Trucks of Peace

Why have they stopped?

Did the mussies finally realize after every Truck plowing through a crowd was only growing the White Far Right?

Were the Trucks all a plan by the real (((drivers)))?

Do you secretly want them to happen because it gives sympathy to our cause?

Attached: 0uhkhx1yb3jy.jpg (958x476, 110K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I want them to happen because German posters exist

They gave up because they saw that the Europeans were strong and didn't give in to populism, they just prayed and light candles which scared the mudslimes.

Cities are filled with diversity barriers everywhere nowadays


Attached: christmas3.jpg (734x488, 73K)


we need to give the fuzzy muzzies some ideas. what can replace trucks of peace?

ban assault trucks and high capacity engines

Attached: thisisthedifference.jpg (600x672, 157K)

>Why have they stopped?
The Jews got their boy Trump in office.

Attached: truck of merchant.jpg (958x476, 239K)

Tomorrow is Friday

nice truck of peace had an obvious connection to Israel via the Munich shooting
>He is known for covering the terror attacks in Nice and Munich in mid-2016 with a mobile phone, and he "explained how basic mobile technology allowed him to cover the two attacks".
Now it could be coincidence, however there are 2 small things that stick out. He started filming the McDonalds in munich appearently before the shooting already started, and this bit here
>Gutjahr is married to the former Israeli Knesset member and ex-intelligence officer Einat Wilf since 2007

Also he is an anti independent media shill
>On July 14, 2016, Gutjahr was on vacation in Nice, when the city was struck by a terrorist attack [13][14] He reported on Twitter and in the ARD night magazine (Nachtmagazin) and the Bayerischer Rundfunk. He made available to the WDR German television network a video that apparently shows the beginning of the attack; he explicitly objected to publishing the material on social networks, because he wanted to leave it to professional journalists to decide which images should be shown.[15][16][17][18]

And screeches anti semitism at the first chance
>His coincidental presence at events gave rise to conspiracy theories, alleging his presence at both events could not have been a coincidence. Gutjahr has pressed charges against these those who make the allegations[21][22], which he sees mostly motivated by antisemitism against his wife considering the often antisemitic nature of the hostilities[23].

Additionally you see Gutjahr casually filming the guy before the shooting starts

Almost as if he knew

Google "Merkel Lego"

Attached: Merkel-Lego.jpg (1200x837, 172K)


Attached: merkelchairs.jpg (493x261, 41K)

>Do you secretly want them to happen because it gives sympathy to our cause?
No. The only effect it has on whites is that they all will get together at some candlelit vigil afterwards and the attack will be memory-holed soon after. The police may arrest the guy and the press will say he has a mental illness while all the focus will be on putting a stop to islamophobia.

I miss these happenings

Ours are probably not as effective but at least they look nice.

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The caliphate fell so the righteous believers are now regrouping, that is migrating (back) to the west counting on you to take pity in their cute cuddly caliphate cubs with their big watery eyes.

And you know what? Retarded (pretend) leftists most definitely will!

Attached: CuteCuddlyChildrenOfPeace.jpg (512x324, 35K)

because 2015/16 is over faggot. The outcome of that mass paranoia is a hyperretarded non-Brexit and you electing a billionaire clique because
>dat tyrone fear feelz iz realz!

after france got truck-of-peace'd these same impediments were strategically erected, practically overnight, in areas with high foot traffic (venues for arts, sports arenas, etc)
here in commiefornia the npc's are so scripted no one even questioned why
>they're for...uh...aesthetic...and...uh...the environment?

Attached: ca.jpg (800x533, 50K)

Muzzies unironcially did for Europa & against mass migration than any of you spergs by purging degenerates, elite liberals & whores.


>why have they stopped
They haven't. They have killed nearly 300 since Christchurch as retribution.
Just because CNN doesn't report on it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

Fuck off, niggers have been killing each other since the beginning of time.

>>Gutjahr is married to the former Israeli Knesset member and ex-intelligence officer Einat Wilf

>Almost as if he knew
Purely a cohencidence goy