>pic unrelated
>pic unrelated
who's this faggot?
it's twitter retard
>implying that's a bad thing
>implying little girls don't fantasize about getting fucked by a big dick
Pedophilia is one of the few things Islam does right. Girls should get fucked and married off as early as possible. It will also help to save the white race, since it means that girls are reproducing faster. The only people who are anti-pedophilia are white knight beta males and spinsters who are rapidly decreasing in their sexual market value.
>>pic unrelated
sniff unrelated
He's not serious. It's a joke.
Pic related
don't give him (you)s
>waffles about white race
>is a nigger from nigger country
>is a German wannabe
Have sex.
delet before he sees it
Good lord! Who is she?!
Who's this cum cummander?
okay, buttttt, thats fucking FRANCE, ya know? your talking about a country that thinks women not wearing deodorant and not shaving their pits is "sexy". The MEN gret each other by kissing each other on the cheek. so, "whatever".
Don't care, there's no person worth sparing in france
From this
I dated a half white, half muslim-arab girl in university and she literally told me about how she fantasized over dick and masturbated a ton by age nine. The ironic part is she allegedly didn't have her first period until 16, and I believe her because she was petite and still looked 16 when we met freshman year in college.
Anyway, we are indeed being outbred by muslim savages. Knocking up girls right after they bleed isn't strictly necessary, although certainly natural, but we do need to re-teach our women to stay at home and raise families, ideally becoming pregnant by 22 at the latest.
To this.
Roasties were a mistake.
She's my girlfriend Jow Forums
Honk Honk
>get blacked once
This. How long before the toll is paid?
do you really think those big fucking muscles are attractive? wtf?
She turned to plastic. How?
So no law passed but "deep state" is censoring? I feel like user said they were trying to sneak pedos in as a gender.
In a way you are right, ut every one here is ignorant with women. They are only on here because they do not know how to talk to girls. They don't see that their powerless are still to weak to make a girl want them. They are not on the same level, there power levels are mostly fiction in nature. They do not harness the power to fight true evil on thier own, all they can do is use memes to try to get someone to vote from someone that is a puppet, because they think that is some sort of way of fixing the world. To get girls tough you have to p posses what they want. It recently clicked for me, and now I have girls hitting on me all the time. Its just that you guys dint try hard enough to get that girl, and that's the main problem all the men are dysfunctional, and the women think they are right because you as a person are not proving your point well enough to make them submit. To save the white race white men are going to have to learn to make women want them and submit to the better view point. To get a women breed means, fulfilling here needs to be ruled by her man. And most of you guys are not dealing with the real facts in the right way. But don't worry I am trying to help you guys figure it out.If you 4chaners stay on here, ill hell you guys get it strengthen out because I know we have the power, when there is a will there is a way.
Reminder the normalisation of pedophilia has been an avowed goal of marxists and the left since the 1960s
Foucault stated that the petition was signed by several philosophers including himself, Jacques Derrida, Louis Althusser, pediatrician and psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto, and also by people he described as belonging to a wide range of political positions.[1]
A similar letter was published in the paper Libération in 1979, supporting Gérard R., an accused child sex criminal awaiting his trial for eighteen months, signed by 63 persons, stating that Gérard R. lived with young girls aged 6 to 12 and that they were happy with the situation. The letter was later reproduced in the paper L'Express, in the issue of March 7, 2001.[4]
Michel Foucault stated that the petition was signed by himself, by the novelist/gay activist Guy Hocquenghem, the actor/play-writer/jurist Jean Danet, pediatrician and child psychoanalyst Françoise Dolto and also by people belonging to a wide range of political positions.[1]
Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.
>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.
I'd love to cornhole that (if over-age).
>shitskins harassing bugmen in france
Good. This is the diversity i crave.
no, she's mine.
He is grasping her arm, and her hand is on his dick.
user's cap has a white circle censoring what is quite clear, if you watch that sec over and over or slow it down.
Shoes inside?
don't forget about Cohn Bendit talking about little girls unzipping his pants on fucking tv, that shit was in his book too iirc
Ofcurse it is its a muslim state
Probably got EdUcaTeD WiTH a cOllEGe DegREe.
Oh well regardless she still dresses like a thot, imean if she's looking for sex and not marriage then, she might be a thot
stfu kike you're just as bad
Based and redpilled.
