People like shitting on antifa... but they have more balls and put up a bigger fight than you race cringe realists posting on Jow Forums
Why are leftists such bigger chads than you cuckolds ?
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nice daydream
>People like shitting on antifa...
Yeah, because they're goons of the neoliberal establishment.
You just want to mine virgin leftist memes. Nice bait. Here you go.
Libtards usually live in a poor and small libtard community. By having nothing do to without money, they usually fuck their poor libtard female peers.
Post as much as you want.
The left has Che and Castro (alphas) as faces of their movement, whilte your right has David Duke.... and not only that. Everyone of you is afraid to go out and face us on the street.
post your biceps milkdrinker
I wonder (((who))) could be behind the flag.
>fighting pussies that aren't showing their face
Put down the masks and you shall receive
boots on the ground for you sucks. you have more skinnyfat losers. we have more fats. big point though, is we have way way more sleeper normies with children who lift and go to work everyday who can wring your neck like a doll
come on then vegan chad. show us your big green asian bean powered biceps. i'm waiting.
Here I am you hungarian subhuman flith. Go hunt Soros with Orban...come to Greece and we will cut your scalp and put it on display like its 1945.
Forgot to show my flag...
Sure buddy
oh come on. kek. you and i both know you don't have the arm span to back up your feeble words lmao.
little bike lock boy. show us how powerful deez gunz of yours are.
This is what we mean about you pansy leftist cucks. You think a wittle guy like Che is an "alpha."
That's... adorable.
who the fuck made this? yourself?
>imagine making this thread
I'd destroy this dumb cunt with his tiny baseball bat
>smelly spics are the chads of the commie movement
- Doctor
- Poet
- Warrior
- Fucked bitches
-Failed artist
-Even smaller manlet than Che
-Failed in the war
-Recently proven to be a homosexual
it's not hard to have bigger balls if you've got gov on your side. Being proud of that isn't anything to be proud of.
>More balls
>Hides face
Whatever you say giga cuck
top kek
hey bike lock boy.
there's different ways of overcoming the fact that your lineage is sullied by the turkic rapes. and it doesn't rhime with communism.
but before we go there. bless us with your commie bicep gains. show us how #powerful you truly are.
Mate. Your dad is gay
so do you have a problem with gay people? I thought Antifa is pro LGBT.
>fags are strong and great people
>Recently proven to be a homosexual
>hahahaha weak faggy fag
Flag checks out. How does it feel to know that your nation won't make it to the next century, or even 2050?
"The Negro is indolent and lazy, and spends his money on frivolities, whereas the European is forward-looking, organized and intelligent."- Che Guevara
It's true. 90% of the Conservatives and others who shit on ANTIFA have never and will never physically fight for their beliefs. They post online and bitch to their friends but none of them will ever do shit. Meanwhile ANTIFA is out getting gassed by riot cops and throwing the canisters back and lighting police barricades on fire. They do it for fun and are actually pretty good at it. Oh, and in America the squeaky wheel gets the grease so their agendas are advancing. Meanwhile Conservatives are losing nearly everything.
I'm a Conservative and I hate ANTIFA. But I'm not going to lie to myself and act like they're all faggoty weak wristed cucks who have no positive traits just because I disagree politically.
>postwar propaganda kek
>pic related is fail
>poet is better top kek honeyed words for the masses
you are just mad because italy spagetti'd greece in ww2
Based and redpilled
That’s funny, I seem to remember turning one of their faces into hamburger meat. Plus the girl on the right also fucks 11 other dudes. Ill pass
muh failed art hue look at me flex
When the word cuck has stung the left so badly they start using it themselves. Yikes. We picked the right word for you cuck fags didn't we?
they try to steal and use every word, it's cringe. some of them even still try to use snowflake with a knowing smug smirk on their face
Yes its true that he believed that, but he changed his mind after we fought with blacks against American scum in Angola, he has admitted that.
It wasnt your "word", the word was used by actual cuckolds and psychologists way before you got that fetish
Someone hasnt read history.
Antifa is just a hound pack controlled by George Soros.
USSR-Communism was invented by jews, Staling was a crypto-jew. The reason why USA-citizens are brainwashed to hate russia is that russians did not like jewish tricks.
Enjoy hollywood and other brainlet enterntaiment, enjoy giving your soul to jews.
Antifa is just a bunch of pussies, they are loud but have no effect.
You’re talking about cowardly cunts that won’t even show their face in public. Antifa are a bunch of cunts and so are you, you shit for brains fuck.
>gassed by riot cops
Jokes on them. That shit is a carcinogen that stays on clothes and easily transfers to their environments and stays there.
Bullshit. Another moron with no actual history knowledge. The communist party was indeed mostly jewish in 1920.... but in the 1940s, when Stalin was in charge, there were no jews left you fucktard. When Hitler started the invasion. Stalin had already purged the jews out of the party,
Germans scum actually attaked and murdered innocent slavs not "jews" . Fuckwit.
You do understand that your history is written by jews?
Anyone who has university education, knows that he can check the historical truth through sources and libraries. Its called reading actual history and not fanfiction like you.
