Are they right Jow Forums?

Are they right Jow Forums?

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Dust off your pussyhats.

are they trying to give me something to watch while I whittle?

>1 Million people demanding the president to resign
>in a country of 300 million

Are you trying some Lenin style coup, because that's not how democracy works sweetie


Truly top minds on the left.

What has he even done to drive them so insane? Trump's a top goy. Imagine how they'd react to a real nationalist.


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I unironically hope they do. Accelerate this shit to civil war already.

Good luck, Reddit.

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>forget mueller
They can't. it's been their life for 2 years and it was cancelled. They are never getting closure

Trump Derangement Syndrome is real

Let em do it if they ever try

Then bomb the crowd and let the shitstorm begin

Imagine being this fucking stupid....
>~350 million people in the US
>"Less than half of 1% of the population surrounding the White House will show that mean, orange bastard whose country this is!"

Fuck me these people are stupid.

I feel like a firearm is a lot easier to carry than a feral nigger. Both provide protection against an attacker however.

Forget the water cannons; get the .50 Cals. We'll wash the streets clean.

somewhat, requires more maintenance, It could also go off at anytime. But at least doesn't consume bullets

this is your brain on reddit
do we really want to continue living in the same country as these people??

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>But at least doesn't consume bullets

I dunno about that, you should see how many eat bullets in places like chicago or detroit.

Please storm the White House. I want to see some carnage.

"Demand"? No, they don't get to "demand" and then get their way. That is not how a democratic republic works. They get a million folks to do that, we'll get two million to show up and protest their bullshit.

Recently, I picked up on Trump gaslighting the exoneration bit.

The report claims "it doesn't exonerate" and Trump says he has been "totally exonerated" media plays both of these over and over. Trump supporters don't give a fuck, like usual, and Trump haters are gaslighted and lose their minds.

He really does suck. I can’t imagine being retarded enough to support the asshole. Lotsa ‘tards in the good ole USA.

liberals still whining about losing the 2016 election

> right wingers are nazis
> centrists are nazis
> everybody is a nazi

top minds of reddit

When that thing is fully grown it'll be more dangerous than any gun

God these people should just be euthanized. Once you start calling centrists nazi's you have lost all your privileges

jeezoos chroist how

The police would just open fire on them at that point. DC doesn't fuck around like that.

As a centrist, I can confirm. Heil Hufflepuff

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if people have gotten this far into his presidency and still don't realize he lies about everything then there is really no hope for them

Participation trophies, “safe spaces”, and “microaggressions” are the reasons these slack-jawed fuck muppets thinks anyone gives a shit about what they want.


How could someone become this retarded?

This is the "they didn't do what I want so they did it wrong and they must do what I want" mentality in action.
Have the considered working in the EU government?

sensationalism is a hell of a drug.
it'd be like listening to alex jones 12 hours a day, but people virtue signalling for you instead.

I would 100% travel to washington to be part of the trump support on the ground. We would drive all the liberals back to their shitholes battered and broken.

this feels racist


Forget law.
Forget justice.
Forget equal rights.
Traitors should be shot.

I don' t.

Spending all day in echo-chambers does this.

They do this, I will get my friends together, and we'll grab our guns, surround these traitors, and open fire on them.

Based Trump

The Whitehouse is a modern day castle
WTF are these tards thinking?

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Hillary lost. They still mad

make this happen Jow Forums

That was bullshit from the media. Read the rest (it's 4 pages) and you'll see that he left it up to Barr and Rosenstein and they both decided to not indict him.
He is 100% exonerated because of them.

He didn't bend over for foreign immigrants and he hates LGBTQ+ people! That's enough in their mind.

>surrounded by 1 million cucks.
Now you can attack in every direction!

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Hopefully they’ll turn it into a hunger strike.

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Based and lead pilled

>alt centrist death squads
fuckin kek

It's Common Dreams. A literal kike founded the organization before she died. They have been shilling for the Democrats since being founded.

It's not just that. The defaults kicked off any posters to the right of Mao, it's no surprise the only people still kicking around are batshit fucking insane.
There's hope though. The average citizen from flag related is nothing like the subreddit for flag related. I'm sure it's no different for the US.

He made liberals realize they don’t know everything, they aren’t always right, and they don’t always win. On top of that, their opinion isn’t the only one that matters. These realizations are the true root of their hatred for Trump, not Trump himself. It just so happens that Trump is also abrasive, rude, and doesn’t back down, which makes them even more infuriated.

would bang middle chick.

of course not, but this is one of the least obvious examples as to why

It's 5% what he's done, pulling back in some areas on what they thought was the inevitable slide leftwards.
It's 95% media gaslighting that has liberals convinced he's 5 minutes away from (if not already) lynching blacks, shocking gays straight, and every other scary right-wing boogeyman they've ever heard of. I know of one gay black guy who was afraid to go outside the day after Trump's election for fear the RWDSs would get him. They believe everything the media seriously pushes, no matter how crazy.

This is crazy. Similar to a tinfoil hat I met once who claimed we could confirm the existence of ayys if we just charged into Area 51 as a pack. Ridiculous notion.

Progressivism is their religion. It says that history is a steady march toward progress. If you're on the side of that progress, you are right and good; if you oppose it you are evil. As long as they were winning, pushing things to the left, they kept getting that pat on the head from their god of history that they are good.

So whenever their "progress" gets stopped or rolled back, it threatens their beliefs. If something like tranny rights isn't a historical inevitability, but just a political football that might go one way or the other, they're not righteous fighters for good anymore, and no more pats on the head. It's like a Christian dying and finding out there's no Heaven. His whole belief system and purpose is violated.

Trump does that to them, and they sense that he could do a lot more of it. He doesn't have to overturn all their "progress" to cause it. Any small rollback, each mile of Wall, an order to kick trannies out of the military, a ban on certain invaders -- each one attacks their faith in their own rightness and goodness.

r/politics is the most deranged place on the internet

With all that salt Trump could serve fries at the white house every single day!


This. Jow Forums slants heavily towards the right, but people who disagree can come in here and not only share their views but be as insulting as they want
you can't do that on reddit, you'll get banned for stepping slightly out of line. this leads to the most insane kinds of echo chambers

realizing this is what really makes me want to see justice for what's happened over the past 2 years. the damage will never be undone

If Trump wins again we're really gonna see some shit, like new Weatherman groups

Communist jews are at war with zionist jews

Go it please
>RWDS opens fire

Perfect time to start a huge protest! Right after the collusion story blew up.
>Trump wasn't a Russian stooge? He's not a traitor? Let's protest in the largest numbers evah!
It doesn't make any sense...

this is very true and a big part of what makes me furious and want to see the media network execs swinging on pay per view after a full and fair trial. most people do not have the time or interest to constantly follow politics and the level of deception and manipulation across the board by the media has been extremely damaging to the country over the past 2 years, to the point of being a serious crime whether it be falsely inciting violence or treason.

Enjoy getting hosed and tear gassed, you absolute faggots.

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And to imagine it all started because some SA goons trolled Tumblr into believing some loony 1970s ideology.

This. 19th century Anglos had something similar known as "Whig history", except their idea of "progress" was slightly different. They also weren't cultural relativists, which means that if you bring up this parallel to a modern progressive you'll enrage them.

It would be like Brexit not going their way and all the remainers filling the streets demanding a second referendum.