Why isn't Iran retaliating? Where were the S-300's? Where's Russia? How could this happen?
7 Iranians killed in latest Israeli airstrike
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>what is realpolitik
why won't Russia do anything?
I got some news for you
More dead Muslims, nice.
Trump needs to release the FISA
Because 7 people isn’t a thing. 7 is saving 10,000. As soon as Iran or Syria lunches legit rockets at Israel, there won’t be “oh look they launched rockets at us” because all of that is fake and done by Israel to itself. When Iran or syria bomb isreal it’ll be the end of israel.
>Seven members of the Iranian armed forces were killed in Israeli airstrikes on ammunition depots near Aleppo International Airport Wednesday overnight, the Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said.
Fake news
Once we're done with Sryia and Venezuela we're fucking up Iran, China, NK and Russia!
>seething iranoid shitskin
lol, good thing jews bomb you
Enjoy mutually assured destruction
In Trump we trust!
So what the fuck are they waiting for?
Because if both sides do what they’ve been threatening to do for decades the slush fund money dries up and nobody gets to buy really nice things for their NZ bunkers, they have to buy stuff from gumtree instead and fly economy
Пpичём тyт Poccия? Чёpнoжoпыe aзиaтcкиe oбeзьяны нe yмeют пpoтивocтoять caмoлётaм, этo нe нaшa пpoблeмa.
>Where were the S-300's? Where's Russia? How could this happen?
>dude just go to war with the greatest powers for some sand niggers
Wait what? Since when is Iran been involved in a war?
Haven't heared shit about that.
Every simulation done by the us military shows a massive defeat if going against china
China can control its citizens. America would fall into chaos
Because Iranians are a bunch of dirt-poor faggots.
Same people also thought the actually invasion of Iraq would be much harder, yet both times it was a cake walk.
America and much of the world trys to ruin Iran's economy through sanctions
>hur dur why you dirt-poor
The (((news))) would say Iran attack Israel unprovoked, worse then WWII, another holocaust could happen.
>Why isn't Iran retaliating?
For starters, Iranians probably weren't the target.
Why were they there?
That's the question that they want to avoid as much as possible or it could blow up syria's war again.
Be self sufficient loser
>Where's Russia?
Sucking Israel's dick.
Russia helped zionists to create Israel, even more than the Brits and Americans. gg faggot
Iran is still around muppet
Iran's economy was always shit, Iran shill.
Iran is a paper tiger
>When Iran or syria bomb isreal it’ll be the end of israel
with what army. in all our wars, the most pathetic enemy we had was the Syrian army.
the Iranian army can't wage a war from that far away either, but even if they could their ground armor and airforce are pathetic.
>inb4 nuke
we can also do that, so thanks to MAD, it won't happen.