Look where her hand is.
He is grasping her arm, and her hand is on his dick.
White circle censoring what is quite clear, if you watch that sec over and over or slow it down.
Look where her hand is.
He is grasping her arm, and her hand is on his dick.
White circle censoring what is quite clear, if you watch that sec over and over or slow it down.
Other urls found in this thread:
What's this?
An old fashioned.
I was raised as a Muslim, I would whip that fucking pedo into oblivion. Anyone got more info on the video?
>I was raised a muslim
Flag checks out
She's just exploring
>Fucks 9 year olds
>not pedo
Dude, alright Islam in its best form is not that bad and I can still appreciate it hell even Hitler was friends with some Muslims and as the saying goes the enemy of my enemy (Jews) is my friend. But it is by comparison a bad religion.
No but they are probably in your neck of the woods. Go full jihad on them please and scream Allah Akbar as you're streaming it on livestream. God speed non-pedo muzzie bro
Acvording to Islam, kafirs are fair game for any kind of abuse.
Muslims don't see it as a sin to rape kafir children. They're still going to jannah.
just a normal day in france don't be racist it's parts and parcels of visiting paris Paris
>please help identify this gook
WTF, time for some old fashoined mob justice. Someone doxx these assholes.
time to coat the champs d'elisee red with their blood
Great fucking meme Frenchbro, got me good.
bump to kill the pedos
we need ethnical cleansing from those subhumans, this guy need to be tied down on a table with a rat on his belly, just put the rat in a cage and start heating up the cage the rat will start diping a hole in his stomach to flee the heat.
>not roping said degenerates in between two trucks both ways and drive off
>not making soap out of them
Muslims will get the rope
I still find it amazing chinks still don't even know this happened. LMAO
It's time.
If you went into the forest and were mauled by a bear, I’d probably blame you.
If someone dumped a truckload of bears into your house and were mauled in your living room, I’d blame the (((truck driver))).
The chinks probably don't care.
what is that supposed to be a picture of? it just blobs of color.
Holodomor wasn't enough.
The chinks propably don't care.
tarrant wasn't enough, but they will be more don't worry fren
>anarchist flag
Show your flag fucking nigger.
In France some muslim minders of children told a little Chinese girl they were going to fuck her and took her off camera. There's footage of it which may be on my other machine.
>not doing all 3 simultaneously
>added to fichier "s"
Well that's a new low.
I'm not surprised or shocked.
Clown world.
Pedos roam free in daily public places and are protected by the police even with video evidence shared massively on social media.
everything i ever said on this board was for the sole purpose of satire
>I never asked for this
Based rape victim
That pic.
Took me a few seconds
Ah yes, they’re deleting it to hide crimes, not because posting it is illegal because it’s spreading cp
More importantly where were the parents?
ok ok ok so it's in France and this tweet is not in french... And here nothing in the news...
A rare hank hill!
The fuck are you trying to say? Touching another gender's skin that's not married to you or a family member of yours is itself a sin, let alone a rape, doesn't matter the religion because we are all Allah's creation and it is forbidden to hurt each other based on Qur'an and what Zakariya Al-Ansari said. Ofcourse there's an exception, it's when Islam at war/attacked, even war in Islam has sets of rules, such as not killing children, women, aged men/women, not hurting trees (or destroying the land), etc.
These kikes are out of control.
if it actually happened do you think the news would have reported on it
yes, I do not speak official media but tweeter etc
And why the tweet that addresses the witnesses is in English. Nobody speaks English here, or really very little.
Short vid of him saying he will fuck her....etc.
post this on Chink websites and forums so the chinks get mad and start genociding muslims
No, I'm just not stupid like you, and I'm not hiding behind a fake flag ...
We know who does that.
Confirmed nigger.
based toothpaste
My mother's family is from Holland - why do they call us toothpaste?
I feel my heart breaking lads. At this rate I'm either going to go full clown world or blackpill
how the hell do you raise a child in europe? should i just migrate?
The three stripes on the flag resemble Aquafresh, an American toothpaste brand that has three colours
look where her hand is, it should be on this old copypasta
1488 1776
#America #Freedom #Liberty
Our World. Our Time. Our Future.
A Holy American Empire to rule the world for 1000 years.
America, the Heartland. Jesus Country. Western Nations as satellite states. Maintaining individuality and autonomy. Retaining history. Australians stay Australian, but with American Freedoms and Liberties. British stay British, the French, French, etc.
Full Freedom and Liberty.
The biggest baddest empire this humanity has ever seen. Waiting for Jesus Christ to save us. With Holy Spirits help. God protects us from Jewry and any form of oppression.
This is so the European(white) male can live well. That's all its about. So we can start families and continue the works of our Father.
Retain our history, thousands of years in the making. A global effort by the commoner. For our greater good. We craft our future.
Remove Kike. Remove Foreigner.
One last War. Our World Forever After
S H A D I L A Y ~ B R O T H E R S
Disgusting arab scum. Worst race on Earth.
Can't believe the game is censored by steam.
kys invader
they made her touch their dick (gif too heavy to be posted)
Introducing her to the BAC young
We're in a preemptive war against the infidels, bismillah.
what happned with this story in the end? did they catch the perpetrators?
You're joking right? Even if they found them they wouldnt arrest them
Where's the vid? I had a dream about this months ago. I think I'm supposed to do something.
Thats another bit older girl holding her hand, you can even see her hair clip, ponytail and that she is not so tall either
Fuck religion kill all pedos.
>puny dick hidden by little gril's hand.
that person holding the little girls hand is a girl. you can see her pink hair clip in the vid
Oh no better call your local priest
Pol sharing Pedophilia
Whats new LOL
>Chinese children
Annnnnd im done caring
enjoy diversity and stop bitching
I don't know what pic is or does. Sorry.
this is pretty ISLAMPPHOBIC guys
It’s their CULTURE to molest 5 year olds- you are being RACIST by wanting to stop them
2 Live & Die In PARIS
It's the place to be.
Pedo is as pedo does
He misread "Aisha" as "Asia"
Sad truth.
>That difference was Mei Ling
just like the mangas i read
thx tojo
Kek has spoken on your kikery shomolo goldenstein
breaking news child attacked by pack of wild animals.
hopefully china takes the bait and invades france.
Do you have a loisense to be racist.