It's over. This song 'Oce Kurac' that translates to "She wants a dick" has 6 million views.
Western degeneracy in Yugoslavia
not western. it's a lulzboat of tar budgets. keep in mind CIA homos in this particular song are singing about ladies who have courage packed in wrong bodies to demand to be called names such as caitlyn.
Holy shit this is beyond retarded
kek did he say "dick pic" in there
>caring about what Lemmings listen to
They'll roll over when someone based comes to power just like they always do
you're a cuck faggot if you still think that banning nigger music is wrong
screw free speech or any of that gay shit
ban it
Rade Jorović > everything
So the systematic dismantling of traditional institutions, commodification of western people and increasingly materialistic focus of our culture has finally turned whites into light skinned niggers?
yes "she wants a dick pic, she wants the dick"
goddamn i'd put all these fucking niggers in jail if i was the marshal of this shithole
Banned in Germanistan
How have you been?
the pop music coming out of that area has been pretty low grade and cringey for a long time anyway. all pop music is low iq and trashy anyway. probably since the 80s. prior to that it was okay.
fucking nigger music
Stop promoting your shitty song on this website, Branko.
Ywn be a Yugoslav
Better than Bulgarian music
Mass media was a mistake.
Never thought id die fighting side by side with a Serb
But an actuall friend
I think you're mistranslating the meaning of the song.
It's a play on words, yes it means "wants the dick"
But that phrase "Oce Kurac" can be translated to mean "fuck that." For example he says "will this song be a hit? fuck that"
>serbs are bad
>gotta kill em all
why are our people like this? cant we kill niggers not our brothers?
im down with that
>ywn brutalize the human filth roaming the streets like vlad the impaler
RSK Serb here from Oluja. can I be let in the club yet or are we still in limbo?
>women want dick
And let me guess men want pussy.
e martiću jebem te nesposobna što nisi stavljao antraks u rakete
What do you know about the Canadian soccer league
Nah, this is what men want.
this is unequivocally correct
get in
the more the merrier
They want to be nignog gangsta so bad
Yugoslavia was a great country.
Croatians ruined it like the german-wannabe self hating slavs they are..
nice bato
It all started in the 80's desu
That's when you'll notice the over-sexualizing of popular and especially (turbo)folk music.
I'm not sure if countries from behind the Iron Curtain had it better or worse, since there the degeneracy hit too suddenly, at least in former Yugoslavia it was more gradually.
Leave Macedonia alone.
On behalf of my western neighbour, I'm deeply sorry
>"She wants a dick" has 6 million views.
>6 million
I wonder who could be behind this?
if you only knew...
Something a little more traditional and pleasant.
every family has turbulent times
one day we will make up and forgive each other for past transgressions
You guys were given a mass pardon in 2001.
You can come back to Croatia.
But don't expect to be popular among the local Serbs that hate Arkan and his gang if you were a vocal Chetnik.
>t. Diaspora who has seen a lot of Kraina Serbs moving on and listening to Thompson all day now at work.
what the absolute fuck man
if you told me about this shit a mere 2 years ago i'd call you mentally ill
is clown world finally rearing it's head on the balkan as well?
Call up the bad blue boys.
Time to light up some "human" torches like in the 90s.
Canadian Diaspora, both Serb and Croat, are still more or less deeply ethno centric and untrusting of eachother.
Can someone translate this?
Did anyone notice that zoomers from our region are beyond cucked and westernized...I mean, we are screwed no matter how you look at it
Title reads, in part, "Balkan Trans"
I think you can guess the rest.
>not knowing how to read and understand all southslav languages
what's wrong with you kamene
>60 people
>from the enitre region
lmao, but yeah, just the fact that shit like this is actually being organized has me concerned
One more in the club.We need to leave our autistic reasons for fighting behind and stand together against this degeneracy. Our biggest problem is our politicians are double-nigger tier degenerates.
>Western degeneracy in Yugoslavia
>not a degenerate slavic shithole
we still beat gays on the street
you people give them children to diddle
don't throw stones whilst living in a glass house mate
it starts slow ...last year saw a tranny being photographt in the midlle of massarykova...that woukdnt fly a couple years ago but now...,i dont even wanna know what follows next
That's normal because you don't visit home enough.
Things have returned to normal there and the population just jointly hates the ex-Communists that suck up to the EU now...
Diaspora prior to the war were mostly nationalists that had to leave due to being persecuted by the state (said state making sure they allways blamed it on the other ethnicity instead of the state).
Of course they are going to be less trusting to each other.
