

How do you tell an avocado is rotten on the inside by just looking at it.

Kate beckinsale

Oh I thought this was an Alexandria Orcazio Cortex thread lol

People are only having a hard time finding her attractive because she doesn't or hardly wears make up. The only people who find her natural state ugly are superficial tranny fuckers and Christ cucks who are afraid of lesbians


I kept getting confused too lol

Women are not meant to have kids in their 40s

Of you gently squeeze an avocado shell, it'll have a lot of give if it's over ripe.

She is still cute enough only until she opens her mouth

They also put much of their energy into inane and superfluous activities. They missed the boat to snag a man with their looks but they lack the intellect to say to themselves, "self, we;re getting old and our looks are fading. We should work on our personality and skills so we're a valuable partner to a good man".
They spend ruinous amounts of money on 'travel' so they can see different cultures. Which is just a euphemism to go to a shittier country than the one the live in an fuck a lot of foreign dick. So that they can come home and tell all their friends how much more 'cultured and aware' they are of the world and shit. Yet despite this, they will still be mind numbingly boring because they have attached a great deal of their personality to traveling. When the travel ends they have no ability to be stationary and decent women. They just spend every waking hour working to go on that next trip to Timbutoo and watch the native people make pancakes with desiccated yak noses while listening to traditional throat singing.

Modern women are more boring than reading the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy.

I'll give you that one. She should keep her shitty opinons to herself.

What went wrong, bros?

>Also adultery should be a criminal offense.
This. Normalization of cheating needs to end.

No semen. Semen is the fountain of youth for women.

Your preconceived notions of beauty.

She still looks good imo.

>the entire lord of the rings trilogy
Those books are fantastic I agree with everything you said tho. Just A LOT more boring than that.

no matter how salty you are that men pass you out for younger models, spewing fake facts won't convince them not to. cope harder, roastie

I always heard the myth that men peak sexually in their late teens and women peak sexually in their 40's. Speaking from my own experience, I don't think that's true. My wife peaked around 25. After she had our three kids, her whole sex drive and outlook changed, for the milder. Before, she was raging horny and fuck me just about anytime/anywhere to within an inch of my life. After the three kids, she's still willing to be with me, but it's a whole hell of a lot milder. I get a lot of 2-minute blowjobs, so that she can get it done & over with. YMMV

tl/dr; My woman peaked at 25.

Age of consent should be raised to 18.

I do not understand what you are saying to me.

I'm 48, women my age repulse me.
Once they get near menopause that's it game fucking over, endy story.
They turn into men with vaginas.

I'd tear that shit up.
30 isn't that old

Should be 25 and 35 since that is when the baby fever cums

Roastie or extremely thirsty beta-cuck/incel? I honestly can't tell which.

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Caption is correct, but the image is a counter example. She is hotter at 30

>women peak at 30+

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Great idea.


>women peak at 30+, when they are at their most mature and intellectual.

If a man wants to have a family, then he has to marry a young woman. Once a woman is past child bearing age she becomes unmarriagable.

ok boomer, have fun sucking the lords dick this Sunday for me

>Y'all motherfuckers should stop manwhoring and trying to sleep without commitment. Just marry them young and then you don't have to worry about AoC. Our ancestors did it for many millennia, so can you faggots.
Actually we can't. The Jews and their mind controlled NPC hoards have made sure of that. They've poisoned the well.

Nature already tells us what the age of consent should be: The moment your sex drive kicks in and you begin seeking out sex. Trying to reproduce.

For women this is about 13 when they become dick hungry. You can not argue against nature.

>Fact: women peak at 30+, when they are at their most mature and intellectual.

topkek they stop maturing at 16

Fact: women peak at 60+, when they are their most mature and intellectual.
Fact: age of consent laws should be raised as our body and brains don't even fully develop till after our bodies are decaying.
Fast: only pedophiles get angry about raising the AoC.

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Oh God how I hate her fucking face. I would curb stomp her with pleassure and erection

women go downhill fast after they discover alcohol.

Psy-op to expose pedophiles. Nice.


>no supporting evidence provided

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>Women peak around late teens
No. They're often not thicc then yet.

>women peak at 30+, when they are at their most mature and intellectual.
Your own picture proves otherwise. Fucking gross.
She used to be so pretty before the dildo plastics infused into her bloodstream.

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What happened to her hair line?

maturing hairline

its advancing in an alternative direction

My sister is 30 and still looks like the left. Wtf she aged like milk.

>not being allowed to go for that 14 year old pussy

Gonna take them while they are still fresh and tight

Ellen Page is filled with hatred. You can see it every time she does an interview. That kind of thing really ages a person. She's also a vegan, which also makes people age faster.

How many alpha dudes go around fucking under 18s at parties and never get ratted out. I bet it's astronomical.

It's only ever unfortunate looking dudes caught in stings that go to jail, Anyone ever consider this?

its cause she is a dude

Veganism + Feminism

probably aged like shit coz she cant produce collagen from her shitty vegan diet

>women peak at 40+
>mature and intellectual

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Women peak at 12

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>he doesnt know how to transvestigate

wew lad, welcome to the internet

she asked for the "Brendan Special"


AOC should be 31.

You haven't been on this board very long have you?

Isn't she already 31?

female pattern baldness.

AOC is 29 you dumbass

aoc shoud be 14 tbf, most people are starting there anyway.

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>at 12
Neck yourself

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helllo fellow breeder
>4 kids

however, my wife fucks just as much and hard. she just enjoys it and enjoys the intimacy i think. also, she stays home with the kids while i work all day so she may just enjoy the adult time. moral of the story is lower sex drive is hormonal and varies person to person.

By AOC he means age of consent dumbass.

Agree. Only pedos would prefer the left.

She's not fully matured, and you can see the immaturity in her eyes.

We need to learn to respect women and marry them at an age when they have learned to be responsible mothers.

A career helps them learn to properly care for children.

hello, reddit

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Fact: op is a faggot.

>Trying to fit in with the edgelords so hard that you end up siding with the pedophiles...

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If you go to your local maternity ward you will find it populated with 4'9" fat little incan indian squaws pumping out 5 kids each, with absolutely no consideration given to her or her mates attractiveness, intelligence or general character. You will have no saw in the future once they outnumber you in a significant way.

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Fact: All women can become pregnant at 14
Fact: Pregnancy complications increase with age
Fact: Men can impregnate an unlimited number of women

Edgy zio-zoomer detected