Why is every Anglo Saxon on this board trying to divide whites?

Italians are the greatest race to ever roam this earth, without their inventions we Europeans wouldn't have gotten anywhere. There are countless of other examples like Nikolas Tesla etc etc

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i think a lot of the dividing you see isnt actually done by the people you think are doing it

the flags arent the truth

stop uniting europeans
thinking of europeans as a monolith is an (((american))) neologism with no historical precedent

>north africa
>sometimes white

i didn't make the map

It’s not Anglo Saxons doing it. It’s mainly nords and Germans who constantly throw abuse at Anglos because of our inferiority complexes. That I’m turn has created an attitude of hostility in most Anglo posters who assume we think they’re lower than ourselves.

I recently went to visit Northumberland, north east England, and the Scottish Borders. I have a renewed respect for these people, these areas gave us the industrial revolution and everyone living there despite being poor working class are Snow White and very easy to have intelligent conversation with. The only issue are there extremely heavy accents. They’re phonetically similar to Danes, which of course sounds like nails on a chalk board.

>stop uniting europeans
Jesus fucking christ

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Not an excuse, you still posted it.

stop pretending like the historically most divided continent is a monolith
it's not
(((americans))) came up with that one

have you ever heard of the second world war?

thx for the dicksucking scandicuck
(tfw am son of a italian migrant)

kikes really lost their cool hiding under swastika?

they had a lot of white slave they raped.

We must understand the systemic racemixing wih non-europeans lead by some christian countries in the south. Jews aren't white

europeans fighting europeans #38948327437

Only Nordics are white

It's a historical event like many others, and happened long before I was born.
Hitler himself is just a historical figure to me, like Tamerlane or Hattusili.

well i wonder why the jews want to destroy the only white supper power on earth.


Just Meds with even less native European ancestry.

Most people during that didn't believe in one European race. Hitler certainly didn't and the Allies certainly didn't fight for it.

100€ says you look like a Turk from Istanbul.

Nordics are cuckolds who lost Europe 8000 years ago.

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You may vociferate your dissent, you may believe your opposition to our rule counts or plays some small role in the larger scheme of things, but as a matter of fact, it doesn't. You're all irrelevant. Israel will conquer all surrounding lands whether you like it or not. Goyim shall submit to our rule whether you small, insignificant bunch of petite Nazis cherish it or not. At the end of the day, our future territory will extend across the entire Middle East, we will seize all lands ranging from those adjacent to the Nile to the ones that are in close proximity to the region abutting the Euphrates. The entirety of the Levant is ours. Most of your people do not see the peril of our supremacy because your prosperity and false sense of security bestowed upon you by us have stripped you all of any will to survive, we have demoralized you so much to turn you into human cattle you have always been destined to become. You are fatuous, pathetic people and you will die the death similar to that of a piffling rodent. Not only that, our path to the victory shall be paved with the corpses of white goyim and I will relish in the act of walking upon your carcasses on my way to conquest, crushing your skulls and filling my nostrils with the scent of your blood. You all will be sacrificed at the altar of tolerance whose surface has always been there to be imbued with goyim blood; no Jew shall face persecution for our bigotry and racism, for we are the ones delimitating what is bigoted and racist. But the thing I find most amusing is that none other than your own people will turn against you, people striving to preserve your own race, and will resolve to put you to death. No Jew will have to move their finger to bring about your demise, for it will your own people that will commit this contemptible fratricide and eventually, mass suicide. This is your future, you will all die alone and we will prevail. Accept this or live in perpetual pain. The choice is yours.

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Italians are not Romans you dumb Borker

Anglos love italians you fucking shill

I agree All Europeans bind together against the

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fuck off sandnigger

thank you for that map, it shows celts still have a presence in Italy.

Balkan and Southern Europeans aren’t white. We have a lot of Italians/Spaniards/Romanians/Serbs/Portuguese/Greeks etc. In the UK and I can barely differentiate between them and pakis/Arabs

This is fucking stupid. Your great grandchildren will be calling descendants of the refugees white, because they don't want to "divide europeans". You're like the leftards that will jump through any hoop to avoid being racist.