German trannies organizing a pride parade in Zagreb.
Torch them all.
how do we follow in this madlads footsteps and start another world war lads?
It's a group of mid 20 guys having fun in FL studio producing nigger like trap beats...
It's mostly fun, not to be taken seriously
You also have guys like Krankšvester, which are taking it to a whole another step, having a parody of porno rap.
nothing a holocaust can't mend
maybe,just maybe...
If you ever met these Yugoslavs you'd know nothing of value has been lost. They behave exactly like Turks, maybe worse.
much better song:
what happend with the good old yugo music
We make NATO attack Serbia again. WW3 guaranteed.
Maybe rile up the Albanians to start it and pull NATO into it.
If I was a Jew and wanted WW3 I'd do exactly this.
if we kill the poo in chief and false flag it as if pakis did it we could achieve ww3
satirically in minecraft i mean
nah that would just turn into proxy war No. 53474
it needs to be something else
Not in todays world anymore. Russia is ready for war and Serbia is working hard to get ready too.
yeah for a shitty proxy war
i want nukes to fly my man
a real ww3
there are pakis going thru zg,so we can actually make this work,in minecraft ofcourse
Yeah and we are really envious of your mongoloid values, when nigger immigrants tried to rape some kid here in Montenegro they got beat up by locals, then police came and beat them up, and we never heard of them again, as it should be
That's what I'm talking about. They have a window of a few years for doing a first strike and win a nuclear war.
They've never been more ready to win than today.
But Putin will never do it unprovoked.
i'd be funnier if it was framed as albanian jihadis tbqh
or bosnian
they're both sunnigger garbage so it's not that out of possibility
Accept it croats and serbs we fucked up commies are taking over half pepole here in my shithole are commies i heard similiar is in croatia...Its over we should have never killed each other that much but commies and mudshits...Its over
>le commies
it literally has nothing to do with communism
boomer communists are more receptive to our ideas than anyone else because they're mainly just red nationalists
the real people that are ruining our countries are jewish plutocrats that fund neoliberal faggots
Its the same if you ask me.
With the fall of Slobodan fell last hope to get this area out of clown tent zog leads now
I'm sorry frens
we had good run
it's not because you alienate a group of people that would refer to themselves as communists because they like worker rights or a unified yugoslavia
those people don't want to strip you of your private property
they had legitimate grievances with factory life in the past and now you call them the same as faggot jews that want to kill you
no jews are not communists
they're jews
the people that get funded by those jews aren't communists either because they legitimately don't give a shit about worker rights
they just want to spout shit about muh poor gypsies or whatever the fuck
they're neoliberal jewish stooges
nah man, nationalism is blooming in Croatia
Our media may be influenced by the west with their lefty commie propaganda, and our liberal colleges are full of half retarded women with the naive idea "we are all equal" blah blah
But the war 25 years ago forced the old to teach their young not to be naive, a lot of people my age (mid 20) are openly nationalistic.
I used to believe in global utopia where everyone is equal blah blah blah, which I still have in my head as an ideal, but the reality is much much different... Always be ready for a war and protect your own. Better to be a warrior in a garden, than to be a gardener in a war
you also have the second type of jewish stooge that's just a profiteering psychopath that has literally no ideology but just wants power and money
i'd assume that's the most common personality type if you're talking about politicians
sure dud
get out of bubble and you will find yourself in a land that's blooming with advertised degeneracy
u have more young smart people leaving than we do, meanwhile you get moneyz from noggs and germanoids thus are buying out your land from your own money taxed by EU
you spelled tito wrong my man :^)
Tito was literally manifestation of Zog itself
moving muslims into our lands
OH man this zoomer shit is always the same. I don't understand how those braindead people even pick their "favourite songs". It would unironically be better if they listened to shit tier turbo folk from your local tavern.
eh that's just one aspect of him
the other was him literally having goli otok be 50% filled by albanians whilst them being only a minute amount of the population
also you can't ecpect him to be woke on the dichotomy in that age as a commie
>moving muslims into our lands
Both Yugoslav regimes actually made an effort to move Serbs into regions like Kosovo.
Learning demographics off wikipedia page
jesus christ lad
Oce kurac se u ovom slucaju treba prevesti KA: No fucking way, stoko nepismena.
>i-it's all an anti-serb conspiracy, i swear!
>we invented fork n sheeeeeit
Only hope for slavs is a Hoxha 2.0. system in Balkans
if the only hope for my people is rule by an inbred albanian monkey then we are better off getting nuked
but of course this is just albanian delusion
Shut up bulgar peasant