Stalin was a georgian,,his real name was djugasvili he was not a jew. You can visit his hometown in georgia and learn yourself you fucking idiot.
>he was not a jew
Sounds like something a jew would say
I like their style
As written before:
>Staling was a crypto-jew
Nice university education you got there, can't even read before getting angry.
You are the one making unsubstantial claims. Bring evidence,
I'm getting sick of having to repost this. Will you shills ever stop?
>extreme left has the lowest birth rate of all groups
>extreme right has the highest fertility and sex drive of all whites
>there's a strong correlation of sex activity and political leaning
kys and stop spamming my board you fucking incel.
commies ruined my nation , thanks to it we lost our authoritarian rule and prosperity
I think it depends where you go. I'm in Massachusetts. I'm telling you, sleeper normies are siding with the left up here. Same with most of New England. Opposite's probably true in Texas.
Your nation is irrelevant anyway, with commies at least you got to get to space.
Nowadays the biggest attraction of Lithuania, was a nigger Ball bringing his sons for basketball.
Terrorwave or death amiright?
>Communists fighting against ethnic working class and for big international finance and jewish Zionist nationalists
Is that a biggest joke ever?
He looks better then the post you replied too. It doesnt look like hes going to collapse under his own giant head.
No...but point still rings true
Communist leaders are cryprojews. They undermine their own nation for their own good. Everyone who thinks differend is shot.
The whole system was built by jews, Stalin did the same as jews but masked it as something else.
of course. eveything posted here is a work of fiction and falsehood. any attempt to connect users on this site to real world events would be obviously ridiculous by its very nature. antifa on the other hand are actual terrorists who are out there doing things. they should be stopped.
Yes, which is why he was such an idiotic subhuman it took him forever to realize he was surrounded by jews. The G haplotype is partially extinct thanks to a member of its race not expelling the kikes immediately after the revolution.
>pathetic wannabe slav
muh adidas and squat communism
>bigger chads
I bet a hundred dollars his children grow up to be faggots. Weak man. Stupid woman.
If he even can have children. Probably got his nuts snipped.
I have yet to see white nationalists protesting economically. You are such bitches you feel more threatened by nigger-migrants with no money, than actual bankers ripping you off.
I ve yet to see white nationalists trying to occupy wall street. Nazis pray on the weak,like that faggot in New Zealand.
Its easy as fuck to shoot a mosque... but it takes real balls to take a gun and fight against the real enemies of the people... I havent seen a white nationalist attack Goldman Sachs and write a manifesto. Thats because you are bitches...
>fucked bitches
nice bait
Anons? If you aren’t doing so already, cap all of the posts in your local Antifa social media groups. It’ll take about 15 minutes a week or so. In less than a year I have a complete db on every one of these sacks of shit. In some cases I could tell you where thier kids go to school. When the time comes, law enforcement will appreciate knowing who they are. Cap who posts, who “Likes” the posts, who their friends are, etc. like Sun Tzu said, know your enemy and with these dopes it’s not too difficult. From my research so far? These are a pitiful lot. Many of them have the most jobs you can imagine, that’s if they work at all. I laugh at any notion whatsoever that these sorry ass pukes will ever present any threat at all. Still it’s good to know they are. A national db might be an idea at a future point but for now I keep my data private. I don’t recommend any action against them - wait until they act out and the gov wants to clamp down. Then my plan is to take a ride to my local sheriffs office and hand over my data. You can help, anons by putting together your own lists of local anti-fuckups in your counties.
best post so far, thank you
this is what antifa is like when not behind a group of thousands..
>Killing starving farmers.
Any source on this? Haven't seen this battle before.
>Your nation is irrelevant anyway,
and you are relevant thanks to your retarded country being broke
>with commies at least you got to get to space.
>lithuanians went to space because russians went to space
i see you have double digit IQ
>Nowadays the biggest attraction of Lithuania, was a nigger Ball bringing his sons for basketball.
nice projection
chad manlets destroy tranny lanklet
>nigger-migrants with no money, than actual bankers ripping you off.
Which is basically the part of the same process.
A process that you are helping the big bad bankers with like the idiots you are.
That webm is so perfect.
>anti-white tranny having to deal with multiracial society
>everyone just standing there in apathy and ignoring it
>the absolute perfect motion of the black guy tossing the tranny into the ground
>notice the legs of the tranny going video-game ragdoll after getting knocked out
all of that Kino in just 2 seconds.
Beating up defenseless people and destroying trashcans doesn't make you a chad.
disgusting subhuman sandnigger. come here if you want some christchurch treatment
kek. the mosh pit at vans warped tour had more action than this. what the fuck are they doing?
Most chavs are degenerate junkies that don't even know what left wing is.
Ridiculously uncanny.
Chads aren't being or becoming leftist to get women, nor do they need to keep up a facade. They just get women and don't care what they are. They have no reason to. All that matters is getting the pussy, and they get to do what they want because the women let them.
how are you posting?
antifa is so yesterday
Dunno how it works in your country, but here the leftist are weak skinny fags.
>flirts with girls by asking if they can get cereal from the top shelf
top kek ,nice one brother