Yea, idk if Italians, Spanish and Portuguese are REALLY white, too many Muslim invasions, .... Some mud in that blood

Anglo-Saxons are a meme anyway, most people here are Brythonic.

Finns aren't wh*te you turbocuck.
Keep your refugeeloving cuckold culture and your sandnigger religion to yourselves.
Fuck off with your "european man" propaganda.
That ideology is fhe main cause that the EU exists.

Your women surely can tell the difference.

what makes you think that they are Anglo Saxon?

>All Europeans are the same
Fuck you I hate being associated with Germans.
Fuck the EU give me back my Independent France

>Swedeposter says "it's us who are the baddies"

Fucking shills. The flags mean nothing. Jow Forums is a sea of chaos.

>Italians are the greatest race to ever roam this earth
Sounds like you're trying to divide us.

You must get out of the house more, then. Pakis and Arabs are a dark brown, whilst southern Europeans are either white or tanned at best. A lot of southern Europeans also have light brown hair and non-brown/black eyes, unlike Pakis and Arabs. The people you see and claim look like Pakis and Arabs are either made up or gypsies, and, knowing Brits, it's probably a combination of both.

P.S. I myself have light brown hair and blue eyes.

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Is this a joke? Jesus christ...I'll fill you in on something that Jow Forums automatically assumes you know...All europeans are white, anyone that brings up that bullshit "Are slavs white?" are poop skins posting on here trying to demoralize us and cause infighting. Don't fall for retarded shit.

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"Anglo Saxon are a meme" is something created by leftist university professors
In 100 years people like you will be saying "Muslims are a meme", even when England is 90% Muslim with Urdu and Bangla being spoken languages

Why would leftist university professors support data suggesting that white Britons are genetically thousands of years older than previously thought? It completely shoots down the 'we are a nation of immigrants' crowd.

Well yeah, you’re the biggest ones on pol for shilling the Anglo exclusion and Anglos aren’t white meme. If Germans, Brits, and French got along, imagine what the world would look like today. We’d be traveling through space, Israel wouldn’t exist, the USA and Africa would be European colonies.

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England, France and Germany have come up with over 90% of all inventions fjældabe nigger




T. Gypsy

If everybody suddenly started speaking English and suddenly changed all the place names to English, because a "small ruling elite" of ang/sax/jutes arrived, then why didn't everybody suddenly start speaking French and change all the places names to French when the Normons arrived?
It's a preposterous idea
Sure, we're a mix of Anglo-brittonic, but if these professors admit that england could rapidly changed from one group of people to another from 400AD-800AD, they are dropping the red pill on the white replacement that we are living through right now

I live in London and there are many of you gypsy rats here. You are all mostly dark-skinned and greasy... and difficult to differentiate with Arabs... hell I’ve even known pale European looking Algerians, but you balkan people look like literal shitskin mutts.

Armenians are objectively white, other than that unless you want to go into minor enclaves or enclaves of Turkic groups this is correct.

He is right though, the east coast is more Anglo-Saxon but the ancient Bretons are still everywhere else. Thing is, the ancient Bretons are similar to southern Norwegians and Icelandic’s. Where are Anglo Saxons are north German/Jutlanders. There isn’t a big difference except ancient Bretons are an older race, closest race to Neanderthals, look at the welsh for example - the closest people to the original inhabitants. Anyway, most people on the island are 50/50. Half ancient Breton, 40% German/Norman and 10% modern Scandinavian.

None of this is very interesting though, all Germanics are mutts of the original tribes.

>most people on the island are 50/50. Half ancient Breton, 40% German/Norman and 10% modern Scandinavian.
I agree with that, but there seems to have been an acedemic effort more recently to say that the vast majority of the genetics in the British Isles has been here for the last 15,000 years

we are not white tho

You and Armenians are caucasian

Who cares, you all are mega cucks. Fuck off and get banned from Jow Forums already.

They're black


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I don’t consider myself white, there is nothing european about our culture and white people are most weak and pathetic race of 21th century, I don’t want to be associated with them

Yes goyim you're all europeans, mix and dilute your genes. North africans are white too, of course!

ok mohmamed