Sorry sir meant no offense
breathe zyklon
top ten anime betrayals
i believe this
Take the Clown pill. This is a clown world.
Press H for Honk
Made for BBC
Go back, discord tranny
I'm not sure if they're the same girls and she's still hot. Anyone who disagrees explain why.
>problem glasses
>plastic skin
>insufferable cunt look
utterly repulsive
They didn't "take things" anywhere, the left and LGBT activists have been planning this from the start.
The only reason they don't openly advocate for pedophiles right now is because they're conditioning you to accept more and more perverse things, until you're at the point where you'll consider anything and everything normal.
They're waiting to normalize pedophilia until you already think child drag queens and child trannies are normal, rather than going all out right from the start.
Since your cuck of a prime minister won't do a thing, you should do what we did and get lots of goats.
Muslims love goats.
What an idiot
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic.
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 1
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 2
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 4
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 5
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 6 miliion
Alex Soros
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 7 miliion
Alex Soros
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 8 miliion
Alex Soros
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic.
Alex Soros
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic.
Podesta means "state official" in pasta language,
That's not excuse to rape little kids
If she attempts to put a wallet in that back pocket there may be an explosion.
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic.
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. The U.N. is here to save humanity.
>Macron gets shit for marrying a pedophile
>makes pedophilia legal
>>pic unrelated
Thank Kek
everything that isn't sucking big black nigger dick and accepting their seed is anti semitism
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 600000000000
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. PIZZA
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. 6,
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. FAIR AND BALANCED
Normalization of pedophilia? The notion of it is antisemitic. Conspiracy theorists.
Day of the guillotine when?
>They are only on here because they do not know how to talk to girls
Oh yes, there is literally no other reason why anyone is here. Kys shill faggot.
this nigga ain't wrong
getting married and having babies early is good for kids, the mothers and the fathers. by the time the kids are in high school, they're mostly independent and mom can go pursue her career while she's in her late 30s if that's her thing.
young parents have more stamina. dad's are still young enough to teach boys how to throw a baseball. being young and not wealthy means mom is at home cooking, and therefore teaching her daughters to cook.
She was always like this, all she did was give you the decency to look the part and let you know shows forever a thot. Do you really think doesn't scream slut? Do you think it's any different from her original pics?
>Im a pedo afraid of women
The post
I hate the French so fucking much, you bastards are known for getting out the guillotines when you live in an unjust society, what are you fucks doing? Sand niggers invading your country and raping children in broad daylight on video and your police just say "we cant have you stirring up hate for the sand niggers" instead of asking for help to get them. That's an absolute disgrace. Us Americans should liberate you and the invaders from your lives with some Dresden tier earth salting.
Trannies are paving the way right now. They already have access to naked little girls in pool locker rooms.
Have fun with this one in Vancouver, snowcucks:
That ass was built with BBC in mind.
I just talked about attractiveness
would not
Their mistake was letting these pigs in in the first place. That they elected Macron while their cities burned around them sort of tells you it's already too late for a course correction.
Robespierre would weep.
It's well known that the Pentagon is a hive of trannies.
Lol. Your country is less white than France retard. Stop jacking off to the constitution and start acting Mr muh 2nd. Also, you owe your country to France who helped you liberate yourself from the brits. And if it wasn't for your retards ass in 1944, France would be fully white today.
>Fucking kids is illegal
>Muslim tries to fuck kid in playground
>okay, but did it consent?
it's not new
we don't even have an age of consent, below which diddling a kid would automatically be considered as rape
if a child claims he's been raped, he has to actively prove he didn't consent (good luck with that, since all our judges are fucking communists)
micron (a pedo victim himself) tried to set up a minimal age of consent, but the president of our supreme court equivalent vetoed it, claiming it'd be unconstitutional, because reasons
now, guess said French supreme court president's (((religion))) (hints: he's also responsible for having infected thousands of goys with AIDS when he was a prime minister in the 80's, and actively helped and protected al-nusra, ie al-qaida in Syria, when he was hollande's foreign affairs minister)
Her head looks like it belongs to a 45 year old man. How did she fuck that up so bad? That wispy shit hair, it's vomitus color, the terrible brows.
Women are retarded